Hi @lBeardedl_Zeus, welcome to the community and thank you for taking the time to report this issue!
We’ll register it for the team to look into.
Hi @lBeardedl_Zeus, welcome to the community and thank you for taking the time to report this issue!
We’ll register it for the team to look into.
Hi @Megaton238, thank you for pointing this out, we’ll be sure to poke the team in regards to this issue.
Hello @UndeadGreek82, we’re aware of this issue and it will be addressed in an upcoming patch.
You may upload them to a free hosting service such as imgur, google drive or dropbox, and share the link here broken up with one or two spaces.
Hello @R3KA5AND, this issue is likely only visual, meaning that they do have full HP even though the interface reports otherwise, did you happen to try to hit them to see if the value refreshed to a correct amount?
Hi @Psyko, does this issue only occur with that specific bow?
Are you still able to reproduce it?
Hello @IRONDEEK, is this happening on singleplayer?
Are you using the default server settings or did you tweak any?
Have you tried the three variants for the wheel of pain and do none of them convert thralls?
Could you share a screenshot of your wheel of pain’s interface or a short video depicting the issue?
Thank you for taking the time to share the videos @Tod, we’ll relay this situation to our team.
Just to clarify, how long does it approximately take for the doors/hatches to fully load?
Does the rubberbanding persist after they do?
Hello @Scumdog1980, thank you for reaching out!
Regarding this matter, our team is aware of it and considering options to finish the journey steps.
Read moreHi @Crazerj, welcome to the forums!
Could you ensure that your console is on a wired connection rather than wireless?
Does the issue persist in other servers or even singleplayer?
We’ll be monitoring for any possible issues on the server’s side even though it shows no signs of unusual activity.
Hello @NosferatuV, we’ve looked into Server #2878 and it doesn’t seem to have experienced any sort of unusual crashes or issues in the last days, are you still having trouble logging in?
Is your console on a wired or wireless connection?
If connected through a wired connection please try running the network connection test in Xbox settings first, then fully loading into a singleplayer session before connecting to the server.
Lastly, could you provide further information regarding the area where you’re trying to login, such as the number of buildings, light sources, and NPCs?
Hi @UndeadGreek82, thank you for reaching out!
We’ve forwarded the issue to the developers so that it can be looked into.
As others have suggested, you’ll have to enable Admin Mode in order to bypass this issue that was introduced in the latest patch.
A hotfix to address it will be released as soon as possible, apologies for the frustration this has been causing.
We’ve registered this occurrence as the information provided always helps, especially if similar reports occur. There won’t be any disclosure regarding this particular issue as it’s not possible to determine what’s causing it without looking into the save itself.
Unfortunately, due to platform related limitations which are outside of our control, you’re unable to share your save with us so that we could look into its database and determine if it’s corrupted or if there’s any other issue preventing it to load.
We’d advise, however, to try and revisit that save in posterior patches, in the eventuality that the loading issue is not related to data corruption and further optimizations do allow you to successfuly load into it. We do apologize for the situation.
You may upload the file and share the link with us, provided that it’s broken up with a space or two.
Is your console connected through a wired or wireless connection?
Do you have similar issues loading in assets in other servers?
Hi @NosferatuV, we apologize for the frustration this issue has caused, could you please share the exact locations where this has happened?
Hello @Wildwolfy, the rubberbanding issue will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix.
A few workarounds have been shared in the following post and might help in dealing with this issue in the meantime:
Read moreHi @Dzonatas, we’ll forward this issue to the developers, thank you for pointing it out!
That’s quite odd, have you tried swapping saddles or having it fight, and did it persist after a server restart?
Also, please let us know if you come across the issue again.
Hi @bobbyblue, welcome to the community and thank you for your feedback!
There are no plans for any sort of rollback on the patch but an hotfix is currently in the works and will be released as soon as possible, we apologize for the situation.