

04 Nov


Originally posted by Dyasmond

It seems pretty good. Is the 2% tax already set, or might the number change as time goes on, or based on feedback?

Also, why are Elysians not included in the deletable items, while twisted bow is?

Definitely not set %, we're open to feedback!


Originally posted by xLrcRS

At those prices I can't see anyone buying above block 4 bank spaces, too much to charge for something that is minor QOL imo. At this point its cheaper to use an alt exclusively to store items.

I personally think that's okay - I know I won't spend the extra money because I don't need that many slots, but 20M for 240 extra bank spaces? Heck yeah count me in!


Originally posted by TehChid

What is the purpose of the table when talking about the gold sink? It is not mentioned

Oh, it's showcasing other gold sink items that can be put in the PoH... Must have removed that line of text!


Originally posted by walaozi

How would the 2% grand exchange tax work on items such as fire runes (when they cost 4 or 5gp?)

I believe there would be a minimum sale value before tax could be taken off. That kind of detail could be included in a future blog once we know for sure what kind of % we're dealing with.


Originally posted by BossHighscores

All raid items and engame boss uniques should be added on that list. GWD, Nightmare, Raids, Corp. Not sure why one raid item is included and the other one isn't. Those items need an item sink too.

All TOB items, the DWH, Zenyte jewelry, inquisitor's and Cerberus boots could use an item sink as well.

The list definitely isn't final! Thanks for the feedback :)


Originally posted by Ramenlulz

I don’t believe you guys committed to the gold sink meme.

Show me a WIP photo right now

It's literally a sink made out of gold


Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Great post, love the idea of a ge item sink.

I really wish we could get past "were thinking of doing X, Y, and Z" though. You're about to remove the Duel Arena, a fantastic gold sink. We need a replacement, or were going to notice a difference with a few extra trillion gold pieces floating around (just like were noticing an oversaturated item market).

The "we're thinking of doing" in this case is a segway segue to getting feedback on our proposition. I think we all know some change needs to happen, but that change needs to be one we can all agree on (hopefully)!

20 Oct

06 Oct


Originally posted by Florida_Aphelocoma

Can we get the option to completely restart an account? (or at least a rollback for all group accounts?)

It wasn't until this morning that we were told you can't add a new member to a 2 person group to make a 3 person group. I've wasted a 6,000 day old account because of that...

You can add a new member to a 2 person group to make a 3 person group.

The newest recruit would be subject to trade restrictions listed here https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/c=wiIgdthZP-U/group-ironman?oldschool=1, and you'd also lose group prestige.


Originally posted by OlafTGS

can i join my friends group if theyve already left tutorial island?

Yes you can, but you'll not have individual prestige. This means you'd be the one person in the group that is subject to trade restrictions listed here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/c=wiIgdthZP-U/group-ironman?oldschool=1


Originally posted by gaysaucemage

Are RuneLite features broken for everyone now? It said things might not work properly until an update, but I thought I’d still have most of the features.

Probably a noob question, but I haven’t played in years til about a week ago.

If you haven't already, try reloading the client :)


Originally posted by Unoisgoat


A permanent fix is being worked on, but it won't be available until next week. Until then you'll just have to keep refreshing or hopping. Really sorry about that!


Originally posted by Despure

If group is already made, we're all on node and none of us has been kicked is it safe to leave the node? How can we know when it's safe to leave the node?

Yeah if your group has been created then you're safe to leave.

The issues relating to staying on The Node are for those who had difficulty creating groups and were force kicked off.


Originally posted by Night_Hand

anyone know if it's possible to create a group to save a group name, and then return to The Node later to fill the remainder of the slots?

members of my group have day jobs and won't be able to play for 9 more hours, but I'd like to get this name saved for the boys

EDIT: Looks like modsween says "Don't leave Tutorial Island for the time being."

Yes it's possible, though you'll need at least one other person to help you create the group.

One thing to note though. Any new members you invite to the group after it has been created will be subject to trade restrictions as outlined in this post: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/group-ironman?oldschool=1


Originally posted by butteryspoink

I am so excited for this. I don't even play much anymore, but I like to watch a lot of Youtube content. I love the ironman mode, but after seeing how long it takes most content creators to get many of the items, I simply cannot justify putting that much time into it.

Really looking forward to what Mudkip in particular is gonna put out. Apart from him, Settled and Slaybrothers, do you guys have any other content creator that I might find interesting?

I'm really looking forward to watching the progression of:

Faux/Roidie/MMORPG/Mr Mammal



Originally posted by Molly_Hlervu

Do I have to choose between GIM and HCGIM at the Iron npc before travelling to the Node? Or it may be changed on the Node too?

And another thing... just an observation. It seems the Tutorial island is the only area which one can log into right now. I repeatedly fail to login both on my main, and on an F2P alt. But my Tutorial newb can log in/out normally, any time. Not in any group yet though.

There are crates on The Node near the tutor there that allow you to select between normal and HC GIM!


Originally posted by Iron-lar

Have been going back to the node to invite new people to our group, and some of us are hardcore, some aren't. Also, the group size has remained at 2 despite having 4 people in the group. the group IM armour also is stuck and shows II for all

Hey, would you mind sending me some further information?

Your RSN's would be great to know so I can pass them over to the team.


Originally posted by Hiredmerc34

Well I know what I'm playing on my birthday today. I can't wait to group up with my friends!

Happy Birthday!!


Originally posted by x0r6ztgiggler

If our hardcore group losses all our lives, do we also immediately lose prestige? The news post says that you need to lose all your lives to invite a new team member, but I don’t see anything about losing prestige when hardcore status is lost (sorry in advance if I’ve missed something).

You can only lose Prestige from inviting a new member into your group. If your group were to lose all their lives, you'd go down from a Prestige Hardcore group to a Prestige Iron group :)