

18 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


Feel free to send any suggestions my way, happy to look at other things as and when we can!


Originally posted by FathleteTV

Well done pushing this out so quickly lads. Just to be clear though, you can still spear your opponent multiple times in a row right? So the immunity after a shove isn't also immunity from another shove?

Correct. There is a small period of immunity between multiple Shoves, but that has always existed and remains unchanged :)


Originally posted by heldire90

The wording is a little unclear, particularly around:

" In order to prevent the above, using a Shove special attack will now apply a three second immunity against being bound in place by binding spells like Entangle or Ice Barrage."

Is this meaning to say that there will be a 3 second gap between yourself being able to be frozen/binded/shoved, if shoved, or that using the special attack 'shove' with your own spear will then provide you the 3 second immunity?

If its the former, perhaps add in "...against the target being bound..."

The immunity is only given to the player that was Shoved. I thought it was clear in the example given but I can see your point!


Originally posted by Snoo92320

if i understand the example correctly you now have 3second imunity from being barraged again after you have just been barraged not just after you have been shoved?

There has always been immunity between one barrage freeze expiring and you being able to be frozen by a new barrage. That shouldn't have changed at all with this.


Originally posted by BWandstuffs

Two questions:

  • Does this change affect PvM? There's some setups, notably tzhaar pickpocketing, where shoving an enemy several times in a row before they can move is important.

  • How does this interact if you immediately freeze an enemy, then dragon spear? Does the longer freeze of the ice barrage continue?

This change will impact PvM too but only if you were using the Shove special attack into a Bind spell. You can still Shove multiple times in a row as you could before.

Edit RE: your second point, I've just been made aware that the spear special is cancelling the remaining freeze duration which wasn't intended. We're looking into reverting that bit of behaviour.

Edit 2: The issue that caused shove special attacks to remove any existing binds has now been resolved.


Originally posted by MissingPear

Does this change interaction of a Shove into another Shove?
Just spells?

Shove into another Shove hasn't been changed, only Shove into Bind


Originally posted by BigAlbini

why wasn't this polled?

We think this goes against the spirit of the game, which is why we made the change without a poll.

17 Dec


Originally posted by Bacon_Falcon

Pretty sure it’s an oversight from the previous blog. u/JagexAyiza

Yeah it was unfortunately carried over from the last poll we did. Thankfully it only remained that way for around 5 minutes before another hotfix changed it back.

16 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


They will be permanent changes, but as mentioned in the newspost we'll try and replicate old behaviour where possible. It'll take some time, but we will try.


Originally posted by tonypalmtrees

hi ayiza 🥺

Hello :)


Originally posted by JohnnyJoeJack

Sorry to bother, but any chance are we going to get any League Points\Standings updates before it ends in January?

Yeah we plan to post the rankings this week and next on socials. There won't be a newspost for it but you'll find it here or over on Twitter and such :)


Originally posted by mathPrettyhugeDick

As someone pretty deep into speedrunning BA, I can confirm this change hasn't actually affected BA in any way. I suspect it is because BA uses different interfaces to the normal ones (recently cannon interfaces got "adjusted" to match other interfaces for some reason). Although right now, Ayiza is saying that there could be more changes this weekend that could affect BA.

As for how prayer interfaces, they are used, among other things, as a way to link stalls. For example, you can do a cape emote, go the prayer tab, click on 10 different prayers, go back to the emote tab, and spam click on the cape emote so that you stall the BA interface for the length of up to 10 cape emotes - during this period, the call doesn't change nor do red eggs deplete, which is pretty useful in some situations.

Yeah I am pretty certain more changes will be made that will impact BA quite heavily fairly soon. It's really unfortunate, so much of what is done there is awesome. Hoping today's post gave enough reason to explain why it's important we do this.


Originally posted by MickMuffin27

Is there a game update today along with this, or am I getting my days of the week mixed up?

No game update for new content now until the 6th Jan but it's likely we'll have some world reboots between now and then!


Originally posted by RiyuOra

Thank you for being as transparant as possible about this. I understand not all details can be made public yet because you are still working on a full fix , but can we expect more information about the dupe in the future?

That's not something we'll be sharing any further information on unfortunately.


Originally posted by RyanTargaryen

Does this mean tick-eating is no longer possible? Or just in those instances?

Just in instances where stalling was involved. You can still tick-eat as normal elsewhere


Originally posted by SpecialGnu

I'm assuming it has to do with the ring of suffering reseting recoil ring charges method?

It's more related to Melee tick-eating rather than the reseting of recoil charges, I don't think that side of things has been impacted with these changes


Originally posted by Bucksbanana

Level 3 combat Fight Cave completions

wait does that mean the capes got removed on the level 3 accounts?

No they remain, it just won't be possible to complete the Fight Caves in the same way for some time until we can figure out an alternative.

14 Dec


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

It would be nice if you have an option to give a preset no reason. For example, after you click no, you could pick "I don't want this", "I want this revised", "No comment" (default), or such. But typing a comment adds too many possible responses to easily make sense of it.

I'd love it if we could add those kind of selectable responses, would help with gauging why things might have failed more than we can at the moment!