

19 Jan


Originally posted by TheArzonite

Does the Endless Knowledge set effect automatically unlock all spellbooks or do I need to manually unlock them?

You'll still need to unlock the respective spellbooks :)


Originally posted by TakinShots

Anyone know how the clan system works for broadcast nofications in leagues worlds? If I'm in a clan in the main game, does this still show if I level in a leagues world?

Yeah they will, prepare for the spam!


Originally posted by Benend91

Sorry I've never played Leagues before so this might be a dumb question but could I go with a range tank build or skiller build and still unlock majority of rewards?

My only account is a late game Iron and I really don't want to do the exact same grinds/content again (even if it's boosted). But if other types of account are more viable, I might give this a go.

Absolutely viable yeah! Most of the rewards should be obtainable regardless of what route you take - those going ham are typically doing it for the ranks and trophies :)


Originally posted by Edziss101

I am getting the same butterflies as I had on my first date, let's goooo!

Good luck & have fun :D


Originally posted by Outzer

Will you be able to buy the cosmetics, like the Void kit on ge after leagues?

Yep, they're tradeable :)


Originally posted by HEROxDivine

Jagex employees shouldn’t even be having these kinds of conversations with players in private settings regardless of whether it’s faked or not. Don’t you think it’s a bit unfair that a specific group of players are able to receive tips that other players don’t have access to until it’s leaked?

Yes I do think it's unfair which is kind of what I said in my post. Going forward we'll try to ensure key information is shared fairly across the community.


Originally posted by Illustrious-Shallot9

Happy you cleared this up. Still dislike the man for nightmare and nex droptables tho.

That's fair enough, I don't think he'd argue with that 😅


Originally posted by hatesranged

The last few days have been quite frankly awful for him, and it's mostly down to this subreddit and your targeted hate.

I presume "your" refers to the subreddit/social media as a whole?

After you said that, I looked through OP's post history and I see (at least going back 2 weeks) nothing hateful towards anyone associated with osrs.

Yes most certainly as a whole, I'll edit that now as I don't want to give the wrong impression that OP is the issue!


Originally posted by CoronaHerman

I think you’re overstating my positions. I don’t think I’ve said anything hateful. All along I’ve maintained that it is a genuine possibility that these screenshots could be faked.

It’s no secret that there have been handfuls of posts citing Mod Arcane leaking information and I’m glad we’ve gotten to the bottom of it here. If these have all along been fakes and there have been no insider leaks the whole time, that is something community needs to know.

Sorry, the comments weren't directly at you or your post, it was more to those commenting.

Whilst posts like these are misleading and only amplify the hate, I'm sure you had good intentions based on the assumption the screenshots were real at the time.


I can't see the original thread or the screenshot in question because its been deleted, so forgive me if I got something wrong here as I've had to go off your comments (which may I add hasn't been fun, why do we have to be so hateful?).

There is nothing coming out in any blog discussing changes to the Zaryte crossbow. There might be the odd over a cup of tea conversation here and there, but that's literally an every day occurrence with many items.

The screenshots in this thread were faked, most likely by someone attempting to merch.

Arcane is one of the most passionate developers I've ever had the opportunity to work with. He puts in so much effort with his work and truly does care about the community and Old School as a whole.

The last few days have been quite frankly awful for him, and it's mostly down to this subreddit and its targeted hate towards him. I don't understand why some of you think it's acceptable to keep this up.

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18 Jan


Originally posted by Spineweilder

The plan is to have everything up once the newspost is up, like we did for Trailblazer last time. Two whole hours to craft your strats!

Spineweilder the hero we need, but not the one we deserve


Originally posted by SamCarter_SGC

Are those the normal update times?

We normally start the countdown at 11:00 GMT with the game going offline and coming back up at 11:30 GMT. So kind of close to normal update time, just a lil earlier to give us more time to prepare :)


Originally posted by JoinMyGild

How many leagues worlds will there be on release? I know trailblazer was a nightmare for the first few hours, and a significant amount of extra world's had to be opened.

Will there be enough worlds open for the incredibly high demand of this league?

We've got a decent amount ready to go live with the launch, more than Trailblazer did at least!

I think it's over 20!!


Originally posted by SoccyStar

Can you confirm whether or not the wiki team will be given the task list ~2 hours before the launch? I know this was the case in the past but we haven’t got solid confirmation yet on this. Thanks!

We are working with the Wiki team by providing some information before the release but I can't confirm exactly when their pages will be updated sorry! It's likely to be around the same time as the League launches though.


Originally posted by vin227

A 30-minute update timer will start at 10:00 GMT

But it is already past 10 GMT? Maybe you should add a date to the post or say "tomorrow" as now you cant really know with this post. All I know is that it was supposed to be 3rd of November, 2021.

Just added in "tomorrow" to the first sentence to clarify, sorry about that :D

14 Jan


And to think you still have so much content to look forward to :D Take your time and continue enjoying it!

Thanks for sharing, it brought a smile to my face :)

13 Jan


Originally posted by abrasivestepfather

Hi Ayiza, I just wanted to point out some things with the post that might cause some confusion.

The wording sounds like you have to hit the unique table with a 1/53 and then a get 1/500 to get the pet so your chance is 1/26500. I assume it's actually a flat 1/500 per kill?

Also the math for two players appears to be incorrect as 1/53*2 = 2/53 not the 1/106 implied.

I made a lil edit to the post a minute ago RE: Nexling as it doesn't require hitting the unique table first.

I can't comment further on the math side of things sorry. I've been told it's correct by the devs!


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Do you roll the table and then get a chance for Nexling, or is Nexling 1/500 after any kill?

It's 1/500 after any kill (just changed the post because I had it in the wrong section) and distributed as per the other loot.


I see your questions asking for further clarification on drop rates for different team sizes and such. Unfortunately, they're not something I can answer (I'm bad at math).

I'm sure someone out there with a much higher IQ will be able to tell you exactly what your chances are based on the info given, but don't rely on me for accurate answers! :D

Edit: made a lil change about the Nexling rate. It's 1/500, you don't need to hit the unique table first.