

23 Dec


Originally posted by RsCaptainFalcon

If the Raids quest doesn't pass, but ToA itself does, would that mean ToA would no longer be questlocked?

Worried about people voting no so their pures and alts can participate.

No, it'd likely mean we'd have to revisit the quest as it's rather integral to the story behind the Tombs of Amascut. The quest can't happen without the raid being in the game though, so it does rely on it passing first!


Originally posted by killisle

Can't wait for a very very special pvmer to kill 1k+ Jads on endless mode.

I'm not sure I'll be able to get 1k but I'll try!


Originally posted by casquerouge

Should Land of the Goblins be added to the game, as described in the blog? Land of the Goblins is an Experienced-level quest which advances the Dorgeshuun storyline.

I am voting yes only if there is a mind goblin in the quest. Can a Jmod give me some spoiler information about this matter so I can take an informed decision?

Only if said Mind Goblin asks you to look after his Monkey nut collection.

21 Dec

18 Dec


Each and every creator that was nominated this year fully deserved the support the community showed them.

The wording on the newspost you're referring to is a little different to what was in the actual survey - probably should have updated that so it reflected the survey, but we explicitly state for the "New" categories you can vote for someone who started making videos in the past year, or recently gained traction. Never thought it'd be an issue given the survey came a week prior to this post, so everyone who voted knew.

The Golden Gnomes are a celebration of our wonderful community, and every award is decided upon entirely by the people who vote.

I do think there is room for improvement, and that the categories could be changed or more of them added, but to suggest Hanannie should be disqualified when she was the clear favourite is just absurd.

Hanannie got her nomination, and her award, fair and square.

17 Dec


Originally posted by Honorable_Zuko

The untradables that can't be traded, is that more like things that have account bound charges like say barrows gear?

Yep, pretty much spot on for everything in the first list of items!


Originally posted by Taclys64

I hope clue scrolls are being discussed to add to the list of tradeable objects within a team. It would be a lot more fun and encourage team play when you could pass a clue around to people who can do each step.

We've had the discussion :)

A difficult one to pull off, but most certainly something the team seem keen on investigating when time allows!


Originally posted by WastingEXP

Couple of questions regard GIM teleport to home.

  1. is it possible to exit someone else POH and be place to your own POH portal location or is that a tech limitation?
  2. this will only be accessible on the regular spell book's home teleport spell I assume?
  3. e: will there be a cooldown or is it the same spells/runes as the normal poh teleport?
  1. I believe it would put you outside of the location the house is registered to.
  2. For some reason my new comments didn't make it into the blog - I'll get that fixed but the teleport section should mention this line "Teleport to house (tablet) will also have a right-click 'Group' option that will be available for Group Iron players to use for this."

Originally posted by WastingEXP

Oh, this is a whole thing not a continuation but there's a feedback section at the top as if it's an iteration of an existing blog post.

While I'm dumb, I think this is confusing. especially since it's a different/older date? idk. is this space just a TLDR?

The top section looks to cover some of the more prominent questions we received since first uploading the blog.

Sorry for the confusion - there's usually a much faster turnaround with revised versions than there was with this one.

16 Dec


Originally posted by Chrisazy

Guardians of Gielinor!! Please don't suck, please don't get removed, please don't be DoA by offering comparable or worse xp/hr than existing methods..

Kieren mentioned on a recent livestream that it'd likely be less XP/hour than Lavas, purely because of how intensive they are vs what Guardians of Gielinor will be.

That being said, we haven't put forward a design yet so who knows :)

10 Dec


It may well be... you're gonna need to pump up those numbers though


Originally posted by RNGeebs

Really wish we could have a category for “best series” as well as “best new series” because that would be a clear 1-2 for soup or settled and then limpwurt

Best video creator doesn’t really mean best series, and best individual video doesn’t really mean best series either.

All in all tho limpwurt got robbed for best new creator, some of these people I have no idea how they made the list. To the point where I feel like you should look into how many surveys were filled out by individuals, or require a login to vote so you can ensure it’s one vote per account

There are definitely improvements that can be made for the categories, I agree with you on that one!

We do have some steps in place to prevent multiple votes from the same person, but I'm sure there are ways they can be bypassed. That being said, nothing seemed obviously out of the ordinary when we reviewed the votes.


Originally posted by IIIlIlllIlIIllIl

Poll choices change based on language selected


Yeah I know, you have to select English for the correct survey link.

Unfortunately the theme I used included language options that had the old surveys embedded in. The honest answer is I didn't have enough time to create a new theme for the surveys that didn't include them.

I'm really sorry, it annoys me a lot. I didn't realise until it was too late, we just haven't had much time to turn the Golden Gnomes around this year.

A poor excuse but the only one I have to give!


Originally posted by cashew_kat

Wasn't their a community one too?

We'll announce that one during the livestream as it's the only award we decide on as a team :)


Originally posted by couplefunones

Can I ask, do you guys at Jagex HQ watch the swampletics vids? I’d assume probably on your own time but curious if maybe the team watches vids together.

Some of the mods had a viewing party last night to watch it when it dropped, others are doing the same this evening, and some of us watched parts of it together during our lunch :)

We all watch a LOT of YouTube videos and livestreams!


Originally posted by Limpwurt-YT

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined...

Welp back to kq

I know it doesn't change anything, but you were really close to making the shortlist! The overwhelming support we saw for you across socials just goes to show how much your content is loved, and we had to pop in an honourable mention for you!

I've been really enjoying your series and want to wish you the best of luck for 2022 :)


Originally posted by Bokaconan

117s hd isnt on the same tier with a poster or a plush dog. I f**king hate jagex and how they doesnt recognize importance of runelite or 117s hd model. This game is playable only for runelite. Billion dollar company leeches runelite and 117 alone did hd rework. Now where is all the "i dont want hd rework dev time waste, ooo hd sucks og 2006 graphics." We received hd without wasting any dev time. Look all the plenty content they gave us this year. Game will never be same as its used to be unless someone boughts jagex and manages with passion like gower bros.

We put forward the nominees that the community decide on by voting, so what you're seeing here is a clear reflection of what people think outside of Jagex.