

10 Aug


Originally posted by SaintJuniper73

About the new wand, Heka of Tumeken: Typically autocast weapons such as tridents and the sanguinesti staff do not work in PvP, will the wand be the same?


04 Jun


ok on a serious note though, if another bigger (not 64) mould was to be added to the game (not 64), how would you imagine you would obtain it (not 64)?

04 May


Originally posted by Merdapura

Why is the teleport being put at the ladder and not at the entrance of the Sanctuary? There's no reason to not make it closer to the boss area even for lore reasons.

We still want it to be a bit of a walk to discourage a PoH tele meta, but this should alleviate the walk somewhat as it is a tad long atm.


Originally posted by Diaper_Hunter

why don t you just fix existing issues with nightmare ?

In the blog we talk about regular nightmares drop table receiving changes too, as well as the teleport being potentially added to the drop table which will help somewhat.

So there are two of the "issues" being fixed, did you have more suggestions?


Originally posted by HEROxDivine

Why does Jagex insist on reusing content instead of making unique content?

We want to make unique content too! But it takes a lot longer, we hope something that is a fairly quick turnaround such as Phosani's and ToB modes should provide some decent content while we have time to develop other completely fresh content.

I will reiterate that this fight in particular will feel quite different than regular nightmare, so it's not like you're just killing the same boss but with bigger numbers.


Originally posted by Littlepace

Will the teleport tablet be scaled the same as uniques on the mass worlds for normal nightmare kills? Or will it have a base rate regardless of party size.

It'll have a base rate, so faster kills/hour will get you the tablet sooner.

13 Jan


Originally posted by sirryangiggz

Don't think the peek option works for Ironman properly. I could see 4 people in normal room, fire was off and Peek said '4 adventurers inside'??? The flame worked but the peek didnt? I thought the peek would only show the relevant room not the non-iron one?

Should be fixed now.


Originally posted by JagexHusky

I heard reports that this was only in the boss rooms? Or are you getting the issue throughout the rest of the instance?

I know we have people looking at the issue currently so hopefully it'll be fixed before long!

Fixed now :)

08 Dec


Originally posted by the_smell_of_bleach

Hey, do you think there could be an update about the status of this issue? A bunch of my clan mates were talking about it in chat the other day, and the gist of the conversation was that you guys aren’t aware of the issues.

Since it obviously seems like you are aware and are investigating, I think it’d go a long way for building trust if you publicly acknowledged the issue and gave an update. (Especially as infrastructure was mentioned as a priority in the latest gazette!)

Progress is slow but we're still at the same point. Sadly the full investigation and work into solving the issue will be done after christmas break is over, the last update of the year is being released next week which also adds a lot of necessary metrics to the game to help us figure out what the issues are.

My gut feeling is that it's a hardware issue since the leagues worlds are on "fresh machines", as there hasn't been any notable updates to the game that should cause what we're seeing.

Sorry I couldn't give anything more helpful :[

26 Nov


Originally posted by Shelfstack17

Why do issues that have been happening for months and months on end still require "investigation"? That is ample enough time for a fix to be carried out.

Between this lag issue and the spam login issue locking people out of accounts thats two long term issues still being "investigated" months later.

I do wish things could be investigated and fixed quickly too! It's frustrating, but it be how it be, all I can promise you is that work IS happening, sorry I can't give you more than that :(


Originally posted by QQTWRBM

Leagues launch, suddenly an unexplainable new lag not witnessed before happens.

Nah, definitely nothing to do with leagues.

I experienced the lag quite a few weeks before leagues launch and I know others did too, but leagues has for sure dominated the month so understandable to think it's correlated.


Originally posted by Abstainx

Is it true that 2k+ total worlds experience it more frequently? It sure seems that way but could be anecdotal evidence.

I have experienced really bad lag on 2200 worlds too specifically, not as much on 2k worlds, might be anecdotal but I can't honestly remember the time i've been on a 2.2k world and it's been fine, but it's possible i just always steer clear.


It is being investigated! :)

I don't think the issue is correlated to leagues though, although for some reason those worlds seem to be near immune to those weird lag spikes.

Can sympathize, they're so frustrating!

25 Nov


Originally posted by bob4786

That's fine to disagree, that's what the polls are for. I just feel that cash is a resource that shouldn't have to be spent on instances. People crash an ironman literally everywhere. I've had people crash me even at places like dustdevils in the catacombs, just because I have iron in my name and that makes it a free world.

Also I do play on 30ms servers and still have been getting large lag spikes. It seems to be an issue with the leagues worlds and increased player base.

Since you seemed to have skipped over it, I'm going to ask again. Why are you not considering just making it impossible to crash at bandos? The worst outcome would be a team locking down a world by trading supplies with an alt. This could be fixed by just disabling trading in the boss room and making every player leave the boss room and get more KC if they want more supplies. That being said, I honestly wouldn't even mind this. I just want the opportunity to be able to complete a trip without payi...

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I don't think there's a realistic way of "disabling crashing" at godwars. I wouldn't want to disable trading in a godwars room since players regularly trade to distribute loot or resources for their trip.

There is no plans to have reduced cost for people with low KC, as hard as bandos slaps there isn't a large learning curve like Zulrah.

I also don't believe every boss needs to have reduced costs, Zulrah is the only exception that I'm primarily guessing is simply because it was free before, but it's quite easy to empathize with since zulrah is a very challenging boss to learn.


Originally posted by NJImperator

I think the problem is a lot of irons responding to this aren’t at a point yet where they have the cash to spare, but they also wouldn’t be the ones these instances target. I remember struggling for gold in the early game stages and thinking I’d never have any leftover. But by the time I wanted to really grind bandos, I had tons of gold banked.

I think the current proposal is fair to everyone and probably the smartest way to implement instances

Yeah I can empathize with that, early on you're saving up GP for buckets of sand, construction, some runes here and there.

It does very quickly become semi-useless until you go for 99 construction, then after that it's basically just blood runes if you're interested in getting the blood weapons.

That aside people of all levels will get duplicate items they can use, even barrows items hold a hefty value that will help a lot.


Originally posted by bob4786

Realistically we get crashed at literally every boss, so we will need to make the choice of paying the money for a guaranteed trip or just hoping we are not crashed. Every crash is a supply and time waste, so it isnt as simple of a choice as you'd like people to believe.

Also just how good do you expect people to become at bandos? The skill required to sit there an prayer flick is one thing, but doesn't even mention the laggy servers. Yesterday I got my first ever zulrah kc and I died at least 10 times because it was completely new content for me. How can you realistically expect people to afford the cost of their learning curve when it will be in the millions?

I love how you call being able to kill the boss a luxary. As if this isn't just an extremely outdated dungeon that we're literally begging you to fix. I have an idea, how about instead of all this instances bullshit, just make it so it's impossible to crash someone at gwd. Then everyone can finish their trips...

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Getting crashed at anything that isn't bandos is quite rare I found, I'm sorry if you had a different experience but I do believe Bandos is the only boss really in demand here.

Instances do help the laggy server point quite a lot, since you can choose what world is best for you, instead of having to hop and sometimes be forced to use a suboptimal world.

I'm sorry you feel that the costs are still too steep, I'm afraid we're just going to have to disagree on that.


Originally posted by JagexAyiza

Please don't throw the baby



Originally posted by BikiniZaiross

Hey quick question, will UIM be able to use the deaths coffer for this? Just want to clarify because currently we retain the old death mechanics and don’t use deaths coffer at all like other account types

Currently UIM can't dump items in there as there's no point, but if that question passes I think it would be reasonable to lift that restriction.


Originally posted by bob4786

These prices are absurd. Does anyone at jagex actually play the game they work on? Over 100m just to get the opportunity to finish gwd is absolutely insane.

Realistically you're only going to use instances for bandos, and even then you don't need to use it for all of your KC, most likely just during peak times, or if you can't be bothered hopping at all.

How much you "pay" really depends on how good you are at the content, and how many dupes you're willing to dump in the coffer.

I don't think it's unreasonable to have to spend some GP to earn this luxury, the amount of GP you spend really depends on you. (And i guess your RNG at bandos)


Originally posted by NJImperator

My fellows irons. THIS is honestly even better than the update we asked for. Is it pricey? Yes, a bit. But mage bandos, range bandos; they are options to lessen the cost. By the time you want to grind out 1k bandos KC, you will have money from shamans and Hydra. Gold is expendable eventually. This price is NOT the hill we should die on. If we keep complaining, support will fall. This is likely our only chance at getting instances, and in a way that legitimately helps all players. This is an instant YES from me, and I hope from you all too.

Glad you agree, GP has very limited use for irons and I don't think it's unreasonable to either ask you to grind some GP before grinding bandos if you want to avoid regular/non instanced bandos, or even grinding for some dupes to dump in the coffer.

It's kind of what the gamemode is all about, gather your resources, then use them.