

25 Feb


Well, if people are worried about stat bashing, stats can be disabled and no one will be able to see your stats. This is why the option is there. If someone is playing not as intended in ANY game, players are going to get upset. This does not change my advice, which is, if someone is having a bad time, perhaps it's time to take a break, go do something else and come back later.

There is no reason for a GAME to upset people to the point of rage.



Una Temporada de Batallas por Rango llevada a cabo en el modo actualizado Carrera Armamentista, jugando con barcos de Nivel X. ¡Lean los detalles en este artículo! Leer en el portal


Uma Temporada de Batalhas Classificatórias no modo Corrida Armamentista atualizado com navios Nível X. Leia os detalhes neste artigo! Leia no portal


A Ranked Battles Season held in the updated Arms Race mode playing Tier X ships. Read the details in this article! Read it on the portal

24 Feb


That moment when your cat plays better than you!



Congrats to @Dolphe @ArmoredFrostX and @AdmiralThunder for winning that week of premium! And thank you to all of you that participated!




yeah, originally I was going to limit the ships that you could use to specify what was there and what we have in-game, but I didn't want to exclude so many people.




I just saw this post and sincerely appreciate the kind words!

I will be the first to admit we don't always get it right and it's always nice to hear the positive over all the negativity sometimes!

I have been playing for years, well before I started working for WeeGee and started as an Alpha tester and have mentioned much of what you stated in this post, but as we often say, negativity often is remembered more than positivity.

So from me to you, THANK YOU and Mahalo!



I wasn't suggesting NOT playing our game, taking a break sometimes is important, however.

I would NEVER want someone to just keep pushing through a negative experience and not enjoy their gameplay because I want you to chain yourself to the computer...

Also, there is nothing wrong with suggesting taking a break, I do it all the time when I see someone raging here in the forums, or in-game, because quite frankly if a player is getting so angry they are raging, then a break is warranted, as this is a GAME.



As this was a TK, was it an intentional TK (he aimed at you to purposely torp you) or accidental (he didn't look downrange and just potato'd his torps out? If it was intentional please send the replay to me.

I will say this about the weekend warriors, we all need to understand that the weekends see a higher peak in players during the day. So across the board, there is an increase in the potato farm.

I have said it many times for many instances if you're not changing how you're playing based off of what is going on in-game (meta, what is on the enemy team, how your team is playing, etc) you're doing it wrong. I am not trying to say you didn't or don't do this but just reiterating.

I do agree however, the weekends can be trying, but this is why there are other games to take a break on :) Or in my case, walking the dog or doing those darn dishes I prefer to ignore....




As @turbo07 stated we actually do look at these players. There are specific metrics that we look for that I obviously cannot discuss, but every single week accounts go away, as a result, I assure you.

I can not emphasize this enough! If someone is legitimately not playing as intended.




Standby for words from the Chief,

"I am attacking, follow me"

This week's screenshot contest is in commemoration of the Battle of Java Sea, the follow on engagements and the Sailors that gave their lives both on the Allied side (ABDACOM forces: American, British, Dutch and Australian) and IJN that occurred this week 78 years ago.

Reply to this thread with a screenshot of an end battle result where you were driving either an Allied or IJN ship and sank one ship in either Random or Coop battle modes(example below) between February 24th 15:00 UTC (9AM CST) and March 2nd 14:00 UTC (8AM CST).

Three highest damage dealt screenshot submitters will receive:

7 Days Warships Premium


5x Shadow Lurker Camos

That is all.


Hora da fita métrica! Vamos ver quais são os menores e maiores navios Nível X do jogo! Leia no portal


¡Saquen las cintas métricas! ¡Veamos quienes son los barcos de Nivel X más pequeños y más grandes en el juego! Leer en el portal


Tape measures out! Let's see which are the smallest and biggest Tier X ships in the game! Read it on the portal

23 Feb



From me to everyone that attended, thank you so much for coming! Event's like this are one of the things that make what I do worth every single second! There should be more pictures to follow, but I wanted to share this one specifically!




En el nuevo episodio Leyendas Navales, les contaremos sobre el submarino soviético diésel-eléctrico del proyecto 641 (clase Foxtrot). Leer en el portal


No novo episódio de Lendas Navais, vamos contar sobre o B-413 - um submarino diesel-elétrico soviético Project 641 (classe Foxtrot)! Leia no portal


In the new episode of Naval Legends, we're going to tell you about the Soviet diesel-electric Project 641 submarine (Foxtrot-class). Read it on the portal

21 Feb


European destroyer Klas Horn, Tier IV:

Main battery reload time increased from 5.5 to 6.1 s.

Torpedo range reduced from 9 to 8 km.

Detectability range by ships increased from 6.32 to 6.82 km. Other detectability ranges increased in accordance with it.

European destroyer Visby, Tier V:

Main battery reload time increased from 6.5 to 7 s.

Torpedo range reduced from 9 to 8 km.

Detectability range by ships increased from 6.23 to 6.82 km. Other detectability ranges increased in accordance with it.

European destroyer Västerås , Tier VI:

Main battery reload time increased from 6.5 to 7 s.

European destroyer Skåne , Tier VII:

Main battery reload time increased from 2.8 to 3.2 s.

Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 55 to 59 s;

Detectability range b...

Read more