

01 Mar


Normally I would move this to the "Off topic" section, except in this instance I will allow this post because of sentiment.

Folks, just keep the meme's non-political or cringy please!





So there is no rule or TM on avatar pictures, so I am unsure what you wish us to do. The best way to stop someone from bugging you? Ignore them, move along, stop replying to posts by them or anything, if there is an actual personal attack, report it, if it's in game, put a ticket in and submit the replay, if its in chat, take a screen shot and send it to ME.

As for discussing moderation we NEVER do that and never will, that is our policy and it probably will not change.

Also, if someone is bugging you or there is beef (mmmm beef), it's best to just move along. No need to let a petty digital brawl effect your day to day life. Not saying it is necessarily but ya.





So first, I edited your post a bit to remove some of the statements that could bring some conversations that aren't that helpful to what you're talking about, and removed the screen names from your screen shot in case you're wondering.

Second, unfortunately you're going to be facing off against good players at every single tier in World of Warships, and this is very normal for most online games. And the more you play the better you will get. Inexperience will always put you at a disadvantage any time you're playing a new ship or new class etc... Case in point when new ships get released at all tiers our super testers will probably do better in those ships than the average player because of purely experience. Because here is the thing, people don't necessarily get better by going up the tiers. I have seen, and I know A LOT of people have too, really bad players at tier X. Tier level does not equate to skill... Which is why I try to tell everyone...

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Well I don't want to necessarily curtail any and all people that are complaining about anything. That is not the point of the forums and I will never do that, assuming that people aren't violating our forum rules.

It sucks about your clan mate though. I had a similar occurrence run in with someone from my old clan before I worked for WeeGee and after they cooled down and I explained how to counter CV play more, they have somewhat chilled out.

At the end of the day, if someone is going to take a hard stance about something, often times it's impossible to change their mind. This is IMO often just a normal human trait. It takes a lot of work to change ones own mind sometimes...



I don't take any disrespect at what you are saying. Let me offer a counter point. The percentage of players that utilize the forums is in the single digits to the overall size of our server player base. But the comments of "everyone" or "the entire player base" or "we all" is not necessarily true. Not trying to downplay the feed back that occurs from this group, however, repeating the same posts and comments time and time again does not solve anything. Beyond that, the discussions that occurs as a result of those posts 99.9% of the time de-evolve into hateful language or personal attacks, which means we have to lock, hide or remove posts, which means the OP's get lost... All because of a SMALL few people that can't seem to treat others with respect or have adult constructive conversations.

If they are centralized a lot of the standard BS that is said without footing, data or just rants could be more easily removed and posts that are constructive and on other subjects...

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29 Feb


Contrary to your belief, we look at every single post on these forums. So no. It would be easier to compile feedback if it was all centralized.



I've actually been knocking this idea around, perhaps it is time.




I will once again remind all of you to 1: STAY ON TOPIC and 2: stop the personal attacks.

Not EVERY thought that crosses your mind HAS to be put up on the forums, especially if it does not fit to the OP.



PS: Folks, please avoid giving "legal" advice on these forums. You're on a private (not public) avenue for communication. A lot of legal actions and such don't necessarily apply in the case of online gaming communities.




So any naming and shaming is a violation of our forum guidelines as are any personal attacks, these rules also apply to in game chat and other in game chat channels.. Below are posted the current forum guidelines and rules, please review for clarity. Discussions in private channels (discord, TS, etc) is your own business however.



These forums are designed to be a fun and interesting place for the community to gather to discuss all aspects of World of Warships. In the spirit of keeping these forums a part of the World of Warships experience, we’ve established a list of things that are unacceptable to post on our forums.

While this may not spell out every possible item to avoid, use common sense. There are items that belong on a video game forum, and items that don’t.

The following items are not acceptable on the NA World of Warships forums. Violation...

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28 Feb


A Captain’s guide to using the British Tier VIII cruiser. Read it on the portal

27 Feb


I'll tell you, that DD play is more challenging due to there actually being more a skill gap in DD drivers than CV's.

As I have stated many times, as a DD main, CV's don't particularly bug me too much.

We have had topics about poor DD play in the past and most of the time it is because DD's think they HAVE to go cap or play aggressive, which ends poorly in matches without CV's as well.




Now hear this, Now hear this,


We are aware that some of you are having issues where the PTS is crashing. We are investigating the issue and are expecting a fix in by early morning NA time.




Just a reminder to folks, if you are having bugs or issues below is the format!



1. Description Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

2. How to reproduce
Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: 1.Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped 2. Go in battle 3. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

3. Result
What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.


I have learned that you can still play Random and Ranked, you just have to play around the peak times which is noon-2pm CST. This is also why we do the PTS starting Thurs and rolling to Sunday. It's not ideal, but if more of the NA population would get on the PTS it wouldn't be as bad in the off-peak hours of RU/EU



As a DD main, I will tell you my points of why CV's BELONG in the game. I started playing CV's to learn how to play against them as a DD main. But just a couple quick reasons.

A good counter to a good DD main

Spotting that is often needed because current DD meta is not the easiest climate to play

A good counter to some of the better bow tanking ships

A good support unit for the other flank (non-lemming flank), when a team lemmings, and/or so a flank that is falling apart can slow an enemy's push in order for your fleeing teammates to take better positions.




yeah, it's actually a VERY good habit to get into after every salvo.



The PTS is not just an NA server, it is a server where all regions are playing, the long que times are because the server pop is LOW right now. If you are seeing long que times pop into coop to check functionality. The high traffic times are noon-about 2pm CST-ish.

The reason we want MORE of you to get on, is to decrease your que times during OUR playtimes. The more people on NA that play after 2pm the shorter your que times will be.



I'm hoarding coal okay! LOL

Actually, to be perfectly honest.... I was ignoring those containers because I WAS hoarding coal... but now I have everything I want from the armory... so thanks for the reminder :)





SO a couple of things here.

1st: if you submitted a ticket on PTS and it is for a technical issue, then YES the NA CS people do not handle this. Typically technical issues get straightened out on the RU side (since that is where the PT server resides) I know this is not ideal, but it is that way things are right now, this doesn't mean that our input isn't valuable and that people shouldn't participate. The more data we can gather the better off we are.

2: Rewards for PTS are NOT rewarded until AFTER the entire PTS session is over, so when session 2 is over, assuming we don't have a session 3, you will get the rewards for the entire PTS session. So, you aren't getting the rewards right now because of that. If it says "Completed" you will get the rewards.

3: "Combat Missions and Rewards" the check under the "1" means you get that reward for PTS session 1. The check under "2" means you the reward for session 2. The ...

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