

06 Oct


Originally posted by Huncho_Muncho

Can you change group name?

No you cannot change your name after creation.


Originally posted by OriginalDK12

So dumb question, say 2 of us starts a group at the node and starts playing can the third player join later?

Yeah you can increase the size of your group, but you're unable to decrease it.

The new member of the group will be subject to trade restrictions when they join though, so keep that one in mind!


Originally posted by Eccentricc

did minigame teleport go away? How do I get past whitewolf mountain without dying at lvl 3?

It still exists, it was just moved.

If you go to the GIM symbol (or clan, whatever you have open at the time) which is right next to the :) icon, you'll notice a new icon on the far right of that tab called "Grouping".

You can select the minigame teleports from there!



Originally posted by Hadez192

Just curious why would we have 1 account focus on slayer until 91 or 95 slayer if we can't even share the items because of some arbitrary rule about needing to kill the boss at least once on each account? I see why you want to implement this, and I think it should only apply to raids and nightmare. Items such as pegasians, Dragon hunter lance ect should not require every account to have killed the boss once. That takes away from the idea that we are focusing on different aspects of the game. Even in general it kinda ruins the fun because now everyone has to trek over to kill a daggonoth king instead of having one guy just camp to get B rings for everyone. It seems like it'll ruin the flow of everyone focusing in different areas of the game. Please consider changing this rule, I dont remember seeing it previously.

These restrictions only apply if you're wanting to trade items outside of the original members of your group.

For example:

Your group consists of 3 people, all who were present at the time of account creation. Player 1 gets 95 Slayer and obtains an Abyssal Whip. They can then trade that whip to Players 2 and 3 freely, with no restrictions.

Player 3 then leaves the group and is replaced by a new member. This new member now has trade restrictions and must kill an Abyssal Demon at least once before being able to equip the whip from Player 1.


Originally posted by DKwins

Should I wait to have everyone in the group before I start? Do people or join late get punished long term or just the 4 week trading limit?

If you want to maintain Group Prestige, you'll need to wait until everyone is in the group before you start.

If that's not something you're interested in then by all means go ahead and create it now, though you'll need however many players you intend to have in your group ready to help form it. You can then invite new members to the group once those who helped you have left.

Any new members added will be subject to the trading limits as you pointed out.


Hey, this is something we're aware of and have a fix for that is in development.

In the meantime, you'll have to relog or use the refresh icon for them to appear again.

Apologies about this :(


Originally posted by Scytrus

Mod Ayiza has saved me. Praise :D

Sorry about that, those trees get a little lonely sometimes!

24 Sep


A surefire way to get your account banned, thanks for sharing.

If you come across this yourself in-game and want to report it, the best option will be via [email protected] - action isn't immediate but the ACT do review this inbox and it's a great way to share additional evidence with video/photo proof.

23 Sep


Originally posted by Digidude64

Props to whoever designed that Multicannon. Great aesthetic to a popular item that doesn't have cosmetics yet.

Mod West is best when it comes to in-game adaptations of concept art!


Originally posted by MilesLetum

Rewards keep getting better every year



Originally posted by Kiwi_Toast

Holy hell this stuff is so cool looking

Isn't it just?!


Originally posted by wertwert765

Why does the rune crossbow look like a mith crossbow?

Most likely due to the artists opting to make the metal of the crossbow match the colour of the Relic Hunter outfit on offer too. You can tell they're very similar!

15 Sep


Originally posted by WompaPenith

Will contestants be able to use sigils in the 1v1’s, or will sigils be disabled?

Yes all the Sigils are enabled for the finals. It's gonna be a wild one!

13 Sep

10 Sep


Please release Nan now

08 Sep

07 Sep


Originally posted by modmailtest1

Do you genuinely believe that people are going to buy that it's a coincidence that this statement comes out right before the plugin was due to be released?

No, I can fully understand why people would think otherwise. But I don't have any other option than to reply with the information I have available to me.


Originally posted by Marble_Columns

This feels like a lie honestly

I really have nothing to gain by lying about this - it'd be more beneficial if I did actualy lie and make up a different reason as to why we're sharing this message today, but that wouldn't be right or accurate.

I can fully understand why people would think otherwise though.