

06 Nov


Originally posted by MrWoodenSolid

I would like to reply directly to you for this.

After seeing the nerf I came out f**king HOT on reddit this morning. After further clarification and explanation from this post, it is much more reasonable.

Thank you and the people who interact with the community everyday. As anyone who has ever worked in CS knows, customers are the literal worst. As a customer, having this clear and concise communication about an issue and resolution from the company in a matter of hours of it popping up is amazing.

E: When you are in full mage gear and landing constant barrages with no splashes, you don't think anything of it, as that dps output is "normal". When you are in full mage gear and notice more splashes occurring than "normal" it is a bit triggering.

If our players are happy then we're happy! That's all that really matters at the end of it all.

We could have approached this better in regards to the silent hotfix and avoided the overnight confusion and frustration players experienced, but we'll learn from that for the future!

Thank you for replying so positively <3


Originally posted by Future_Cake

Does this version of things allow the +60 to mean Entangle (and other "normal" spellbook bind spells) will always bind? Or just Ice spells?

Thanks :)

All standard spellbook binds are also included in this yeah, so they'll always freeze their target if you have the required accuracy


Originally posted by lunch0guy

I wasn't happy about the how sneakily the original nerf was done. It should have been discussed with the community or at the very least announced to have happened before it was implemented into the game.

The current implementation is great, it means people can't wear full tank gear and always hit, but if they wear proper magic equipment they can do what they were meant to.

Even though we rather quickly got a good solution, we shouldn't have had to deal with the suspense of an unexpected and unannounced nerf for one of the less popular relics.

I wrote this in another comment and think it applies here too:

In hindsight we should have sent out comms to make everyone aware, but it was a little tricky given it was changed at around 10pm GMT when not as many staff are avaiable. It would have been better to not make the silent hotfix at all and went with today's approach instead, something we've noted for future instances


Originally posted by zR6efyKqN7if

True but the big points are in the pvm and I’m already at that stage. Glad they changed it back but just cost me a day...

Sorry it cost you so much time, I personally would have just done something else for a while but it was on us for not communicating this earlier! Hope you manage to climb back up again now!


Originally posted by asdfhowdoidothis

Does this apply to all spells or just barrages?

Only the ice spells from the Ancient spellbook and Bind/Snare/Entangle spells in the normal spell book are impacted by this change.


Originally posted by wtfiswrongwithit

does this make all spells hit all the time if you are above those thresholds or is it only bind spells against players? it isn't really clear to me from the newspost, but I was using double cast against vorkath a few days ago and it felt really, really bad, like it probably had no effect so i'm hoping it's all spells against everything

It's only for Bind spells and the Ice spells from the Ancient spellbook.


Originally posted by lunch0guy

I wouldn't say "absolutely" on point considering the lack of communication in regard to the stealth nerf. I am happy with the results we are getting once the community gets engaged though.

In hindsight we should have sent out comms to make everyone aware, but it was a little tricky given it was changed at around 10pm GMT when not as many staff are avaiable. It would have been better to not make the silent hotfix at all and went with today's approach instead, something we've noted for future instances :)


Originally posted by Beretot

I love how they're rolling with the punches, trying to keep things fair and reasonable, but most of all, not shying away from strong/busted effects in order to promote fun. Removing the KC on gwd and this are undoubtedly the best ways to keep things going and making sure no one is stuck on a relic choice they regret.

The mod's mindset seems to be absolutely on point, kudos

It's a tough balance to manage but ultimately yeah, we want to make sure players are still having fun even if things are a little broken. That's kind of the charm of Leagues, you can do stuff you'd never normally be able to do in the main game!


Originally posted by Rhaps0dy

If theres any mod lurking in this thread, I just wanna say that not all Zeah steps were removed. Today I got hosidius mess hall from a hard clue.

We're aware some clues were missed out, we're investigating that currently and hope to have those steps removed but it might be with next week's game update now


Originally posted by Starsaber222

DO we know when we'll find out how many points the various rewards are going to cost?

It'll be before the League ends so you have time to view everything in advance, but no exact date to be given just yet!


Originally posted by Lerdroth

So people who said they missed consistently with Ice Barrage / Blitz were lying or assuming "0"'s are misses? I swear I saw people saying they still splashed but that post makes it clear as day it was a bug making 100% accuracy spells.

Either way glad they went back on it, Mage is so weak compared to the other two Relics.

It was impossible for the spell to splash previously, but people may have thought a 0 hit was a splash. You can still successfully cast a spell and it hit 0, with Ice Barrage it would freeze the target in that instance.

05 Nov


Originally posted by BeneathSkin

I got the enchantment and it does in fact use a charge with every cast.. u/jagexayiza sorry for the tag, but would it be possible to look into this? All other spells/powered staffs save 90% of casts with the Double Cast relic. The Slayer Staff (e) uses a charge with every cast currently.

Hey, no worries at all :) If you haven't already could you please report this in-game as a bug and we can look into it further. Sounds reasonable to me that it would act the same as the other staffs


Originally posted by TheFakeKanye

Hi Ayiza, you're one of my favorite jmods, I'm so glad to see you back and active in the community.

Thank you so much :D it's great to be back!


Originally posted by KineticVisions

You threw it away?! Who are you, Richie Rich? You're supposed to alch it ;)

Richie Rich, what a great film. Loved watching that as a kid!


This is so wholesome and lovely, keep on being awesome <3


You should totally pick this back up again during lockdown


Originally posted by Helpful_guy

Production master makes it so you can 1-click cook an entire inventory of seaweed into soda ash, 1-click smelt an entire inventory of bars at a furnace, 1-click craft an entire inventory of jewelry in a furnace, 1-click fire an entire inventory of clay pottery, and 1-click blow an entire inventory of glass.

Why do I have to spend 2 hours slowly making molten glass 1-by-1?

It just makes no sense that combining sand and soda ash at a furnace happens 1 at a time given that literally everything else related to glassblowing and using a furnace processes the full inventory in 1-click.

Just seems like an oversight.

I agree with you and I've sent some feedback over to the team to figure out the reasoning behind it


This is amazing omg I'm lost for words!! Thank you so much for doing this, I always knew I'd make a good Goku haha <3


Originally posted by EpicRussia

Can you fix the Cerberus location too so players can't just TP out when the ghosts come out, wait 10 seconds, and come back? It is the hardest part of that fight and is completely bypassed by Last Recall

Husky said this before so I'll just copy/paste his response

We were considering preventing it in Cerberus room as it skips an entire mechanic but to be honest it's just a cool and inventive way to use the Relic so we're leaving it as is!