-Back cosmetics would be really nice to have. It can range from equipment backpacks to knightly capes and banners.
-The gold farm is really tedious. While buying a 100k helmet doesn't make you better at the game, there is still no way to earn extra gold to ease the grind a little bit. Other people before suggested an objective based system that upon completion, you are rewarded with cash.
-More engineer buildings would be really great to have. Memes aside, frontline and invasion are fun because of the different play-styles you can choose, and engineers have quite a limited selection of buildings. I'm not really well versed in what other equipment medieval engineers used historically but, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give engineers the option to build a Scorpio mounted on a cart.
While not necessarily new buildings, it would be really nice to have the ability to upgrade buildings into fortified versions that can withstand extra punishment. I can see it only wo...