

20 Feb



Hey, do y'all have a discord? I may drop in sometime and look to div up with y'all.





Thanks for your service guys! As one veteran to a bunch of veterans!




Though I understand your concern, the best practice for this as a recruiter is to have 2-3 posts that say similar information. I was in "Dadshideout" from the first day clans were instituted in the game and that is what we did, it simply becomes a case of copy and paste. When I left DHO to work here at WeeGee they created a new recruiting post. So you can see what I am talking about below is a link to the post that I originally started back in 2015. Granted I didn't "bump" it daily but ya.

I'm not saying write a book... I'm saying simply do more than just say "bump." A LOT of clans do this, it should not be that difficult.

I mean even your line of: "Recruiting players for established clans with the mindset of trying to get potentially good teammates" is a perfect example of what you can post.....





Just as a friendly reminder talking about the other pinned post in this main topic. Please ensure that you are only bumping your recruitment topics once in a 24 hour period!

That being said, try to say something more inventive than "bump" I have seen some good examples, people that have two or three statements about their clan and they copy and past those on the regular. I would like to see us get away from using the word "bump." Since realistically that is kind of a spam post, also make sure you are not bumping with just a bunch of meme's.

The mods and I will be surfing through this topic fairly regularly now and I would just like to clean it up some!





This is a free bump for your clan but also just a reminder that you're only allowed to bump a recruiting post once in a 24 hour period. Please ensure that you are following the forum guidelines.




New combat missions are available! Read it on the portal


¡Nuevas misiones de combate están disponibles! Leer en el portal


Novas missões de combate estão disponíveis! Leia no portal

19 Feb


There are a lot of suggestions on how to employ upgrades and what upgrades to put in what ships, however, there is also something to be said, if you're a casual player, to read what the upgrade does and then employ those upgrades to how you play.

I say if you are a casual player, because if you are not, if you are in many of the competitive clans we have that play World of Warships I assure you, you WILL get opinions of "must-have" upgrades.

I know that is an extremely vague answer, but yeah.

Long story longer, check out some YouTube video's, read Little White Mouse's write-ups on ships and what she suggests (linked below), but trial and error is good as well.




Did you play CV's before rework? Because alpha was the name of the game then. That does not occur now. Damage output is significantly curtailed over what it used to be.



I can't necessarily speak to what I don't know. But it wouldn't surprise me if we do get a few respec, typically in major changes like this it does occur.




As stated above by some, the CV rework, for the most part, is complete.

That being said, data is still being gathered just like every other ship for further balancing.

As for damage output, remember that every ship and nation can be employed differently. Case in point US CV's with their HE bombs deal more damage than say, RN CV's, but RN CV bombers drop more bombs. IJN CV bombers CAN dev strike ships, something so lovely about hitting a ship with multiple AP bombs in one strike.

All THAT being said, CV damage is now based more around the tick vs alpha strikes that they were before the rework.





Thank you to everyone that participated! And congrats to @RenamedUser_1018007003, @NoSoMo and @Shadow_Storm419 for winning the week of Warships Premium!




Watch the trailer for the next episode of Naval Legends! Read it on the portal


Assista ao trailer do próximo episódio de Lendas Navais! Leia no portal


¡Mira el avance del siguiente episodio de Leyendas Navales! Leer en el portal


The European Destroyers event; changes to the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells skill, as well as to cruiser and battleship plating; and other improvements. Read it on the portal


El evento "Destructores Europeos", cambios en la habilidad Espoleta de Inercia para Proyectiles HE, así como en el blindaje de cruceros y acorazados, entre otras mejoras. Leer en el portal


O evento Contratorpedeiros Europeus; mudanças na habilidade Fuso de Inércia para Projéteis PE, bem como revestimento de cruzadores e encouraçados; e outras melhorias. Leia no portal


Commanders, welcome to the Public Test of Update 0.9.2! Read it on the portal