Hi @Darkspire, we’ll poke the developer regarding this issue, thank you for bringing it up!
Hi @Darkspire, we’ll poke the developer regarding this issue, thank you for bringing it up!
Hi @Severian, thank you for getting in touch!
Unfortunately, we’re unable to provide any teleport assistance and refunds of materials or equipment lost, as there is no MMO-like admin support for the game in official servers.
You’ll have to remove your bracelet in order for your character to die and be able to respawn somewhere else.
We’ll register this occurrence for the developers to look into and determine if it’s possible to prevent further clipping in that area, would you be able to provide a screenshot point out out exactly where you fell and the area where you are currently standing in?
Hey @x7lillies, thank you for pointing this out, we’ll be sure to relay this issue to the team.
Hi @WhatMightHaveBeen, thank you for your report, we’ll have the team look into this matter!
Hello @Saara_Gaara, welcome to the forums!
We’re aware of the issue and will address it as soon as possible, thank you for bringing it up in any case.
Could you please also point out the area where you were dismantling stuff in?
Are you aware if you dismantled a ceiling of the same material/type when that one disappeared?
Hey @evomik82, thank you for reporting this, we’ll have the team look into it.
Could you please state which server this has happened in?
Were you responsible for any of the dismantle events that are in the log?
Thank you for letting us know, we’ve forwarded this information to the team.
Hello @pford27, welcome to the forums!
You might have to aim slightly below the altar to be able to retrrieve the staff, please let us know if it helps.
Hi @R3KA5AND, this is not an issue but currently intended, we’ve moved your post to the suggestions board as all feedback regarding the current perks and leveling system should be posted here.
Hi @McCoy416, welcome to the community!
Is the issue still occurring, and did the server appear in the regular list?
The hotfix for the rubberbanding and a couple other issues should be landing today, apologies for the delay in its resolution.
Hi @anaiD, a hotfix is coming out today to address this issue and a few others.
Hello @LovelyRoo, welcome to the forums!
This issue will be addressed in today’s hotfix, apologies for the inconvenience.
Thank you for clarifying, the rubberbanding on login/teleport will be addressed in today’s hotfix.
Apologies for the confusion, we’ll take note of this issue.
Hi @Apol, we are aware of this issue and the developers are looking into it as the upcoming patches will focus on bringing improvements to the followers system.
Please refer to the following video for a few workarounds around the issue:
Hello @Pehrr, welcome to the community!
Which server did this occur on, and what is your friend’s internet speed and ISP?
Can your friend test a few different servers, and is he able to ensure his console is on a wired connection?
Has he tried running a multiplayer connection test?
Hey @Scumdog1980, thank you for your report and feedback, although this is a known issue we will register the information shared.