Love all of these, seems pretty well thought-out and explained.
Elena is the MVP
Love all of these, seems pretty well thought-out and explained.
Elena is the MVP
we would like this to be polled only for the affected players.
I read this as only hardcores - does 'affected players' then just mean everyone?
Sorry, I changed my reply to be more accurate to the blog wording. Apologies for that!
As a regular account player, I’m essentially in a group with all other regular accounts. If group iron players are allowed to teleport directly to other group members’ houses, can I be allowed to teleport directly to the houses of the other members of my (significantly larger) group?
The PoH changes would apply to everyone, not just GIM accounts :)
The teleport to other peoples houses would be massive. Then the entire team can set their house in different locations than just all of us having it in rellekka.
I'd love for this to be in the game
Yeah there's quite a lot you can do with it, even with the being online restriction in place!
Would this update for GIM houses allow us to teleport to a group members house even if they're offline? Without that it doesnt improve much.
They would still need to be online, but would no longer need to be inside the house to allow you access.
Most of these sound nice, but it would be nice if more focus was put on updating the core game (i.e. non group iron).
We agree on the non GIM content and it's something we're taking into account with our 2022 roadmap.
this sucks
Care to expand on why at all?
I’m going to vote no on the teleport shards. What’s the point of these areas being “dangerous” if you can get away that easily. HCIM is a challenge for a reason
That's a fair enough reason to vote no, but keep in mind there are often times that are out of a players control which these crystals will assist with.
These changes sound good to me, however I still feel like the emergency teleport should at least be polled to hardcore regular ironman and not just hardcore group ironman. Especially when you even mention how it devalues the achievement for non gim hardcore players. Also why is the house teleport chosen as a right click on the home teleport instead of on the teleport to house icon?
The intention is for these teleport crystals to apply to all accounts, so they'd be open to voting on by affected players, so the focus is on HCGIM. We've not set in stone the polling strategy yet though, hence no poll questions included in this iteration.
Also to note: most of these areas aren't actually considered a dangerous death for standard HCIM, so the use of the crystals isn't really required to remain safe.
Sup Ayiza
Damn that's depressing, I hope ayiza just moved in haha
Haha yeah, we moved into a new (old) house about 3 months ago and we're just getting into the thick of renovations before it gets too cold.
Our chimneys were suffering from damp so needed to take them back to brick and reseal. This room is a total mess but it's the only space I have for the PC that isn't overly dusty or freezing cold!
As mentioned in our Economy Blog, the additional Bank spaces you get for having a PIN and Authenticator set up have increased from 8 to 20.
You get 8 bank slots for PIN and 8 more for Authenticator, 16 total. So does this mean you get 20 for PIN and 20 for Authenticator so 40 total? Or 10 for PIN and 10 for authenticator and 20 total?
It's 40 in total, so 20 for each!
I have fixed this, looks like the wrong question box was copied and pasted - thank you so much for raising this!
My bad
Imagine: "with the maintained levels of support, energy and excitement surrounding the re-run of Deadman reborn we agree that there should be more time for players to enjoy DMM before jumping into a different game mode.
Given the competitive nature of DMM. We recognise it can be massively disruptive to players if they instead decide to go play something else. It's important that we don't break up the final ladders.
We appreciate that this has scuppered some of your plans. People will have taken time off work and made other IRL arrangements to play. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Leagues 3: Shattered Relics will be released on 19 March, 2021 and will run until 2 May 2021.Thank you for the continued support and we look forward to welcoming you to Leagues III: Shattered Relics in the upcoming months!"
We're not re-running the entirety of Deadman Reborn, only the Finals and those who qualified for it previously. I am confident re-running the finals won't cause a delay to any upcoming content!
Join us ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You comment just made me realize we need to change “bolt racks”, to “barrows arrows”.
Barrows arrows
Make the bank spaces purchasable with death coffer money for irons
It'd be pure gold as per the current design. I think Death's coffer might be too susceptible to abuse of item prices, but it's feedback I've seen and will be sharing with the team :)