

15 Feb


Originally posted by sarcasticpriest

This is generally a wonderful idea I've been hoping to see for a while. Now, onto the nitpicking.

The stat select thing seems mildly interesting, but I can't imagine mage range not being the meta. Also, it does not exactly emulate or prepare people for 1v1 fights. That said, the blog says nothing about the gear that will be used in the arena, so it's hard to get a clear idea.

It would be very nice to have some unique items (like vls, Statius Warhammer or something completely new), rather than just reskins for items used in PvP. That said, surge/wave sacks are pretty nice, the amulet and potion I'm not a fan off. The amulet feels frankly pretty weak, but even if it were strong it'd just be unfun if the meta was to bankstand 15 mins before going back pking. The potion is just busted imo - in almost all cases in the rev caves it offers a near free escape, both for pkers and for pvmers.

Now, the most important part - the ranking system. The blog doesn't mention ...

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Thanks for the feedback! Lots of great points to digest here. Keep an eye out for the updated blog in the next few days :)


Originally posted by wizzyrofl

Will there be tournies with entry fees?

No there will not be any way to wager gold or items with the PvP Arena, even via the form of an entry fee


Originally posted by Phenns

It's a bit worrying that the cosmetics are tradeable. That's a huge incentive for botting. Maybe consider a specific poll to ask if they should be tradeable when this is voted on?

I love the idea of the kits, but any and all opportunities that present themselves to botters to flood a mini game like this will instantly make it dead content for normal players honestly.

We could certainly offer them as being untradeable!


Originally posted by asdfgasdfdfdd

The only thing that looks off is the Amulet of Souls. Seems like it would make it that you'd only want to fight every 15 minutes? Would feel really bad to think you got a kill just to get gimped because they waited 15 minutes in bank for a free life.

Seen a lot of feedback regarding the amulet. I'd be surprised if it was in the next blog revision!

There have been some good suggestions for an alternative reward we could put in its place. One of those is to make the Amulet of Fury able to teleport like an Amulet of Glory - what do you think of that?


Originally posted by fitmedcook

I assume the blighted sacks are the exception and will work on npcs in the wildy just like the other sacks?

I'll find out and get it added to the V2 of the blog!


Originally posted by DatParadox

I don't engage in PvP much, but I think most of this looks great. It's looking more similar to other MMOs now in regards to easy-to-access ranked PvP, allows alternative routes to getting PvP ready items, and can be a good way for interested players to dip their toes in that's not a tri-brid battle royale.

The only problem I see is the amulet of souls. That, personally, looks like a really bad item to add. It seems like It'll subtly motivate players only to pk every 15 minutes, and now everytime you get a kill, they other person could get revived. The worst case scenario is turning every PvP world fight into expecting 2 kills. It also makes escaping in wildy easier, which may be an issue. Either way, that kinda power sounds better as a temp powerup in a minigame, not something healthy for long term PVP.

I could also see players get upset that they'll have to do a lot of this PvP minigame to get, what looks like, new meta PvP items, before they can engage in PvP effe...

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Thanks for the feedback! Seeing lots of similar comments about the Amulet of Souls, I'd be surprised to see that stay for the next blog update.

Glad to see you're excited :)


Originally posted by KingBuck_413

Without proper ranking system I have no interest in getting stomped on constantly. Lms makes learning pvp impossible. You just get thrown into a game with experts constantly.

The PvP Arena will have a ranking system so you should only face players of the same or similar rank to yourself!


Originally posted by Bojarzin

Wow lots of cool stuff here. I am not an avid PVPer but tbh I would be interested in trying this out, and that's a lot of rewards

Glad you like it!


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Are there any plans to combat boosting?

Reward and Rank points can only be obtained from matches the game generates for you, so it'll hopefully be harder by default to boost.


Originally posted by Beretot

Will the ranking system be an Elo rating system? I noticed nowhere does it say you'll lose ranking by losing, so I'd be afraid the game will confuse players who are really good with players that simply played a lot

I'll get that clarified in the next blog version, thanks for raising!


Originally posted by jeremiah1119

This seems like a cool update focused on revamping the pvp scene in a way that hasn't been tried before. The thing I'm most interested in is the point system that's equivilant to MMR. If successful, is the hope to bring that to LMS in the future? Or is the design too different because of the differences in design?

I'm not much jnto pvp but these items and changes sound very exciting. Turning the duel arena into actual content is also quite a fun idea

There could be potential for us to use the same matching system for other updates in the future, but this has been built specifically for the PvP Arena so I can't guarantee that!


Originally posted by RaidsMonkeyIdeas

Please consider delayed payout of rewards to a weekly basis. For example, reward points are accumulated throughout the week, but paid out after the weekly reset. This gives mods time to review if anyone is boosting and disqualify them from getting points if they were. If you want Arena to remain profitable, you need this to prevent the issues with BH2.

Edit: At the same time, because it's being reviewed, you can also have an ADDITIONAL reward system for people that are Top 10 Ranked that are paid out on a Monthly/Bi-Monthly cycle and the rewards can be super stacked because its few players + its reviewed.

We did speak about giving reward points out on a weekly basis, I'll have to check what the conclusion to that conversation was I cannot remember now!


Originally posted by AnonymousCow69420

When can we anticipate examples of these kits/ items? Will tournament worlds be released to test some of the non cosmetic gear and/or the arena system itself prior to launch? Thanks again team, this update looks great.

There will be a beta for the rewards specifically, so you'll have chance to try them out before they get added in-game! I can't give an exact date yet, but given we're aiming for a May release then it'd be before that!


Originally posted by modmailtest1

Will all of these untradeable rewards be on the collection log? There's no real PVP precedent set, with LMS being on the log but Bounty Hunter hats not being on there. Personally I hope they're not, as it's only going to cause boosting, but I'd like a firm answer.

Also, can you please make the "Flame Roses" farmable? I don't really like the idea of herblore secondaries coming from a minigame shop, it feels quite inorganic and private server-y, but if you're adamant on them coming from there, at least make it so only the seeds are buyable, and you have to plant the seeds in a flower patch to get the roses.

Yes the rewards would be included within the Collection Log.

Noted about the Flame Rose, thanks!


Originally posted by TubzTubz

The stats you can choose in the tourament/1v1 might need to be tweaked/adjusted but other wise this is absolutely fantastic news and i actually cannot wait.

We're most certainly open to feedback on what the stats should be :)

Glad to hear you like the bulk of it though!


Originally posted by Bucksbanana

Does "Centurion Cuirass" and all the other armors only work in pvp too? I don't see that mentioned unlike the barrow glove variant.

Yes, all of the non-cosmetic rewards can only be used in PvP.

At the start of the Rewards section there is this note bolded:

"Accordingly, the rewards are focused on PvP, so they can only be used against other players. If any of the non-cosmetic items are equipped, you will simply be unable to attack anything other than players."

09 Feb


Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Unrelated to this update, but I know Android open beta was scheduled for the end of January. Is there a revised timeline?

There is! We hope to be able to share more news in the next few weeks, but it's not far from being ready to release now.

24 Jan


Originally posted by Iconoclastic_Fuqr

So when is the refund happening?

With this week's game update on Wednesday!


Originally posted by princebk74

Do we know if we will get any renown back for the skills/bosses we already unlocked? I have already unlocked all the skills which means I would get a ton back if they do that. Also, it would probably change my plans in terms of boss unlocks until the update. Sorry if I overlooked this and they say it somewhere!

If you bought anything at the current price you'll get the difference refunded when the changes are made live!