

10 Nov



I'll try to have that resolved for next week. That was part of something I was fixing in there for this week, I just missed an edge-case where it could affect legitimate players. Sorry for the hassle and thanks for raising it!

03 Nov


Originally posted by iNewbcake

Noo, now my post isn't funny anymore!

On a more serious note, it seems like floor 1 and 4 have been reset as specified in the news post. However floor 5 is still at a 1 tick completion, I can't imagine this this time was achieved using intended methods, will this time also be reset?

It seems floor 5 was done during the update countdown. I'm going to issue a fix for that one now too, thanks for flagging it!


It has been fixed, we just had to manually wipe the global times after the update hit. This has now been done!

02 Sep


Originally posted by ohgeepee

Those were some Softball questions they got. Just about all of them were answered in the blog, kinda pathetic. And since they dodged questions like a date, I'm sure Group Slayer/Partner Slayer isn't there too. πŸ™„

Edit: also I get your name, hope you make career soon. From a regular. πŸ‘

Pretty sure I answered the question about the date including why uncertainty exists surrounding it.

I'd just rather we release the date when we're 100% certain about it rather than giving you guys an estimate then having people book time off work only to be annoyed at us if we have to change it.

27 Aug


Originally posted by lTIagic

Are the T1 sigils that you get with a starter kit going to be locked to your account like your other starter sigil until level 71 combat worlds?

Nope, you can sell it if you don't want it


Originally posted by IamMoikey

So, run lives into the ground as a lvl 3 and get all of the t1 sigils because you choose to lose what little exp you have instead of items?

You can only get a free Tier 1 Sigil/5k once per day. So yes, you could do that every day if you wanted but it'd take a while to get them all

31 Jul


Originally posted by AndNothingElseMatt

Why not change all multi-way to single plus? Clans ruin the game

Because that would kill off multi-way combat for pvm, imagine killing Bandos but in single way. It wouldn't really work all that well even if you were solo


Originally posted by mazrrim

Will vesta longsword and all the ancient equipment be in it? Armor as well as all weapons? Will it be tradable?

Just the weapons not the armour, equipment was definitely a misleading word in the blog


Originally posted by gggctoa

Combat XP will increase even further based on which Combat Level World you are playing in:

Level 3-35 = 10x Combat Experience

Level 36-70 = 15x Combat Experience

Level 71-100 = 20x Combat Experience

Level 71-100 = 20x Combat Experience

Is it meant to be level 101-126 = 25x Combat Experience for the last one?



Originally posted by EricMory

They mentioned on stream that PvM deaths also count towards the 3 lives. Does this include all PvM deaths or only unsafe deaths?

For example does dying during CoX count as a death, even though it's considered a safe death?

Just unsafe deaths so CoX will be safe

29 Jul

28 Jul


This should be x/150.

We could've easily changed the text to say Quest Points instead so that it's correct for this week but we saw many players say (and we agreed) that showing number of quests completed would be better.

Unfortunately there have been other CA jobs to work on which are higher priority but the job is still there in the backlog to fix it so that it correctly displays number of quests

14 Jul


Originally posted by Amaranthyne

It just kind of boggles the mind. It takes 2+ months to get small changes like this, but we've also had completely skipped weeks with no updates & long stretches with no/low-effort content. What is the team actually doing?

Sure, I can take this one.

So first off, the dev team is split into several groups each with their own projects and responsibilities.

Wardens - Recently did AKD and ToB Modes, currently working on the A night at the theatre rework

Juggernauts - (The team I'm on), Recently did Clans and ERB and are now finishing off Combat Achievements for next week

Unknown - Working on the New client features, you recently got batch 1

Operators - Recently did the work to take Phosani's Nightmare from ideation into a real project and also work on the polls and things you see week to week outside of actual projects

??? - We have another team working on things which haven't been announced.

And naturally each of the project teams have unannounced projects we're working on whether that be design work/creative briefs/design documents etc. or being further along doing implementation work.

The Operators currently have the least amount of devs ...

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07 Jul


Originally posted by CQQB

How will the slayer helms work with new tasks being added? If I have a Verzik slay helm (originally unlocked via Master diary completion) and a new task is added to the master tier, do I lose access to my slay helm a la quest cape on new quest release? Or will it revert to a regular slayer helm? Or will it still be useable as is, regardless of whether that new task is completed?

Thanks! I'm pumped for release.

I think we'll just unequip them, I can't remember. Regardless the point is you'll have to re-earn the tier that is now uncomplete similar to how quest capes work


Originally posted by BossHighscores

Why is there no Phosani among the speedrun tasks? Might as well dump the normal Nightmare and replace it by phosani.

We'll release Phosani tasks after the CA launch. It's still a little close to it's release and we couldn't fit it in with the dev time we have without delaying it anymore anyway.

Moving forward when new content gets released I'd imagine the tasks might take anywhere from a few weeks to maybe a month or just over to release. Mostly due to wanting to fix any bugs/evaluating the player metas for the content before coming up with tasks for it.

06 Jul


Originally posted by Falchion_Punch

Since nobody linked Husky's twitlonger:


A couple things to note:

Thanks for the summary I gave on twitter! :D

Hijacking this a little, looking to have a changelist out at some point tomorrow (or the day after if time is stretched) which will include the Vorkath task being changed along with a few other changes here and there.

Grandmaster really is supposed to be that tier of difficulty beyond what we've got in the game. I see people who can currently do the Inferno as being able to do the Master tier pretty comfortably if that's any reference.

Elite still has a ton in it, it's our biggest tier by number of tasks so this piece of content should hopefully hit a super wide-range of players and I'm definitely excited to see how you all do, how many completions per tier etc.

I really do want to emphasise that it's good to have aspirational content in the game and this kicks it up a notch. Future content will come out which may introduce rewards to make some of these tasks easier too so that's something to bear in mind....

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14 Jun


Originally posted by bobly81

So bow is absolutely not worth using without armour, got it.

Kind of? It's still decent. Worth noting that Crystal Bow in the proposal (with armour) is about 3 max hits higher than in game right now.


Originally posted by BestMudkip

So does the Bow of Faerdhinen not work with Armadyl? Or is the DPS just so bad it’s not worth showing on the graphs.

If it helps, the power of them goes as follows:

BoF with armour > Crystal Bow with armour > BoF with Armadyl > Crystal Bow with Armadyl

30 May


Originally posted by gon_ofit

And the new bow? Can we have an estimate of when can we expect it to be polled?

Nope because I don't know the answer! All of this stuff is very much in the proposal state and I want to make sure we've addressed all the feedback we can before committing to what gets polled and when


Originally posted by GodricLight

Links to the blog post are dead ends? Both here and the twitter?

Fixed! (here, not on twitter)