

20 Apr

14 Apr


Originally posted by DesleyOS

I feel like the ornament kits should be able to be used anywhere.

Makes the minigame more active, which is what it will need.
Untradeable is good tho.

The Ornament kits can be used anywhere! It's only the non-cosmetic rewards that are tied to PvP only :)


Originally posted by Thermald

i’m still not clear about the reward structure. is there an incentive to be a high rank, say more rewards for winning? wouldn’t want a meta where people throw like 50 games in a row to be able to farm points faster…

The higher rank you are, the more reward points you'll get!


Originally posted by Royoffire

In the image of the claws and dagon'hai is that really dagon'hai or elder chaos robes? Because it looks almost identical to the chaos robes.


Ah yeah, sorry it is the Elder Chaos Robes... I'll change that now!


Originally posted by TinNanBattlePlan

Why don’t you make some strides about fixing the most popular part of PvP? 1v1 fights in low level wildy or PVP worlds

You killed pking with removing BH and now want to fracture the community further with this.

The obsession with hybriding and tribriding needs to stop. Nobody gets into pking because that shit is impossible to learn and unrewarding. You used to be able to make a pure and have a bit of fun with a gmaul or dds - now you need a max main and 300 apm.

The new proposed wildy extension further highlights your lack of support for traditional pking. No love for pures, rune pures, med levels, tanks. It’s always tribriding on a max main or bust.

Who else remembers being able to go to edge and find a decent fight without either being attacked by someone 15 levels higher, or being forced to tribrid?

I'm still hopeful that we'll be able to revisit Bounty Hunter this year, which should cover a lot of the areas you want to see more support in.

As for the new proposed wildy extension, it was a design put together for Game Jam by one of our artists. It's not final... and you might have missed we included Bounty Hunter Island in there too, which goes to show we are aware of needing to support traditional pking.


Originally posted by instable_stable

things like the AGS max hit you get from it is absolutely insane.. but it's glass cannon armour with no real defense to it like void. and a major cost of repair.. so i guess it's a huge risk/reward to use it. at first i did think it was too much.

if i fight someone whos in it you best believe i'm freeze dd'ing or tree hugging them the whole fight so they can't catch any momentum. so i think as long as people know how to minimize the attacks they can get off, it can be fairly balanced

With the changes we made, the AGS max hit is now significantly lower :)

It'll be lower than what's currently possible in-game with full Torva!


Originally posted by CharmingPterosaur


Minor website bug report: I was redirected to an error page where the error message was printed in German, despite me being located in the USA. I don't possess a VPN or anything.

Sorry that I forgot to copy the specific text to my clipboard before navigating away :(

That's odd... it's actually happened to me before too and then the RS website was all in German :D

I'll let the team know!


Originally posted by Merdapura

The ornament kits are still untradeable? What the f**k?

Haven't you paid attention to people saying they dislike the wilderness because they're forced into the pvp content to get nonpvp shit and you're now slapping ornament kits for items used in both pvp and pvm exclusively to a pvp minigame.

Yes, if you want to get these cosmetic (and entirely optional) upgrades you'll have to step into content that you're perhaps not overly familiar with.

Thankfully the PvP Arena is going to be very accessible and there is no risk of losing items when participating :)


Originally posted by Mercy_CC

I'm excited you're trying out some queuing type content:)

The biggest selling point for me on this!


Originally posted by WastingEXP

Holy Holy DWH and black dragon claws. Cosmetics look neat. hopefully the changes to the pvp armour makes it better for the PVP community

They look so cool don't they :D


Originally posted by xx4m4xx

Please can we have some clarification around who can vote on this poll? Cosmetic upgrades for non-pvp content and the ability for pkers in the wildy to skip quests, gain access to tweaked prayers and gear which worsens an already piss poor cat and mouse situation seems like something the entire player base should get a say on and deeply out of touch. Recent updates seem very targeted at making it increasingly difficult for pvmers engaging in any wildy content to escape.

Recent updates have had quite the opposite intended effect to what you're describing though. To note just two of the major changes:

  • Removed the ability to be skulltricked
  • Added a PJ timer to the entire of Single-way combat, so multiple players can no longer pile on an individual

The rewards from the PvP Arena will be votable on by those who have engaged in PvP related activities, though we're not revealing the full criteria so it cannot be gamed.

It may be that the Ornament Kits will be votable on by everyone though, seeing as they are not exclusive to PvP content.


Originally posted by Evil_Steven

Ah ok. I figured the area would get a bit of a redesign. Didn’t realize it’s gonna be the exact same arena physically

Oh it's been redesigned drastically! Just that the rotten tomato salesperson is still there :)