

14 Dec


Originally posted by jotegr

I still don't like an additional prayer draining effect being available in PvP. It adds yet another method of getting you closer to being smited when getting tagged by multiple team members. I don't think corruption should work in dangerous PvP at all, or at a minimum have it not stack with smite somehow.

I'll get some clarification added on the spell as I don't believe it will stack, so you'd only have one instance of Corruption active.


Originally posted by swagged_by_mom

changes seem good. theres a ton of people that seem to think that introducing underpowered content at launch is a waste of time or somehow useless; you have to understand that it is much easier to introduce something underpowered then adjust it to something more appropriate rather than poll something that could be considered overpowered then never makes it into the game. the approach taken in this blog where numbers are low and restrictions are high is good because it drastically decreases the chance that something game breaking occurs. its so funny seeing people flip flop between "this is useless i dont want it" and "this is broken it shouldnt be in the game", like at least if its useless it can be changed in the future

It's really difficult to get the balance right for the polls, but I think we're about there with the resurrections which is why we didn't make any changes to the damage. As you pointed out, it's much easier to look at changing things when they're live in the game rather than have something fail a poll because it seems way too powerful.


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Is it possible to have more than one thrall active at once? Do NPCs target the thralls or just ignore them while receiving damage?

You can only have 1 Thrall active at any time and they cannot be attacked (so they receive no damage)


Originally posted by Matt5327

14/12/2020 - Added information to clarify that Shadow Veil proves a chance to avoid being stunned and damaged while pickpocketing NPCs, rather than just avoiding the damage.

Should be provides

I like the changes and clarifications overall. Still good, but not so good that it might fail to pass.

Fixed that one cheers!


Originally posted by Merdapura

u/JagexAyiza I don't wanna ruin your day but lumbridge graveyard is bis tele to death's domain (aside from the edgeville respawn)

But you can literally teleport to Lumbridge and run for 3 seconds :(

11 Dec


Originally posted by samwise800

Do boosts above 99 affect the duration of the new spells?

Yep I believe so!


Originally posted by runner5678

Does it? Desert Diary is instant isn't it? These you do one invent at a time? It's a very different experience.

You can clean noted herbs with the Hard diary but it's rather pricey


Just a quick note regarding Death Charge, its worded poorly and I will be changing it soon.

The spell only works for the first assigned slayer creature killed, after which it will need to be cast again. There isn't a cooldown for the spell right now, but it's likely we will add one.


Originally posted by nickyGyul


Cleans all herbs in the inventory. Half the Herblore experience is given and a random herb is destroyed.

* Requires 70 Magic

* Costs 4 Earth & 2 Nature runes to cast

* Grants 83 Magic experience

Seems overly punishing since other processing spells don't destroy your materials, in fact they offer better results in some cases (like 100% success rate for smelting iron bars with Superheat Item). The half the Herblore experience seems sufficiently punishing.

Shadow Veil

Grants a 15% chance to avoid stun damage while thieving. It will remain active for one game cycle (0.6 seconds) for every Magic level the user has at the time of casting. Stacks with the effects of the Dodgy Necklace, granting a total of 40% chance to avoid stun damage while thieving.

* Requires 47 Magic

* Costs 5 Earth,...

Read more

The spell does kind of compete with the Desert diary which is why the random destroyed herb was there, to help balance out the difference between them.

And yes it would be 99 Magic × 0.6 seconds = 59.4 seconds :)


Originally posted by mightyfrot

Hey Ayiza, any news on the iron-only gwd rooms?

Next year but before Combat Achievements is the plan I believe


Originally posted by DJMooray

The Fenkenstrain castle, and lumbridge swamp teleports are very useful for medium clue scrolls as well



Originally posted by Docter_Bogs

Is there a reason you are proposing to replace these 3 teleports instead of just adding new ones? As many people have mentioned in this thread, the Draynor Manor and Fenkenstrain's Castle teleports are actually useful in certain situations.

I think its due to increasing the overall number of teleports being a bit of an issue because of the various interfaces they're plugged into. It's not a complete deal breaker though, we'll look to work around it should the feedback warrant it (which seems to be the case)


Originally posted by Floridurh

  1. Resurrect mob spells seem overly weak if the highest cast is a zombie with a max hit of 3

  2. Will Dark Lure work on Giant Mole? If it does, kind of nullifies the diary reward for mole tracker. If it doesn’t, there’s not much use of it unless you’re planning a flee feature utilized more in new mobs

  3. Will Ward of Arceuus demonic damage reduction work on Zammy Godwars?

  4. Also, since this rework focuses on prayer usage/drainage, what about a high level spell variant of vengeance but instead of HP taken, it’s prayer drained? Instant Corruption?

1 - We can adjust it based on feedback :)

2 - Not that I'm aware of... It could, but probably shouldn't?

3 - Yes

4 - Put together some detail and I can see what's possible!


Originally posted by The_Wkwied

The only thing that seems poor is the summoning spells. Limiting it to the specific areas and limiting it to trash mob spawns sounds like it really makes it weak.

We don't have to limit it to specific areas, that section is more aimed towards the whole "if you want them to be restricted, this is what we could do".

Sorry it wasn't very clear!


Originally posted by IAmAGermanShepherd

Quests good.



Originally posted by DocRockManc

I use the Draynor Manor teleport for the belladonna patch twice a day. Please do not remove that?!

A little oversight on our end. Given the response I highly doubt we'll be looking to remove that teleport!


Originally posted by Kepsa

A typo -

WWhether these mechanics should be available all over the game world and in every combat situation is something we're considering, here are some possibilities:



Secon section of the course requires 48 Agility to complete - 30,000 Agility XP/hour


Fixed, thank you :)


Originally posted by Hunterofthanos

Typo near the bottom of the resurrection section "WWhether".

Fixed that cheers :)


Originally posted by Monoxxide

"WWhether these mechanics should be available" typo.

Has the team had a discussion about being able to reanimate anywhere or add more designated locations?

Typo fixed thank you!

We're open to it being everywhere, that section was more about "if you'd rather it not be everywhere, this is where it could be used"