

18 Jan


Originally posted by Mr-Malum

I love you guys and I'm not being a dick here, but cutting 99% of the players out of a vote is a terrible, terrible idea and an awful precedent to set and I'd urge you to rethink it.

We've thought about it a lot and that's why it's taken a very long time to get to this point.

Considering the UIM specific polls went down really well for that community, which arguably cut out WAY more players from voting than this PvP only poll will, why is this one such a problem for you in comparison?


Originally posted by LordGozer2


As such, only accounts that have racked up some PKs on PvP worlds in the last few months are eligible to vote; others will be forced to skip.

Can this bit of info be added to the poll question itself? Something like ~99% will be forced to skip this one, and I bet many players will wonder why they can't vote for/against it when the question itself mentions nothing about it.

For what it's worth, we didn't have the same issue when it came to the UIM specific poll (which also didn't list it in the poll question). Not to say I'm against adding it in, just not sure if it's entirely needed. Would be good for clarity sake though, and that's probably enough of a reason! :)


Originally posted by ducklover72

/u/jagexayiza Could you take a look at the Trailblazer graceful? It doesn’t look as good as in the devblog and a lot of people are disappointed

I believe this has already been raised and logged as something to investigate but I'll mention it again. The way lighting works in-game vs the editor tools is a little different I believe (these kind of comments come up fairly often as a result).


Originally posted by Impressive_Ad_8146

Anyone know what’s going on with soul wars changes?

They're coming with this week's game update.

We'd hoped to put on a stream of sorts today to go through them, but we weren't quite ready for it :(

Hoping we can share more on socials tomorrow (as well as all the info being in the game update newspost), keep an eye out!


Originally posted by skyfireknight

I'm worried about the Runite rocks in the dungeon becoming a bot spot. How will you address potential bots? (Other than aggressive skeletons).

Is a total level of 500 required to access the island per "players require a total level of 500 and a combat level of 40 to play Soul Wars"?

There are no requirements to visit the island at present. The Runite rock would be surrounded by the Skeletons and the Iron dragon will be close enough to aggro anyone trying to mine it.


Originally posted by Orange_Duck451

If bloodvelds are to be classified as demons, will they drop bones or demonic ash?

They will continue to drop bones, though this might change in the future when we revisit the ability to automatically scatter ashes.


Originally posted by runner5678

Shame, that was the only thing I wanted to vote yes on. Skipping everything else.

:( sorry!


Originally posted by runner5678

You removed the Ectoplasmator from the Poll? That was the only thing I wanted to vote yes on. Everything else was a skip.

Sorry about that! It'll be back again sometime in the very near future, though it may be a different item serving the same purpose by then :)


Originally posted by RebelOSRS

  • 18/01/2021 - Increased the number of Greator Demons, Fire Giants, Blue Dragons and Iron Dragons that will be available on 'Soul Wars Island'.

Love greator demons

Oopsie woopsie...

Fixed that cheers!


Originally posted by kevindehintern

Since you guys updated the revenant caves the multi scene has died. Any chance you can revisit this piece of content and actually target the gold farmers abusing it rather than nuking the multi scene? The way the revs are spread out now is perfect to prevent clans from camping the worlds

We'll be looking to make changes to the Revenant Caves with the upcoming Wilderness Changes mentioned in December's Gazette. We'll have more to share a little later this year!


Originally posted by Jcoronado92

- Removed the previous 'Poll Question #23' offering an update to the Ectoplasmator in preparation for the release of Demonic Ash. We will revisit this again closer to when A Kingdom Divided releases, likely by offering a different item instead.

Can anyone inform me what was the proposal as I did not read the original blog? :(

With the upcoming release of A Kingdom Divided and the Arceuus Spellbook rework, we'll be introducing a new way to train Prayer by allowing players to scatter demonic ashes for Prayer experience. If you missed the information about this update, check out all of the details in this blog.

Nice and early in preparation for the release, we'd like to take a look at the functionality of the Ectoplasmator. We propose that it could scatter demonic ash in a similar way to how the Bonecrusher automatically buries bones.

In order to do this we'd make it so the Ectoplasmator can be charged with soul runes.

  • Each soul rune gives 100 charges.
  • When held in the Inventory, it will automatically scatter any demonic ashes dropped by foes.
  • When ashes are scattered, a charge is used.
  • When ashes are scattered, half of the usual Prayer XP is given.

Existing Ectoplasmator effects would not be changed as a result of this update.

16 Jan


Originally posted by lamTheEnigma

you're simply unable to fathom the issues outside of max hit.the damage per second of the vls is way higher than any godsword lmao

The fights in PvP worlds aren't typically focused around dps though.

Sure, in a longer fight the VLS is likely to out perform another spec weapon, but PvP world fights heavily rely on KO potential and the VLS doesn't have higher KO potential than the AGS or Dragon Claws.

Most players I've spoke to want it for extra variety if nothing else.


Originally posted by _Charlie_Sheen_

why don't they wear clothes that fit? They would still look buff and less like sausage casings

We just got out of a mad gym session so we're still pretty pumped up from all the heavy lifting

15 Jan


Originally posted by Osmium_tetraoxide

Would this be the raw completions or allow for the export of the specific achievements?

No plans at the moment, literally just something we've talked about rather than started to design kind of thing. I imagine it would just be the total number of items collected though?


Originally posted by LordGozer2

Will the collection log be updated to also include missing items from e.g. LMS and Volcanic Mine?

It will yeah, this little bit of text is just below the Collection Log poll questions:

In addition to the above poll questions, we will also be updating the Collection Log to include various items from other activities that are currently missing. Is there something in particular you think should be included? Then let us know by replying to the feedback links at the bottom of this blog!


Originally posted by smaker42

The combat achievements symbol in the proposed interface is the same symbol as the open tab. Should it be the orange symbol that is all the way to the right next to the Kourend Favour?

The icons that are used in the image are just placeholder, they'll change with the full release :)


Originally posted by Osmium_tetraoxide

Poll Question #11

Should the Jar of Spirits be added to the Corporeal Beast loot table? This jar can be used to showcase your very own Corporeal Beast in your Player Owned House. Inclusion of the jar would not impact the drop rate of existing unique items and would have a drop rate of 1/1000.

Hmm, drop rate isn't too terrible, say you get 8 kills/hour solo, that puts it back at 125 hours to get the Jar on average. Or ranging from 250-333 hours (3-4p/hour), which is around . Still an order of magnitude less than Skitizo's jar of darkness, and given the other drops gather on route to the jar, it's just inevitable from a longer Corp grind. Not too shabby a jar.

Poll Question #13

Should there be a small chance of receiving bird's egg nests when emptying a full bird house? This change would not impact the amount of seed nests you would otherwise receive.

Would this remove the existing chanc...

Read more

The only change being made with Poll Question #13 is slightly lowering the chance of receiving empty nests (2%) and ring nests (1%) - all other nests will remain unchanged!


Originally posted by SybariticLegerity

Sorry if someone already asked but why would more accurate kc times need a toggle? Can't you just show the accurate times always? I don't see any downsides to that.

We typically do this for anything that comes with a toggle, as it's likely the ones that want to have the change apply will enable it anyway.

Plus the change would make the text a little less "cleaner" I guess? Some people might not like that, and if anyone doesn't know the update happened, it's likely they'll send a bug report about it (that happens a fair bit!)