

18 Feb



As I do understand your concern, as a retired Sailor and someone that taught operational security and security with personally identifiable information, I can tell you, no data is being taken from these surveys that could be used to hurt anyone, nor is any data being sold.

Furthermore, the survey is optional. As was stated last year when we started utilizing ID.me as a way for us to identify veterans and active duty personnel that play the game (this too is a safe site that gathers that voluntary information and shares it with partners) none of this information is gathered with a negative connotation in mind.




GOOD CATCH! Not enough liquid go-juice this morning (caffeine is good)... FIXED!




Standby for words for the Chief,

Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves!

Reply to this thread with a screenshot of and end battle result showing where you dealt very high damage in a British ship in Random or Coop battle modes(example below) between February 17th 15:00 UTC (9AM CST) and 24th 14:00 UTC (8AM CST).

One entry per player.

Three highest damage dealt screenshot submitters will receive:

7 Days Warships Premium


5x Union Jack Camos

That is all.


On February 19th, Update will be released to correct some technical issues in the game. Read it on the portal


Em 19 de Fevereiro, a atualização será implementada para corrigir alguns problemas técnicos no jogo. Leia no portal


En Febrero 19, la actualización será lanzada para corregir algunos problemas técnicos en el juego. Leer en el portal


A biography of the new unique British Commander. Read it on the portal


Una biografía del nuevo Comandante especial británico. Leer en el portal


Uma biografia do novo Comandante Britânico exclusivo. Leia no portal

17 Feb


Estamos aqui para contar a você sobre os princípios por trás da munição única dos cruzadores italianos! Leia no portal


¡Estamos aquí para enseñarte los principios detrás de la munición especial de los cruceros italianos! Leer en el portal


We're here to tell you about the principles behind the Italian cruisers' unique ammunition! Read it on the portal

16 Feb


Some good suggestions. I have a bunch planned out already, so maybe down the line.



I think how our premium shop is set up we can't do that currently. If I remember correctly its actually a third party site maybe. I can give a better answer to this when we go back into work after the weekend though.


15 Feb


What it boils down to is, different game play.

Either you stay bow on, in reverse as the enemy pushes, using your engine boost to increase your reverse speed and prioritize the faster ships. Or you fir over your shoulder as you run away ensuring they have an extreme angle to shoot at as their shells come in.

She can be a real beast in the hands of a skilled BB driver.


14 Feb


GG! I always try to tell everyone if you have a choice JB is a good BB to have. She's fun, she's forgiving and she can be a real beast in the right hands!



You say that, but as a DD main when I am lighting up enemies and there is a Republique behind me, 9/10 times they are around 20-24kms from the enemy lobbing ineffective fire. Also, I use this example because it is the only UU that I own that I USE and have a use for.

Sure I could use the example of DM's UU, but I don't really play DM much.

I could easily apply your statement to so many tactics of how people SHOULDN'T play. I am giving an example of how the UU changes the gameplay of the ship. That's it.



¡Magui tiene la primicia sobre lo más nuevo que puedes hacer en World of Warships! Leer en el portal



As I have said many times, the UU's were NEVER and are not intended to be a buff or improvement. But in fact are there to change how you employ that ship. So case in point for the Republique you lose a little over 6kms in base gun range but reduce almost 6 seconds in base gun reload time I believe. This essentially forces you to play closer to the enemy versus sitting at 25kms lobbing inaccurate salvo's.

Not all of them are worth your time, you have to look at your play style and how you employ your ships currently to decide if they are worth it for you.




Read it on the portal