

02 Apr


I did not have a problem with this.

THOUGH it does ride the line of breaking our rules, it is also important to ME that all of YOU see me as transparent (not literally, ew), because I don't have anything to hide, unless I'm like, under NDA then I kinda have to..... but yeah...



But secondly, On the part of CV's being the "end of the world" or "spawn of the WG devil" I already said my piece. Peace? Whatever you know what I mean.....

I DO agree that AA can use some work, but the thing is, so can aircraft regen if AA gets love.....

And I DO remember the days before CV rework as a DD player. And see where DD players are coming from when discussing AA in general.

I KNOW CV's need work still, but how and what, is not necessarily my wheelhouse. And hearing articulated responses like that gives me feedback I can utilize in a write up. THAT is why it is so important.

Contrary to what some will say, "CV's are broken, fix them" is not well articulated feedback.

At the end of the day, CV's are here to stay and figuring how to make them more functional or better in general is going to go further than arguments to just remove them.



Well understand, I can't do much for anything before last Dec, but I can do stuff now (almost cursed, stupid filter). My thing is I can advocate for you guys and I can advocate for our game towards you guys. But if the feed back I get is not the most articulate (which is the common thing right now) then I can't really advocate that strongly.

And believe you me, I can be a LOUD MOUTH when I need to be to the point of being annoying to people. I feed back is articulated the way I need to make valid arguments information WILL be repeated and repeated and repeated until I get a proper response.



Now see, THAT is feedback I can take on board folks! THIS is well written and explained the way I want.

Jst Sayin.



And that is the thing, I'm not telling people "get gud" I have in fact agreed with MOST people that being a DD main is a hard life right now which as @Navalpride33 pointed out, I play fairly passive as a result of all the counters to DD's. My simple statement is that CV's DO NOT bug me to the point of being all pitchforks and torches as some in the community are.

But then again I don't have so much anger and hatred towards mechanics in games that they make me rage in the way that many do. THIS IS IS A GAME and should not be getting people so angry. PASSIONATE!? YES, definitely, but language is important when it comes to discussing how to FIX a problem.

Not trying to tell me that a company is the devil because of one game mechanic. Because the same level of anger or hatred is pointed at you all the top 1%'rs the top players for divisioning up together when you're on the other team?

"Player is OP please Nerf" Really? ANOTHER mechanic, so...

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And, once again, I'm not saying it's perfect, nor do I disagree with some of the comments on AA here. I don't develop the game, I DO however feed up the feedback and do write ups on this stuff.

And you all have given me the feedback that I am looking for over time. The ORIGINAL post and response from this conversation was "that evil WG is going to make everyone's lives miserable during this time of turmoil" And I have been attempting to reply in kind to that.

But this has digressed. So, I will add feedback as I have seen to my reports going up and move on to other topics.



Understand I never said it was perfect, I am not saying that. At all, but they aren't breaking the game as some would say. Do I necessarily agree that CV's should be in any competitive version of the game? No, not particularly... But I ALSO do not believe that ANY competitive play should have any ship except ships that are specifically researchable in the tech tree.... (meaning no Smolensk, or Stalingrad etc etc etc)... But again, that is my view.

Also, the competitive side of this game is COMPLETELY different than Randoms.

Also, Puli, I am pretty sure if you and I 1V1 ANYTHING for 100 matches you'd kick my butt every time.... jst sayin..... My point, they are a mechanic that people need to grow and change how they play with...



Do not mistake my reply for trying to slam you BTW, my point is, as I have always said, as a DD main, if CV's bugged me, I probably wouldn't play them as often as I do, nor would I be telling you all that CV's don't bug me. I HAVE said before that 2 CV battles suck! I can 100% get on board with that, but we have MM changes coming up that will address that.

Being a DD main requires thought, patience and A LOT of situational awareness of the MM and match in general, this often means YES, taking your time to do what is needed, or passively spotting for your ships that have the long reach in the game. Torps are VERY easily countered and avoided now.\

That is my point, people think because you're in a DD, you MUST push to the enemy and cap right away, this is why DD's die fast, why there are so few GOOD DD mains out there. I have had matches in my shima where I have fired over 100 torps and not hit anything but had 180k in spotting damage, to me, I didn't ...

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Ah, but you don't analyze HOW I play, and you are completely wrong in your current thought process in how I play.

First: Global Torp hit rates are REALLY low in general however, I fire torps CONSTANTLY, often not at targets, but to turn them for my team mates. Or as area denial. If I have a BB behind me and I know it, and I can turn someone to make them broad, I will shoot torps to do so. NOT to deal damage or get kills

See I don't play like most people, I have always played in support of my team mates or divisions, ALWAYS, because this has gotten me more wins than not. I would rather my entire team benefit than be selfish. This is how I play and this is how I have always played.

Yes I run ships with higher AA, or build for higher AA? WHY? Because CV's are a thing that I have to counter. My BB's are mostly survivability builds? WHY? Because HE and fire is a thing and has to have a counter.... When I play CV's, guess what? I don't care ...

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Yes, I have and they don't bother me, you know what bothers me and makes me run more?

ITALIAN SAP, you ever been completely one shot in a full health DD by one of those at 15kms?! I will take multiple attack runs from a CV over one salvo of SAP anyday!



The ship names we have right now since the ships are WiP I would have to say ARE, but that being said, they can stay with the ship if they test out correctly. Sometimes ship names are changed for various reasons, like the WiP ship Yashima, it sounded too much like Yoshino, so we changed it.

So I can't say whether they will stay or not, but for now that is what they is LOL



TBH, she def looks like maybe a Tirpitz or other BB hull that was converted?



So releasing a new CV line that isn't even in testing yet is going to ruin peoples lives during these current events? Hardly. And I will say this again.

AS A DD MAIN (my stats are below), CV's do not bother me! CV's are another mechanic that you have to adapt and overcome to.

Online game mechanics are game mechanics, they are always changing, always evolving. The players that play those games must evolve with them, grow with them, etc

This will not "break the game" or "ruin" the game. I will await this change just like everyone else and adapt my strategies as needed.




I CANNOT re-iterate enough that these ships are WiP!

And until we near final release, speculation is just speculation and comments about their mechanics unless publicly released are also just speculation.



Again, these are WiP, testing must be done. I have not tested these yet and cannot speak to it cause NDA, but I would imagine they will have flight profiles and you will have to angle onto targets like you do with AP shots from main batteries.



I do not know TBH, I can do some digging, I am sure they are from designs that were pulled in the naval archives as GZ was the only CV that Germany actually built.



Standby for words from the Chief.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. Any final information will be published on our game's website.

German Aircraft carriers:

IV Rhein

VI Weser

VIII August Parseval

X Manfred Richthofen

As of now, the German Aircraft carrier concept offers the following peculiarities:

Airplanes have comparatively high cruise speed, but their HP pool is below average.

Attack aircraft use armor-piercing rockets. These rockets can deal high damage by hitting an enemy ship's citadel, but they allow a familiar counter: when they hit at an acute angle, they can ricochet or simply not penetrate the armor. Rockets fired a...

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I understood what the question was

My point is, I have played both Odin and Agir.... and I do VERY well in both... In fact... I am currently excited for Odin. The thing is, Graf Spee, Scharn and Odin are purpose built ships... they aren't BB->BB ships... they are meant to eat cruisers and DD's and they both do VERY well in doing so...

My point was very simply, we haven't nerfed any German ships in a long time. Ships that aren't released to the public that have balance changes done to them, aren't nerfed, they are changed to help balance them. Once they are released, then we can talk.




Just wondering, what German ship has been nerfed recently? I may have missed that since I'm not sufficiently caffeinated yet...

We buffed Hindy recently...

And to those that are discussing the reduction in HP for Odin... Have any of you played her? I was totally against this and have been testing her.... I will tell you, I didn't and don't notice the HP change.... even uptiered.... literally...

I love the German ship tree, always have (every single ship pretty much)... jst sayin.





You can change Steel into Coal, but not the other way around.

That being said, HOLD ONTO AND HOARD YOUR STEEL.... Just sayin...

At this time there are no plans to trade the "earnable" currencies to doubloons.

