

27 Nov


The wiki is correct, it is possible to receive 19 :)


Big win! Congrats :D

14 Nov


Awesome stuff, well done! Just dont do what I did and stop here. I got one kill and stopped and will probably have to start from scratch when I go back :)

12 Nov

05 Nov


Awesome stuff! I'm still dying on p4/5 to stupid things on my main. Won't be attempting on my HCIM for a long time xD

09 Oct



For this event we decided to change the event boxes for ironmen to provide them a way to earn oddments. Small boxes give 25 and the large ones give 50.

Happy to take any feedback from this :)

P.s. I'll be in talks with CM to ensure we can get changes like this added to the newspost in future.

07 Oct


Originally posted by JagexCamel

Not the solution you're looking for but I'm currently on world 25 at the travelling artisan location for anyone that needs the achievement. I'm also happy to help out anyone that dm's me on twitter/discord that asks for help with this :)

Have now logged out :)


Not the solution you're looking for but I'm currently on world 25 at the travelling artisan location for anyone that needs the achievement. I'm also happy to help out anyone that dm's me on twitter/discord that asks for help with this :)


Originally posted by armcie

So if a previous artisan comes back will we instantly be able to do all the new items? or are you planning on increasing their level cap, making us do even more side rewards that will probably go unused?

This was the plan yes. But we can look at alternatives based on feedback.


Originally posted by MonzellRS

how about randomizing the items required a bit so it doesn't skyrocket a few items? this was taken during the end of the last event and shortly after... https://puu.sh/Gtae5.png

With how the system is set up we have to manually set each item. I think adding random ingredients might make balancing a nightmare. The price change can be nice for variation for gameplay but we can defiantly look at the quantities required which should help reduce the spike.


Originally posted by Narmoth

What pisses me off is the NPC is back down to level 1 again. I'm not going to put the effort into gathering all those items and end up with even more chainaxes. I don't know when I'll even use all the ones I made from the last event. Didn't even get to use the consumable potions up, event was too short.

It is just a waste.


As this is a new NPC they will start at level 1. The idea of the event is to bring back previous artisans with new rewards and also have all their previous rewards for those that missed them. Returning artisans will retain their level from the previous event.


Hey. Are there any specific areas you would like to see changed? e.g type of ingredients, quantity of ingredients etc.

The idea for the artisan events are the allow multiple ways to complete them with in-game methods: -Passively earning tokens -Actively collecting resources -Buying resources from others

I personally managed to complete the whole of the last event with tokens I earned from training archaeology which was nice. I like the leveling up system for the artisan as it adds more narrative to the event than just handing in tokens. I do agree that it requires too many tokens overall though which we can look at reducing.

06 Oct


They do stack yes but only on the base amount. So if you were to earn 1 medal then each enhancer would give an additional 1 for a total of 3 :)

01 Oct


Originally posted by ImRubic

Can you ensure no tasks (not matter which side) is a force skip. And by that I mean nothing costs hundreds of millions of gp, or more gp than the value of a skip via a bond.

I'll be looking at the costs of all buyables such as summoning and construction and highlighting all the standout tasks.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Already read this and even quoted some of the post/comments in the pitch :)


Originally posted by will_holmes

On dungeoneering, I'd highlight that it's built into the skill that you are supposed to continue clearing all floors even at high levels, so it doesn't make much sense to cap off lower level floors, except maybe Frozen, since many people skip them with tokens.

I used this as an example today. Complete 50 floors at occult means either completing alot more floors than 50 or sacrifising optimal xp. I liked OPs suggestion to base progress on floor size.


Originally posted by ImRubic

I think the core design of the Yak Track needs to change to resemble other games' pass systems and why they work.

"Tasks should have more of an impact on what the player is doing and less of an impact on how they do it."

If this is the philosophy we are going for then there should be a 'skill n kill' feature which lets you progress through the entire pass (at a slower rate) without needing to do a single task. In addition, tasks should not be locked to a single tier. There should be more freedom as to when you can do a task.

This is essentially the type of change I want personally. Task A - skill n kill - Do anything for 2 hours Task B - Get fletching Xp - roughly 1 hour Using the above as 'rough' examples.


Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_KATARINA

Thank you for the reply, I really hope that we do see these changes make it in.

I have already put in jobs for the following suggestions to name a few: -Arc skilling (wobblegongs etc) -Anachronia agility course to advance per section -Construction tasks

I've also written down some other stuff to investigate such as the farming skillcape :)


Originally posted by ImRubic

I feel really skeptical about this. I'm sure Jmods have the right intention but the end result does not reflect that. Jagex does not communicate why it is designed in a certain manner or why things don't change. And they refuse to change the most obvious things when asked. Either someone higher up is preventing these changes or you guys are too lazy to implement it.

We've had:

  • 7 Treasure Hunter Prestige list events.
  • 1 Runepass
  • 4 Yak Tracks

That means you've had 12 tries to get it right and you still don't even come close. We are still getting tasks which requires hundreds of millions of gp, or multiple hours worth of time to complete a single task. This means the core design is to buy skips, which is not the core design of a pass system in most other games. There's no resemblance or acknowledgement from Jagex of why other games Pass systems work and why theirs fail.

OP's suggestions have good intentions but they don't f...

Read more

I actually saw your post after we had written up the pitch presentation and the points raised were pretty similar. I personally don't engage in Yak Track's because the tasks pull me away from what I actually want to do in the game. I really like the Skill n Kill tasks and having every 'Task A' be along those lines is where I'd personally like to see the track go with 'Task B' as a faster but more specific alternative.

I also like the idea of changing the tasks to 'Gain xp' so there is more freedom on what can be done rather than having set tasks based on your level. This should hopefully solve the issue of various requested training methods not advancing the track such as arc skilling, cleansing crystals, overload batches, pawnbrokers etc (all of which ive put in a job for).

The reactions from todays meeting seemed positive so hopefully another discussion can be had soon to decide what we can commit to for the final track of the year :)


Hey, thanks for the suggestions. I actually just had a meeting where I pitched some changes to the yak track and some of your suggestions were amongst the points raised. Further discussions are needed to see what we can get done in time for the next track but some positive changes are being made :D