

21 Jan


Originally posted by newquestidewa

So will group ironmen who also managed to dupe items have them removed or will only lost items be replaced?

Only the lost items will be replaced in this situation.

We did look into the items that were duped, but given the nature of how we have to restore/remove items, we decided it was best to prioritise the restoration of what was lost.

20 Jan


Killing either of them on the League will count as if you were on a F2P world. The task description should be getting changed with next week's game update to reflect this!

19 Jan


Originally posted by NBA_Shitposting_Dude

/u/JagexAyiza - Follow up because I would also like to know if this can be confirmed or not. Very hesitant to play any characters right now fearing another rollback to repair GIM group storage

There won't be another rollback no. Whatever we can do to resolve the issue with GIM storage will be handled without one.


Originally posted by Jester97

Yet again jagex incompetence screws over players.

Not shocking in the slightest.

The fact you and the team let a temporary game mode f**k over players actual progress is reason why you and the team shouldn't be in game dev work, let alone customer facing if this is your response.

Like I said in my reply, waiting more from the team was key here. Have you checked the newspost for more info? It goes into more detail than my post here did.


We're aware of this being the case and currently looking into it further.

I have a terrible feeling that there isn't anything we'll be able to do to return the items lost, but I'll wait until I hear more from the team as to what has happened.

EDIT @ 18:00 GMT

We'll be updating the newspost shortly to go into a little more detail about this. I'll post a link as soon as it's live. Further information is most likely going to be shared via that post and our socials, so please keep an eye on it!

Here's the link: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/leagues-iii-shattered-relics---issues--fixes?oldschool=1


Originally posted by Nitram-xD

Will this make it so you start giving more servers for stuff like this dmm etc finally? It seem to be a problem every time. Also thanks for telling us what's going on etc. πŸ‘

Well we were adding more servers which is what caused the issue, but yeah, we do have a bigger pool of them available now for similar events such as DMM.


Originally posted by FutureGynecologist

Good thing yall delayed it so no game breaking bugs :-)

I understand it's frustrating, especially after the delay.

Unfortunately, a misconfigured set of worlds executed the League code on the wrong saved game profiles and that isn't something QA has any means of catching in advance at the moment.


Originally posted by ProjectInvisible

Hi Ayiza, know things must be stressful atm but do yous have an eta for when game will be back online? Cheers

It's likely to be a few hours - we'll share more as soon as we're able to!


Originally posted by Dndfixplz

Any ETA on how long the rollback?

It's going to be a few hours, I can't give an exact ETA though at the moment, sorry. We'll update the main issues thread and newspost once we know more.


Originally posted by dont_trip_

Well that's a relief. I imagine Jagex HQ is on fire atm with people running around in all directions

It's rather stressful to say the least, but we're sorting it and that's all that matters really! I'm very glad we have the ability to do rollbacks and solve the issues.


UPDATE: We've identified that the rollback will only be required for main game progress, setting players back to just before the update.

The Hiscores for Leagues will be reset, but all progress made on a Leagues world will be available when the game is back online.

Once you've logged in and out of the League, your progress will update on the Hiscores.

REALLY REALLY sorry for the inconvenience here folks :(

EDIT @ 15:17 GMT

Internal testing has begun on the restored save profiles following our rollback.

Once we're happy that everything is good, we'll be able to relaunch the worlds!

We'll share an ETA as soon as we're able to.

Thank you so much for your patience so far!

EDIT @ 15:40 GMT

We have some good news to share!

Significant progress has been made on our internal testing, allowing us to bring the worlds up earlier than expected!

We are aiming for the...

Read more

This was a result of issues with the new worlds being added - you didn't actually get reset, it was essentially logging you into a different save. If you go back to one of the original worlds that released with the Leagues launch, you should be back to where you were.

Sorry about that!


Originally posted by King_NickyZee

Thank you for the reply. At a guess, do you think I'd need to play A LOT or just moderately to afford it? I don't want to lose much time on my GIM but also don't want to miss the reward! Haha.

I think its safe to say moderate play will be enough, especially as the League will be open for 6 weeks :)

When the point costs are revealed you should have a good idea of how much more gaming you'll need to do!


Originally posted by daaajm

Can I play on my GIM account on normal worlds and league worlds at the same time?

Unfortunately no, you will need to be on two different accounts if you want to play both at the same time :(


Originally posted by Future_Cake

Will you be temporarily removing Stronghold of Security's authenticator requirement, like you did for last League?

A lot of folks make new accs for this (to keep grinding on main) and last time it helped prevent a bottleneck of interrupted plans/hype/immersion haha.

You don't need an authenticator there on a League world :)


Originally posted by gitanas_nauseda

a bit unrealated but is there an eta on raids 3 and this momths gielinor gazette?

Raids III rewards are likely going to be sometime in Feb. Gielinor Gazette will be before the end of this month :)


Originally posted by Yumek0Jabami

Any tips for someone new?

Go in blind and just have fun :)


Originally posted by Joshx5

Is the blog right that I can’t pick strength at the start, just attack, magic, or range?

Yes that's correct! Time to get planning!


Originally posted by King_NickyZee

How do I earn the whip model, exactly? Do I need to be in a certain tier by the end of the league?

You just need to get enough League points to be able to purchase it from the reward shop after the League ends. We haven't posted how much each reward costs yet, that's typically done after a few days so we can gauge the most appropriate numbers.