

07 Dec


Originally posted by stubbystubby

Could we hope to see some light shed on the potential improvement? I get you gotta keep some stuff on the down low, but maybe some sort of announcement planned at some point to address the growing concerns over points 1-3?

Regardless, thank you and the whole team for your hard work. <3

I'd advise keeping an eye out for the Gazette posts we put on the website. I know they've been delayed somewhat recently, but the latest one will be posted soon and they go into more detail about certain topics than I can!


Lots of valid points raised here. I can't go into much detail regarding them, but points 1-3 are things we are most certainly aware of and actively working on resolving or trying to improve on a daily basis. 2021 will hopefully see lots of improvement.

For point 4, with the recent Steam beta we suspect this will be raised more now than ever before. We're still considering our longer-term approach regarding making changes to the official client. For the time-being though we're focusing solely on making sure this client works bug-free and as expected on Steam.


Originally posted by xkenyonx

If it has runelite features, I'll play it.

Uncapped fps on a bog standard client isn't enough to sway myself and other 3rd party client users.

This won't do well, unless jagex bring their client up to standards with 3rd party ones.

We're still considering our longer-term approach when it comes to changes with the Official client. For the time-being we're focusing solely on making sure this client works bug-free and as expected on Steam.


Originally posted by VudOnOSRS

This is sick! Its about time the original client got some much needed updates, let alone gpu compatibility and a framerate higher than 50 fps!

I have never wanted a beta key so bad before .

Good luck getting in!


Originally posted by Friendlygymgoer

Sounds great, i'm looking forward to this. Hopefully this can bypass the ''too many login attempts issue''.

EDIT: It works! I can log in with no issues whatsover. Gameplay might be a bit scuffed but that's as expected in a beta and i will try my best to identify bugs!

There's hope!

We're exploring using the Steam beta as short-term solution to this issue. We hope to have more information to share on that real soon!


Originally posted by siebren88

Would be cool if the new PvM achievements would be linked to your steam account, so you can flex those achievements on your steam profile!

Btw; only one RS account can be linked to steam. Does this mean multi logging will not be possible with the steam client?

With the Steam beta, yes you'd only be able to have one account linked at a time. If you wanted to switch accounts you'd need to unlink and link a different account via the website.

It's definitely something we'd like to offer in the future with a full release.

04 Dec


Originally posted by TheFalloutHandbook

I will admit I have avoided replying to posts like these, purely because the only thing I can really say is that it's something we're aware of and are actively trying to fix.

I don't like ignoring them, and I am sorry for doing so.

I'd really love to share more on the subject but that is all I can say at the moment. Hopefully we'll get a solution in place soon!


Originally posted by susanelliott

Blink twice if they made u say that

mfw I haven't blinked for 2 minutes ◉_◉


Originally posted by [deleted]


/new is where it's at at nearly 1am I'm telling ya


Originally posted by JagexAyiza

No lol I just post on Reddit and hope they're gonna pay me at the end of the month

(on a serious note they do pay me and I am very happy with it)


Originally posted by ChocomelP

Do you even work at Jagex bro?

No lol I just post on Reddit and hope they're gonna pay me at the end of the month

03 Dec


It looks cosy and very portable. Do you always play like this?


Originally posted by PTFO__

Please don't go with horns on this model like the twisted helm or give us a toggle to turn their appearance off/on, they just look goofy

We'll share what the artists had in mind once they've had chance to start creating them, I was just merely saying how much I personally think this looks cool :D


Originally posted by RekSai-Bot

Are you going to help ETurns get his account back from the infinite to many log in attempts?

Edit: I was just tryna meme :(

I'd love to be able to help everyone having that problem but it's not something I can do unfortunately :( The issue in general is something we're aware of and are actively working on resolving, and as much as I want to help further, that's the most I can say.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Thanks for the reply. I do agree that there is room for early game content, but I think part of the issue is that skilling has had a major lack of endgame and challenging content and this is only the third skilling boss the game has seen. So while there may be room for this type of content, it can feel off to strengthen the mid-game of a skill that is lacking in the endgame.

Also, I think you rejoined the team since the initial blog, but I remember one of the issues was that it didn't offer much for the endgame and it does offer some scaling now. So if that can be done for exp, it could also be done for profit too. Perhaps it could even be at lower levels it is more about exp and less about profit, but then at higher levels it is more about profit with the exp not changing much from the mid-levels.

Overall though it does feel like the team keeps pushing a mid-level fishing update as the first fishing boss when that may not be what the community or the skill needs. T...

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You raise a fair point, it would be a shame to have to wait years for something really challenging to come out. I'm going to ask about a challenge mode for it :D I don't think tacking challenge mode onto everything is a good move, but it definitely does present a great way to have the same content be available to both new and veteran players!


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

The boss fight sounds fine. The only part I dislike is the "fun and sociable way to train Fishing". Skilling rarely sees Bosses, yet the majority of them are just glorified training methods. Can you imagine how disappointed if there was hype for a new PvM boss just for it to be a "fun and sociable way to train"?

While skills do have more room for new training methods, most skills need challenging content instead. Bosses should be more difficult and more dangerous methods you do for rewards, not sociable training activities. If a Fishing Boss isn't where we get challenging and rewarding fishing content, then when? It is tiring that nearly every PvM update is focused around new profitable challenges yet when it comes to skilling the focus is always about Exp and training. Skilling will never compete with PvM if we only get new ways to train it while PvM gets new ways to profit.

As for the rewards, most seem unchanged and they are still fine. Though I think the Tome of...

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Really good points raised here, thanks as always. Can't respond to much without talking to the rest of the team but I wanted to give my opinion on the whole skilling boss bit.

I don't want to see skilling content go down a route of being purely fun, or just similar to minigames with an emphasis on social activity, but I can understand why Tempoross is being pitched that way.

It's not meant to be competing with end game content, it's not designed for end game players. It's meant to be a more fun way to train fishing and is specifically targeting a certain group of players (35-70 Fishing).

I think trying to make it a super profitable boss that was more about the challenge and reward just wouldn't work for those levels. Most players at that point have never killed a boss. Content like this can act as a perfect introduction to learning different mechanics, getting used to reacting to things and being rewarded for playing better.

I absolutely believe we ...

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Friendship ended with Sandwich Lady

Now Kalphite Queen is my best friend