

03 Aug


Originally posted by savage4303

2.5 hours for this.. never previously needed this much time for maintainance until recently

The maintenance we're carrying out isn't directly related to the content of the update, but we are sorry for any inconvenience or disruption today's maintenance causes you.

02 Aug


Originally posted by ZukMyZik



Can you explain this? They both seem to contradict each other. One says you can only get it after surpassing x raid level. The other one says you can get it regardless?

Essentially at the breakpoints indicated, should you see a unique - it's well within the realms of realistic to expect to see one of the highlighted items. Getting one of the items that isn't highlighted isn't something you should ever realistically expect, but it's not completely impossible.


Originally posted by Graardors-Dad

Man this doesn’t explain shit lol. Are invocation just scaling like cox or do they introduce new mechanics or possibly detrimental thing to your player like not being able to use boosts in the raid.

It's not like CMs.

Perhaps we'll release a couple of them before TOA opens, but revealing all would kill so much of the mystique and magic of release day!


Originally posted by IKOZAE

Will there be a bank nearby/inside the raid to gear up at?

There was a stream recently where we showed some concept art of the Lobby area, including a very polite Bank Camel!

Playtesters reported minimal (but not 0...) spitting while they were gearing up, hopefully this is reassuring!


Originally posted by FlyingVulpix

As you work your way up the ranks and surpass 50 Raid Level, you'll be in with a shot at earning the Lightbearer and Osmumten's Fang.

Will the menu show the breakpoints for all the items or is it lightbearer/fang at 50 and everything else at 150? Is there a point that items become even more likely to be gotten?

Just to save you a re-read: 'The chance to gain a unique item, and the quantity of the normal loot you receive, is also boosted at higher Raid Level. This means there’s always an incentive to challenge yourself if you want to get your hands on that sweet, sweet loot!'

So to answer your questions:
- Breakpoints are shown for Normal and Expert mode runs. However, once your raid level surpasses 50 you'll see the highlight around the Lightbearer/Fang which indicates that they can be reasonably obtained at this difficulty.

- Even if something can be reasonably obtained, unique chance scales with raid level. So it's always going to be worth pushing yourself for better odds assuming you're getting consistent completions!


Originally posted by Aurarus

Very cool- I'm really hoping for a lot of unique modifiers (extra adds, new attacks, additional mechanics) instead of just modifying values like defense or health

Will happily confirm that invocations are a lot more interesting than just stat boosts!


Originally posted by Baruu

Any info on what the small top right box is? The one that changes from 0/5/14/34?

It's the number of invocations currently selected!


Originally posted by Noksdoks

So with this all info released, does it seem possible to do a raid solo without max gear and no invocations on? The raid seems super cool and i dont want to miss out on it bcs i dont have friends to play with.


01 Aug


YT series that inspired me to make an 807, immediately get 2 Cooking after one drink too many doing Witch's Potion and decide to become an 808 (Combat Only Except For Accidentally 2 Cooking).

Beast account, mammoth accomplishment!

25 Jul


Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

When they finalllyyyyy moved away from talking about spite voting and how it's a thing holding PVP back, there were good points raised that should have been spoken more about.

They spent far too long just going on about spite voting and just came across as sour.

It was really REALLY telling when they were discussing the sorta 'PVP' they get up to now at the start of the stream and the main 2 places were outside the entrance of rev caves or in the Wildy slayer caves. One of the 'positives' raised about Wildy Slayer Caves was that even though it's Multi, very little teams go in there and it's 'only' slayers.

Iirc, one of the Jmods even said they went there now because they used to kill people venny but now it was bad because people 'Just tank in Karils and Bulwark or call their friends in'.

Like they said, they get annoyed when people with better gear than them logs onto them, they don't wanna fight and will just get a freeze off and then log off under...

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So I think a lot of this comment is aimed at me, and it's sometimes hard for me to properly/fully articulate in a livestream with 6 people because of my ADHD - I constantly get worried I'm taking up too much time or that what I'm saying might not be particularly relevant etc. So wanted to add a little context that maybe got lost in the medium:

I should've been clearer when prefacing, but as somebody whose main experience was with BH, I'm not the best PKer. When talking about south caves, the point I raised was that the standard of player there is - in my experience - a little lower than at north caves. For somebody playing on pures/med levels, I generally have fights that feel a little more my speed than I would at north caves.

Wildy Slayer Caves are an interesting one, the point I was trying to make is that even though they're multi it's fairly uncommon to see a team log in so it's not a huge risk even as a solo PKer (not that I mind if ...

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19 Jul


Originally posted by tarktan

Please make Oda a shoutcaster for the next DMM.

He would obviously have to conform to a different style than what he's used to but he knows the game and could explain for onlookers what is happening.

Phreak of LoL used to be a top player but was never better than when he was in the announcer booth.

Not sure how much say I have on the Oda front, but he's v good when he gets flowing on something.

Unfortunately Phreak is far from my fave member of the LCS talent lineup for your comparison, but I'll let it slide...


This is very good, superb animation. Would love to see more like this!!

16 Jul


Originally posted by FFFFlee

Beyond "recent Q&A", Ash mentioned a long time ago, probably with Wolf still on the team, that Acorn, or someone else (A female mod that wasn't a main cam personality whom has since left), did have some idea for stuff.

You might be thinking of Maz!


Originally posted by SlothyPotato

holy f**k

at least I know I've been seen lol I'll take it

Alas, I alone cannot manifest what you seek. Ash did mention on a recent Q&A that there for sure were plans that just never came to fruition at the time and obviously production roadmaps are sometimes a little tight and don't leave much room for this kind of thing.

Perhaps your commitment, fearlessness and uplifting spirit shall one day be immortalised in some way, shape or form.

Godspeed. Perhaps the real use for your rare fossils are the friends you made along the way?


🦀 subreddit mods won't respond to this 🦀let the man joke 🦀 i don't think they're getting a use any time soon 🦀 but i could be wrong 🦀 don't quote me on that 🦀


Originally posted by 1675lifes

Any reason you took over from mod light / ayiza?

last I checked Ayiza was still my boss and Light is still killing the game on the daily!

15 Jul


This is super cool! Love seeing so much coming out of UE5, never found myself unimpressed with anything I've seen shared from it.

Sick work!


Originally posted by earshloper

You're cool goblin, when'd you start?

Started on the tail end of March this year and it's absolutely flown by!