

23 Dec


Christmas came early! That is some incredible luck right there :D


Originally posted by Sgt_Henno_Garvie

With the release of Land of the Goblins, a miniquest, Hopespearโ€™s Will, was added as well. Will we be seeing that miniquest come back too if the quest itself passes?

I've literally just updated the blog to include a question for this! :)


Originally posted by darkhawk1005

Will the Hopespear's Will miniquest be added alongside Land of the Goblins?

It will! I've just updated the blog to include this information :)


Originally posted by tuc2-0

How do I know beforehand if events like this are gonna happen

Btw Ayiza was also very active on reddit earlier today, awesome guy

I usually just tweet ~15 mins before. I'll try do some more over the next few days :)


Originally posted by viserbro

If you see this Ayiza thank you for your and the rest of the teams great work love you all <3

Without context, it seems like I've officially lost the plot!

Thanks for attending! Hope you have a wonderful time this festive season & thank you for the kind words <3


Thanks for coming <3 Merry Christmas!


They still need to be polled (and pass) before we can consider adding them to the game. The poll is likely going to be next week, so not too long to wait!


Originally posted by Zesinua

I would love for this year to just be quest continuations. I want to know what happened with the Red Axe, Slug Queen lady, and the Fairy Queen! What happened with that evil pretend monk in devious minds? Temple of Ikov had a cliff hanger too! There are some penguins up to no good in the north as well. I NEED ANSWERS u/JagexAyiza !!

I'm sure Mod Ed has plans somewhere to continue every questline :D


Originally posted by KeitZhGaming

So what you're basically saying is Leagues 3 is coming in summer, got it.

na im joking but actually what I meant is that in terms of content are you guys still working on leagues 3 or is it absolutely 100% finished now? We have a small group of players theory crafting already on the most optimal routes and what do expect so I was wondering if there is still any surprises or changes we might see.

Ah - yeah development for Leagues III is practically done (from what I can tell anyway). Maybe a few small tweaks here and there, but in terms of major changes then no.


Originally posted by LordGozer2

Interesting, Land of the Goblins has been talked about for years as a potential quest to add, due to it being in a near-complete stage, but it has never seemed to be an overly popular request. I wonder what has changed now since you wanna poll it (not that I don't want it)?

Honestly, I'd say it's a combination of the following:

  • Increased demand for quests
  • A lack of new content in 2021
  • Discovering that the majority of the work for this quest was already done
  • Mod Ed & his love for quests.

When you put all of that together it seems like a win-win for everyone!


Originally posted by WastingEXP

For the infinite jad challenge, let the jad pet grow a little pet for every jad after 6 that is killed?

How big are we talking for someone who stays the full 6-hour log timer?


Originally posted by Falchion_Punch

He makes it look so easy


Originally posted by CraftyScotsman

A mod answered this in another comment. Tldr romeo and juliet isnt a master level quest but you get loads of QP for that and quantity of QP isnt associated to difficulity of quest.

You dropped this ๐Ÿ‘‘


Originally posted by TehChid

The quest won't just be a mini raid...right?

Doesn't look like it from Ed's documentation ๐Ÿ‘€


Originally posted by cats4runes

with raids 3 coming out shortly, is there any possibility of balancing the elder maul before it comes out. Potentially a % dmg increase vs characters larger than 1 tile, this way pvp isnt affected.

How many mauls do you have in the bank???

Serious response - there are plenty of items we can look at rebalancing, but does the only option have to be straight up buffing them? Maybe certain items could become more effective than others in particular pieces of content instead?


Originally posted by ThaiTie31

When you just got your quest cape and then they add more quests ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Getting the cape back every time is part of the fun right???


Originally posted by KeitZhGaming

Is there going to be anything decisive coming up in the next month to shake up the upcoming Leagues 3? /u/JagexAyiza

Are you referring to the release date? If so, I think the risk of it being pushed back further is very very slim and nothing to worry about!


Originally posted by AtkarigiRS

Typo: "Icthalarin and his allies"


Good spot - fixed that now tysm!


Originally posted by tuc2-0

10/10 poll (or 3/3) please let these all pass
