

31 Jan


Los personajes de la serie de anime "ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-" regresan a World of Warships Leer en el portal


Personagens da série de animes "ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-" estão voltando ao World of Warships Leia no portal


Characters from the "ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-" anime series are returning to World of Warships Read it on the portal



If I can filter myself after 22 years in the Navy, I think you can too! :)


-Hapa (FCC Ret)


Just my 2 credits.

I played Wot for a long time, that chat filter didn't exist for most of WoT's existence...

Personally (this isn't WeeGee's policy, but I would rather our community learn to self police THEMSELVES to be respectful. And we don't have that filter in game, but I hear all the time how much better our community is still regardless...

I will push this suggestion up the chain though!



30 Jan


So, I wanted to reply to this post to explain how our chat ban process works and dispel some of the inaccuracies in your OP.

Let me say this, NO ONE, is going to get chat banned for saying something as simple as

Hey guys the flank is open..

Hey guys don't all go one way..

That does not occur.

You can get chat banned for a couple of reasons.

1: You can get chat banned if enough players report you with "Misbehavior in Chat." This isn't always automatic.

2: If a staff member sees applicable data that warrants a chat ban they can take action.

That being said, none of the things in the meme's you posted would get you chat banned necessarily. ALL of the things in the meme's that you have posted that you say are "allowed" are in fact not.

Any language with racial epithets, excessive vulgarity, political discussions etc, etc that violate our ...

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PT should be live right now for more testing this weekend.



29 Jan


Though you can filter out seeing such camo, I would like the option to be able to set like a "default" camo that is the visual you see in place. That's what I was meant to say.




So Izumo is SIGNIFICANTLY better now than it was... it's actually enjoyable depending on how you like your IJN BB's.

I like the K117 camo too, but didn't earn it. Are you asking if you can apply a camo, but not have to see it? If this is the case, currently this is not an option, but doesn't mean it won't be in the future.




Yeah, what he said! Meant Basics of Survivability!!! Edited! UGH, sorry I had like 5 tabs open at the same time and Discord, plus, brain stuff is hard okay!




Just my 2 credits on the matter. If you're looking for more competitive play in the long run, the higher tier 8-10 might want to be your focus as many of our competitive game modes (not all of them) are at those tiers.

If you're looking to just have fun, I mean... ALL tiers? Personally I like playing tier 5-9 depending on the class of ship I want to play.

As a DD main, ALL tiers to me are fun though...





So about 3 updates ago we edited MM so that the tiering is more friendly across the board I posted the note below (NO I am not saying it's perfect, but it's definitely been improved).

A big thing to me in this game that I have always tried to talk to a player about, every battle is different, every tactic should be changing depending on the battle you're in. What do I mean?

You should employ your ship differently depending on what you are fighting against. (IE: CV, No CV, types of ships, specific ships, etc etc)

When I play tier's 5-8 or even 9 my tactics may vary widely depending on what is on the other side.

A VERY simple example, if you're fighting a tier 9 BB and you're in a tier 7 BB you may want to shoot different ammunition (HE vs AP) depending on the enemy's angle.

Just my 2 credits...



We’re ...

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Assuming you're talking BB's I know a couple have asked but I haven't seen your reply. Are you running the "Fire Prevention" or "Basics of Survivability" skills? As a DD main I pay attention to BB's that I see hitting their DC as soon as a fire starts... that shows me they enjoy being toasty...

My advice as Hapa the player:

A: Get those skills. (FP and BoS)

B: Ignore the first fire (don't DC) and if it's early in a battle, you have the HP to spare and aren't tightening your chin strap and pushing in, ignore even a second (because Repair Party)

I have been in battles where I can tell all the BB's have Fire Prevention... How? I could have like 300 HE gun hits and single-digit fire amounts. (well either that or RNGeezus didn't like me that fight).

I hope you are getting some assistance in this post!




Thanks for your opinion, but I highly doubt being honest about how things function would get me fired.

The procedure for moving accounts from one region to another is actually quite in depth and requires a lot more work than most people realize. That is why we ran the initiative, and it took weeks to get it complete.

Contrary to the belief of a lot of people on these forums, I don't give out lies or try to hide stuff (things that are NDA notwithstanding). If someone asks me a direct question that I understand I will give a direct answer.



Oh yeah,

Great Screen name BTW!

-Hapa (Retired Chief)



Some of y'alls replies to this post are funny :)

But mine, I always laugh when a DD hit's the "I need intelligence data" hot key... As a DD main, this makes me angry... I'm like, "YOU CREATE THE INTELLIGENCE DATA BRO!"




Hmmmm, lemme do some digging.




Did you happen to re-roll the IJN DD line? That notification was set up years ago (as indicated by some of you that got it later LOL) and doesn't take into account the RB.





My 2 credits? Go up the French BB line. I don't know that there is one of them that I don't like!





So we did have an initiative about 2 months ago for a one time deal where people could move from one server to another, alas, that initiative is over. So, unfortunately, your only recourse would be to do as some have suggested and start a new account.

