

10 Feb


¡El lanzamiento de los cruceros pesados británicos fuera del Acceso Anticipado, el nuevo crucero London y el nuevo Comandante histórico especial Andrew Cunningham! Leer en el portal


The release of British heavy cruisers from Early Access; new cruiser London; and the unique historical Commander, Andrew Cunningham! Read it on the portal


O lançamento dos cruzadores pesados britânicos do Acesso Antecipado, novo cruzador London e o Comandante histórico único Andrew Cunningham! Leia no portal

08 Feb



So just to save you the trouble @Banika stick to one recruitment post. Come back to it periodically (you're allowed to post something on the post 1x per 24hrs in the recruitment section) in order to "bump" it back up in the forums as @Kapitan_Wuff stated. Look at other recruitment posts for clarification. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me.



07 Feb


Good Group of doods right here :)



Good suggestions,

I'll see what I can do. I will tell you the since starting back up the forums contests (SHAMELESS PLUG) I am trying to focus them around real historical events (this first week is not, but you'll see them coming). I'll see if I can slip some of these in to those events. And perhaps another event for Texas this year.




French destroyer Marceau, Tier X:

Main battery reload time increased from 3.5 to 4.0 s;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 120 to 150 s.

Ballistics were changed. Now her shells will need more time to travel the same distance: firing at a range of 7 km, instead of 4.2 seconds, a shell will take 4.67 seconds to reach its target. At a range of 11.4 km, instead of 8.13 seconds, it will take 9.85 seconds.

The destroyer was too strong, especially at long range.

European destroyer Klas Horn, Tier IV:

Turret traverse speed reduced from 10 to 8 degrees per second;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 55 to 59 s.

European destroyer Visby, Tier V:

Turret traverse speed reduced from 10 to 8 degrees per second;

Torpedo tube reload time increased from 55 to 59 s;

Main battery reload time...

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Battleships Vanguard and Hood are available in the Premium Shop at favorable prices! Read it on the portal


¡Los acorazados Vanguard y Hood están disponibles en la Tienda Premium a un excelente precio! Leer en el portal


Os Encouraçados Vanguard e Hood estão disponíveis na Loja Premium a preços favoráveis! Leia no portal

06 Feb


Assuming you flooded out?


A new sub-branch of Soviet cruisers will be added to the game in the upcoming super test session, with Tier VIII - X ships. The main branch of light cruisers will also be updated.

Tier V cruiser Kirov will become a premium ship and will be replaced in the branch with the new cruiser Kotovsky.

Tier X cruiser Moskva will become a special ship for Coal and will be replaced in the branch with the new cruiser Alexander Nevsky.

Other details about the branch split will be announced later.

Cruisers from the main branch will be armed with 152 - 180 mm guns, while ships of the new sub-branch will have 180 mm guns on Tier VIII cruiser Tallin, and 220 mm guns on the Tier IX and X cruisers Riga and Petropavlovsk.

The main feature of the new cruisers is their effective armor-piercing shells. They have high armor pen...

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100% to all that you have said.

My thing, as I will always try to say, that we at WeeGee NA try our hardest to ensure, is OUR community knows that those of us here in Austin and throughout the country that work for WeeGee are trying to work for the community as a whole.

This is why we try too hard to do so much for OUR community.

Those of us that have been around for years (as you have been) have seen the good and the bad. But overall, I wouldn't be playing the game STILL, or have wanted to apply for this position if I didn't believe in the good the community team and community in general or wanted to push change for the well being of that community.

So yes, sometimes all the negativity does cut at me personally, and when someone says something like I am insulting them when I apologize, well, I can't change how they feel about it. But I am a humble dude, my motto for YEARS, even when I was in the Navy is "Work Hard, St...

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RNGeezus giveth and taketh away...




So from what you're saying, it's better to not answer ANY of your feedback or questions? That there is no reason for this forum to even exist? I'd have to disagree. Also, I don't gaslight people, ever and I would be hard-pressed to find anyone I currently work with in the NA office that would either. Again, the OP asked a question, I gave an answer.

If I didn't want to give an answer, try to help our community, gather and disseminate the community feedback and do my job as a community manager which involves all those things, I wouldn't have applied for this position.

I am sincerely sorry that the perception and opinion from some of you is such, however, as someone that has played this game since alpha testing, WELL before I got this position (back in December 19 is when I started) and who applied for this position to help our community grow and change the game for the better I still don't think as negatively as some may. Do I agree with all the decisi...

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So, the OP asked what things we have changed due to player feedback, and so I listed just a few. I NEVER said those changes were perfect or complete. NOTHING in any game will ever be perfect or complete.

As for you saying things like "feedback was ignored" again, is not true, as I stated at the end:

To be truthfully honest, and I thought this before I worked for WeeGee, World of Warships is one of the VERY FEW games I have ever played that actually DOES listen to player feedback in the fashion we do.

I'm not saying that the communities perception is incorrect and I understand why people can get frustrated over changes that didn't occur in the time frame they are. And I say that as someone that works for WeeGee that wants to see certain changes occur quicker as well.




Changes directly influenced by feedback from the community:

Blind firing (having no bloom when firing main guns)

Purchasing signals with credits

Graf Zeppelin

CV rework (believe it or not this was more driven from the community than people think) And I know people are going to say we're not listening to current feedback about the state of CV's but, that isn't true


Changes to AA

West Virginia '41


Radar mechanics

German BB dispersion buff

UU Mission expiration dates change

Refund's from boosters purchased with doubloons during the dockyard event

And A LOT more, this is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Believe it or not, the community input plays into A LOT of what we do/change. I personally have a running list of things that I s...

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Novos navios Premium, mais bônus Premium para navios existentes, descontos e missões de combate! Leia no portal


¡Nuevos barcos Premium, más bonificaciones Premium para los barcos existentes, descuentos y misiones de combate! Leer en el portal



Folks, as always, STAT SHAMING, personal attacks, attacks on certain clans or naming anyone in general in a negative context that can be considered a personal attacks are all violations of the rules.

This topic has run it's course and is complete!

I HIGHLY suggest some of you review the forum rules posted below to ensure you keep your replies and posts civil.
