

26 Aug


There should be red tiles on the floor of the things you should be removing (without having to remember everything that was just said to you) and when you go to build something in it's place it should pop up with an interface that tells you what materials you will need to build a new one. You will also only use the planks for the level you selected when being assigned a contract, for example if you selected the 70+ tier you will only use Mahogany planks and will not need to bring any other type with you on your contract journey.

I'm happy to pop your feedback down and send it over the developers in the game update review meeting tomorrow of course!


Originally posted by AlmostFrontPage

I guess the ferox enclave banker will never be fixed

That one is being looked at as we speak!


Originally posted by SidTheStoner

Whats the xp rates for these jobs going to be?

It was mentioned on a few livestreams from Mods Kieren and Arcane to aim it between 100k-200k per hour and they seemed to have stuck by that for the most part. I am sure someone though will manage to come up with insane quick teleportation, banking, and running method for a job to be the most efficient as possible.


Originally posted by Kirkreng

For some reason the original comment was deleted. What was it asking about?

Oh how strange, was just asking about the Blood Fury change and when it's coming.


Originally posted by SweatyKoalas

I appreciate that. Hope you don't think I've being overly negative, I'll hold that opinion until I get to play it!

I just think perhaps it could have used more community input, for example in my opinion - it seems like it will get very stale if its just limited to Varrock, Falador, Ardy and Hosidius.

Would have been interesting if it had you doing unique content with unique materials. Maybe rebuilding Fremmenik homes with split logs and resources found in the area, helping rebuild Mort'on or Burge de Rott with locally sourced Bark and so on...

It's no problem at all, I appreciate you being able to relay any concerns to me honestly. I hope one day we can expand on it if it goes down well in it's current state to include things like player suggestions to Burge de Rott.


Originally posted by Josh_Butterballs

Speaking of homes, any word when the PoH update to the treasure chest will be released?

Mod Ash's Costume Rework is hoping to come next week but we want to ensure thorough testing before committing to a set release date so this could be pushed back if something comes up.


Originally posted by Lemon_Phoenix

I hope we get more home styles. I know they're based off the location of house portals, but I'd love an Arceuus themed one even though there's no chance of getting a portal there.

Nothing stopping that as a future thing! Arceuus would be awesome! I know we are keen to offer more wall kits in the future at some point such as Prifddinas so I'll be sure to throw the idea around about Arceuus next time wall kits are brought up.


Originally posted by SweatyKoalas

For more critical feedback though that this update does feel very rushed. We were given very little information about it and then it was just pushed in.

It seemed not very typical for how updates are done. Was there a reason for it?

I've added this for tomorrow's livestream so Mod Sween can go over the roadmap a bit from the last gazette and discuss processes around development/blogging/polling.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's awaiting QA testing for next game update but if it doesn't pass testing it will be pushed back another week. Fingers crossed!

21 Aug

19 Aug


Hi there! Nothing to be too worried about just rebooting the worlds to change the PvP rota over. There is no particular game update alongside the worlds being rebooted. As others mentioned in this thread it's healthy for the game to reboot the worlds every now and then too for the game timers such as Tears of Guthix.

18 Aug


We'll be live on twitch.tv/oldschoolrs tomorrow from 5pm BST!

Yesterday we hosted a Leagues II - Trailblazer Q&A livestream. If you missed it, you can check out the VOD here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtTRKdxdmtM

Submit your questions or topics of discussion you want to hear us talk about in ...

Read more External link →

16 Aug


Originally posted by -Sairax-

u/ModAcorn can we put that in the original post cause this is super important. I’ve played for years and it felt unclear where exactly we’d have access to for strategizing.

We will be giving more information on areas as we develop and balance them. As others pointed out, we are still trying to work out what goes in each region and it won't necessarily be your standard definition of "Misthalin" for example as we include the likes of Fossil Island. Once we have it all clearly defined we will let you know :)


Originally posted by TheGoldenHand

Does that mean old, saved Twisted League points are identical to the new Leagues II points, and they stack together?

They stack together only in the Reward Shop itself as they are just called "League Points", they won't however stack in Trailblazer to help you unlock relics faster.


Originally posted by Ghospel_

Can we use the points leftover from the previous league aswell? Like do they add together?

Yes you can, but only when pertaining to the reward shop itself. In the reward shop, League Points are not specific to the League (hence why last least your League Points in the shop weren't called "Twisted League Points"). You cannot however use League Points from Twisted League to unlock Relics quicker in Trailblazer, as those points have been converted to the Reward Shop after Twisted League ended. Hope that makes sense!

14 Aug


If you have points earned from the last league you can still use them (both for old and new rewards). Your new points gained in this league can also be used to obtain the last league's rewards and of course the new ones.


Originally posted by Jaminshaman

/u/JagexAcorn , I ask here because I don’t really have another channel to ask through, but please consider and pass on this message: a top 100 trophy would push many players to unhealthy extremes. I achieved dragon tier last leagues, top 500 actually, and the idea of people competing for top 100 worries me.

I am very excited for a new league, and the twisted league was some of the most fun I’ve had gaming in the last 10 years, but please do consider that creating a goal this extreme may be more harmful than fun.

Regardless of the decision on that, thank you and the team for all the content and work you put in!

Edit: adding a tag to /u/JagexFlippy for any potential visibility

Appreciate the feedback! While it's not something set in stone it was something we wanted to mention early on to gauge feedback and I'll be sure to pass it on of course before any permanent decisions are made.


Originally posted by JesusFox

So can you play on an existing account with stats or do you have to purchase a new account

You can play on an existing account however the world is a separate game mode meaning your stats won't carry over.


Originally posted by jphil_03

Can we use existing membership to play?

Yes, as long as the account has membership regardless of it being a member before the League start date, it can play on the League worlds!