

04 Aug


We'll be live on twitch.tv/oldschoolrs tomorrow from 5pm BST!

I'll be your host, and I am delighted to be joined by Mods Flippy, Kieren, and Lenny. We will also introduce you to a new mod!

Submit your questions or topics of discussion you want to hear us talk about in the comments below and I'll do my best to get them on the stream.

We've got a lot of questions left from last week too!

You can also submit your questions privately here: ...

Read more External link →

03 Aug


Adding set effect bonuses requires a game update and unfortunately we didn't have one last week. This should appear on the screen this week though with the game update.

31 Jul


Originally posted by taintedcake

Out of curiosity, since it was due to a past oversight does that mean it's something you guys would potentially do even if the poll didn't pass?

I don't see why not, though I'd consult with the team anyways just to be safe :)


Originally posted by ilovezezima

Yay, thanks u/JagexAcorn. I'm curious as to why it took so long though. I told the F Mods probably over a year ago. They stated that they passed it along to J Mods. Is this another issue with the F Mods acting poorly? Or was there an internal discussion as to whether advertising websites that advertise RWT is okay over the last year or so?

Not sure I am not involved in the forums or the process really. Sorry I can't offer much insight into that unfortunately.


We do still like the idea, but we've just done pet recolours/transmogs for the past 2-3 polls (phoenix, groot, rocky, technically squirrel too) so we wanted to tone it down a bit. Don't worry, it's not off the cards, just something we chose to omit this time around.


Originally posted by ohheyitscayman

So sorry to hijack this conversation, but any news on people who grief at corp via spec transfer to snipe kills? Tried to do a duo for a few hours last night and nearly got our kill taken every time. We tried using the private portal, but the 200k feels like a punishment for trying to play the game legit as well as it significantly slowed down our kill time because we had to wait for each other to enter in each time. Just a bummer that sigils are being farmed by toxic individuals that are too lazy to actually put in the work for a kill.

That was discussed in the last livestream. Timestamp 40:36 on YT if you're interested in hearing more.


Originally posted by ilovezezima

🦀🦀 u/JagexSween u/JagexAcorn 🦀🦀 any chance of a reply?

🦀🦀 The forum thread looks like someone hid/deleted it yesterday. 🦀🦀

30 Jul


Originally posted by Zesinua

Mod Acorn, do you or any of the mods have a favorite meme name for Jagex that we commonly use? Jiggleflax, Jambleflux etc etc

Crab rave is pretty popular in the office but it tends to be whatever meme is trending the most at the time. 🦀 JMODS RESPONDED TO THIS 🦀


Originally posted by Night_Thastus

When does the poll start?

The aim is this Friday pending feedback of course.


Originally posted by Garwald

Would the desert hill giants be available to f2p?

Yes as they will be in a F2P area. Hope you're prepared to take on that mighty scimitar if it passes!


Originally posted by RSRussia

Did you know that grimy torstols make normal compost and normal torstols supercompost? Probably the same for other high level herbs. I guess it from back when herbs were unid, rather than grimy. But it's a bit funky just like the snape grass

I've spoken to the developers and they said they are happy to make the grimy version into super compost too alongside the snapgrass change (if it passes a poll) and it was an oversight during the unidentified/grimy change. Thanks for pointing it out!


hugs phone too <3

29 Jul


Originally posted by Stone-J

Can we exchange spirit saplings for seed packs as well as the spirit seeds? I'm sure plenty of people including myself have stacks of saplings not just seeds.

Clarified on blog and poll question to accept both seeds and saplings :)


Originally posted by RedSA__

Very good poll guys :')

Only thing is, the coal bag is worded a bit weirdly, could you add that it works the same way as rune pouches? I was actually about to type out that it should before I saw Oasis' comment, having misinterpreted "from the bank" as taking the coal directly from the bank, not just through the interface.

I've added that to the blog now :) Thanks!

24 Jul


Preparing the structure and format for the Leagues blog! No spoilers!

23 Jul


Originally posted by naivnost

Set effect bonuses don't show up for amulet of the damned for any barrows set. Not sure if this is intentional as it's a "set modifier" but would still be good to know so you don't have to look up each bonus on the wiki.

I've added this as feedback to be changed next game update as it's not something we can hotfix. Thanks for letting us know!


Originally posted by casquerouge

Hey /u/JagexAcorn, thank you very much for being in communication with the community, it is very much appreciated.

A very hot topic among the community is the addition of a PJ timer in single pvp area. From what I can see on this subreddit, it is one of the most recurrent complaint about the wilderness.

Is there any internal discussion at Jagex about adding one?

Best regards,


As far as I'm aware, and looking at emails while I was gone, it is something that was brought up internally during my holiday and is currently being discussed. As far as any actions coming out of it any time soon, I can't guarantee that. While something sounds simple in a post to implement, the team wants to look at it as a whole on what it can affect, who it affects, and weighing out the pros and cons. I am happy to update the players with the overall team's decision when there is one to communicate but unfortunately that is all I have right now. Sorry that it might not be the most helpful response but I can assure you that the topic is being discussed!


Originally posted by Ir0nMaiden666

Sure will do and will edit this.

Edit: Working fine now, thanks for the reply and welcome back :)

No problem glad it works for you and thanks!


Originally posted by Ir0nMaiden666

Not sure if its a bug but on mobile my bank is only showing the total items number, its not showing the current items/816

Mind re-logging or world hopping and checking again?