

26 Feb



So let me open by mentioning that, though I do personally try to look at every single post in these forums you can imagine that the volume is extremely high and I can miss posts. In the future, if you'd like a response from me, please tag me :)

Now, as stated above by many, currently there is a penalty to a ship's throttle and throttle response if a ship comes in contact with the white line. Most people are unable to hit targets that are riding the white line because a ship that is on the white line doesn't move in the same fashion as a ship driving along in the open ocean. Experience typically is the best way to correct this, you get used to seeing how ships react on the white line and it starts to become second nature.

That being said, the large majority of people that hit the white line, I would say in most cases do not intend to do so to evade the enemy fine. Because TBH a good player can typically wreck a ship that is ridin...

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The bug with CV's in RB's is fixed yes.


I am building a list of things in terms of "UI" for the forums that needs fixing, if you guys need something removed at this time, PM a mod and we can make it go away.



I dunno if that's a shameless move, misery loves company? LOL



UGH, I'm sorry you had THAT MANY losses in a row :(

You're better than me, my rule of thumb is 4 and done....

But GG to you.





Second, I think there are enough taters driving her that it evens out LOL



@Finnkax Make sure you are looking at the signals you can put on your ships and such, there are signals that reduce repair costs and increase credit income. Those can help.



I totally get it, and also don't understand why people would do this.

It's like did they hit the battle button and then go make a sandwich or something?

The key to this is consistency, not necessarily on the player that is going AFK or causing the infractions, but in our community. If enough players regularly report that infractions and send in tickets with replays and such and there ACTUALLY IS an infraction. That player will go away eventually.




Just a couple of things.

1: There has been no change recently to income in coop or random.

2: Our primary focus is the PvP or "Random" game mode as the majority of our population is focused there.

3: It IS possible to make credits in coop (though not as much as Random) utilizing signals and camouflages. If you made 129k in a tier 5 ship, you SHOULD have been net positive for credit income, assuming you're not using premium consumables, etc, that cost more credits.

Some people have figured out to watch for our sale of premium and learned how to "game" the system (see what I did there) as premium time can also be earned for free and planned for usage around when you want to play, just some food for thought.

All that being said, please do not team damage or kill out of frustration, this is a violation of our EULA and frowned upon.




If a player is AFK for most the match and then wakes up near the end of the battle and doesn't participate really, submit a ticket with the replay. I see a lot of those replayed on a daily basis and trust me, the action is taken.

If you're unsure about if someone is breaking our EULA or not, send ME the replay and I'll view it and let you know.




So the thing with our forums is this:

1: Contrary to what people will think, I for one surf almost every single post that is thrown up (YES THAT IS A LOT), sometimes I reply, sometimes I write notes down or cut and paste a comment and screen name into a document I have to feed up in reports we submit regularly.

2: Those reports, believe it or not, get high visibility (VERY high).

3: If we or the moderating team lock a thread, usually it's because nonconstructive communication is occurring. People are flaming each other, people are dragging the topic off into the wild, basically, the topic has run it's course.

4: There are people on these forums that come here literally to just troll, we know who those people, it's the online culture. Some of these players literally do not play the game but still comment on mechanics and how to play, though the game has changed immensely.

These forums, for me at least, ar...

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25 Feb


See, here's the thing.

We on the moderating team purposely leave a lot of the comments and content up. Why? Because some of it is valid. If people think we don't notice who the usual "problem children" are, they are wrong and we know who to keep an eye on. And TBH after a while, those people tend to, well, "go away." I assure you, they are noted and we are paying attention and I will start to make those people "go away' too if they are unable to rethink how they reply and not able to follow the forum guidelines.

My goal for everyone is to try to get y'all to a point of self-policing without flame spraying each other. Cause, I know, crazy as it sounds, having a constructive conversation is actually a GOOD thing.

As I said when I originally replied to @Snargfargle having good interactions with your team and sometimes even the other team can make even a battle where you don't think you did too well, enjoyable. Because believe it or not, n...

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Well, the thing is, as long as I've played (Since the second week of Alpha Testing) weekends or holidays have always been rough periods. There really hasn't been a serious increase in this.

Because more people have more time to play, so server pops increase. And contrary to what some are saying our overall population is NOT dropping.

And I have always had the same advice for every community or clan that I have been a part of and now this one. And I even told @LadyAnesjka, When things get rough, take a break, go do something else for a lill while and then come back and play some more.

There are so many options to chillax with instead of slugging through an awful experience.





This post was NOT about stats, so the discussion on stats can stop, stay on topic. The OP had a team that was friendly and had a good overall experience. That's nice to see!






Today I am here to say'Shipmate... the watch stands relievedRelieved by those You have trained, guided, and ledShipmate, you stand relieved.. I have the watch...





This post is to be locked as it is almost a year old.





Folks, as I have always said, a good constructive conversation can occur. However, some of you would rather result to personal attacks which violates our forum rules. There have been some very good points made here, however, I think this post has run it's the course.





I think that the wows numbers page is having issues currently LOL. Since this is a third-party site that we do not own I can't check, currently it is showing numbers that aren't accurate for myself as well.




How dare you use my name in vain...

Okay my vanity approves this...
