

29 Apr

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @steve2para

Could you check your event log and see if there is anything else going on that could explain these disappearances?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @tygerin

Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustrating issue.
Please make sure to build the temple in a place that has nothing around it that would block it, be it walls, placeables or elements of the terrain. People usually build it on top of foundations at a certain height to avoid possible issues.
Our team is aware that sometimes altars can present issues when upgrading them and they’re looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’ve sent word to our team regarding how difficult it can be for meteors to show up, particularly in single-player-coop.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Deratom

Could you check your event log and see if there is something anomalous in there that could explain this problem?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @zefrank

Welcome to our community.
Our team is aware of this crash and they’re working on a fix.
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Our team is aware of the sliders’ issues and they’re looking into it.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AriesRiley

Welcome to our community.
Which server settings did you alter when setting up the server?
Just in case, could you try to disable building decay and see if this stops happening?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @murkin

Thanks for the heads-up, sending it to our team :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Eldrich

When you die, do you see a tombstone in the exact place you lost your health?
Also, taking into account @RabidChimp805’s response, does this happen while playing in coop?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Turgron

Welcome to our community.
We unfortunately cannot offer MMO-like support, such as restoring items and so on.
In this case, your friend should check his event log to determine what caused this death.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Micaeus

Welcome to our community.
Please don’t bump a thread, specially with so little time in between messages.
We’ve received a few reports about this issue in the past but we could never reproduce it internally. Could you let us know which upgrade you applied to our truncheon, or if there is anything else you do before trying to KO a thrall?
If you could also provide a short video showing this issue in action it would also help us trying to determine what’s going wrong.
Thanks in advance.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Stephen

Please make sure to press L2 to start the fire. Same applies with any crafting station that requires any fuel to operate.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

This is a known issue and has been fixed on Testlive.
It will be released live soon.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Andyfrom93

Welcome to our community.
Please make sure to go to the store page for the Turan DLC on the PS Store and acquire it from there. If you have the Y2 Season Pass acquired, you should see the price of this DLC as free.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Ruhlman

We’re going to suggest a couple of standard suggestions and see if that fixes the issue for you. First, please make sure you’ve learned the correct feat that would allow you to upgrade this altar. Second, if you have server admin access, you can try to restart the server and see if that allows you to upgrade the altar.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Kristiandj

Welcome to our community.
Did your save game disappear?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Jandy

This is a known issue. For the moment, we would suggest equipping your thrall with the weapon type they spawn with once they’ve been broken.
Our team is looking into it.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue and our team is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Crom_is_king91

Welcome to our community.
When you mention private server, you mean a G-Portal hosted online server, or a coop server?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We’ve prepared a patch with fixes to the PS4 Pro streaming issues plus a few crash fixes. It’s undergoing certification and should be out once it passes that process.