Back in December, we asked for your thoughts on improvements to the Collection Log for Poll 74.
Before we release the blog we'd like to get one last round of suggestions in!
Leave your ideas in the comments below!
External link →Back in December, we asked for your thoughts on improvements to the Collection Log for Poll 74.
Before we release the blog we'd like to get one last round of suggestions in!
Leave your ideas in the comments below!
External link →Absolutely, we should definitely push this forward. Any mods in the area? u/JagexAyiza?
Seems reasonable to me. I'll see what the team think, maybe there is a secret reason it was made that way 🤔
They're awesome! We recently got a dog but I can safely say he'd destroy those in seconds hahaha.
Love your work so much, this is absolutely amazing!!
What world? Asking for a friend...
Early concept art for the next League?
Great work btw! <3
I love it when Mods do this! Interacting with the community in game is such a great way to spread happiness and positivity on occasions such as these.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!
I'll never be able to unsee this
Literally just has to say "we're open to a ranked PvP ladder/ELO of any kind, let us hear your ideas" and they'll get, for free, the most amazing ideas from the community than they'd ever get putting their whole dev team in a room for a week on paid salary. OSRS loyalty is #1, we even have the top corner of /r/place
The signal has been lit, go go go
Whatd you eat for lunch today ayiza
I had a large zinger stacker meal with 4 hot wings and a cherry Pepsi max but ate it so fast I've felt sick all day
Thank you. Our clan was going mental.
It's been changed now, thank you for being patient!
We've just made a slight change to prevent the Dragon and Zamorakian Spear special attacks from removing any existing Binds when used on a player.
The 3 second immunity after the original Bind expires still remains.
Is there any way to limit this effect to PvP worlds only. Otherwise you're going to kill multi clanning as this new mechanic means if you spear a frozen target they will be unfroze and you have a cool down. Seems like this might have been overlooked
Using a spear spec wasn't meant to remove any existing binds. It's being changed now so that existing binds will remain in place as they did before. Sorry about that.
Thank you. Our clan was going mental.
Yeah, sorry about that! I'll reply here when it's changed and we'll also reply to the tweet we sent out.
You have absolutely f****d up multi. Why don’t any of you ever consult people who do pvp before you make these reactionary changes. Framed’s video was bang on, you’ve taken this and changed it so now someone can’t be speared from singles into multi because the moment you d spear it breaks the freeze. Now you’ll be d spearing your own team to give them an advantage. It’s clueless.
The constant lack of knowledge you lot show when it comes to pvp is painful and ultimately losing players.
The removal of any existing binds when using the spear was unintended as part of this change and we're looking to revert that specifically.
You have literally just ruined multi, ice barrage can be complete counteracted by a 1 itemer with a spear.
The removal of any existing binds when using the spear was unintended as part of this change and we're looking to revert that specifically.
framed made them do it kek
His video definitely helped amplify the severity of the issue. A lot of the hold up was on my side though honestly. I wanted to make sure we considered our options and looked at a good solution and I just didn't have time to discuss it given the recent blogs I've worked on.
Any jmod thread is the right thread.
I'm mostly wondering if it'll be available before everyone takes off for the holidays, but its been radio silence since the announcement.
No big content updates before the new year unfortunately. It'll be out before Combat Achievements though I believe.
While I understand that this was a huge issue for single way combat, please reconsider this change for multi combat zones. Spearing is a big part of pking in multi combat zones and even necessary and gives single players too much advantage over an entire clan.
After having cast a barrage on a player in multicombat and then spearing him instantly, it seems to remove the freeze entirely. This is broken in multi combat zones.
We did consider deep wild pking, and whilst it will be a change there too, ultimately the decision was it still feels awful having zero counterplay to being frozen in place indefinitely and is something we should have fixed a long time ago.
Oops, didn't see that reply. Thanks! Answers it exactly.
Saves me copy/pasting it :D No worries!