

08 Jul


Originally posted by InaudibleShout

Do the tattered pages drop in order—one for each book and then repeat? Or did I just get super weird RNG with that?

The pages currently have a bad-luck factor where they will try to give you the page which you currently have the least of, whether that is in your inventory, bank or in the book itself. It won't count for items you haven't picked up from the ground though


Originally posted by Ragingg_CLV

Do you have a regular D&D group you go to? / any suggestions on finding one in Cambridge? :>

I do!

I used to live further north before getting a job here so I play with my friends back home over skype, I DM one week and another player DMs the next (2 separate campaigns)


Originally posted by jossie9

Thanks /u/JagexHusky for this post! Really appreciate it. I made a post few hours ago about failing to slice the web with a wilderness sword. Is this a bug or intentional?

here is the post to explain what I mean

Ooh! Good spot.

That web has custom code because it has a peek option and I forgot to make it so that the wildy swords will slash it 100% of the time. I'll fix it for Thursday if I can.


Originally posted by ElliottM8

I am a pure, I used to be able to use the altar until I tried to kill Olbertus. Now I can't un-curse it without gaining prayer xp and ruining my account

We will be fixing this on Thursday so that no prayer experience is gained from the bone burner while the altar is cursed.

Nah f**k pures

I'm sorry you feel that way.

A bit more insight as to why i'm doing this. It was never my intention to give the players something then permanently take it away from them. If the altar was locked behind training prayer first by design then I wouldn't be going out of my way to do this, it just seems unfair that some accounts cannot get back what they once had because of the result of a decision they made unaware of the consequences.


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Helps put the focus more on pray switching, clearing adds etc. To ease them into higher level pvm, right?

That's the idea!

There are some important decisions the player has to make in the fight but that don't have any major consequences if they mess up (unlike Cerb)

They have to consider where they stand (to get to her quicker after she moves), whether or not they kill the creatures or finish her off and what they are praying based on their proximity to the boss.

If they ignore all mechanics they can still kill her, they'll just take more damage and get smaller trips/less kills/hr


Originally posted by Gamer1120

I gave the dragonstones straight out, with the correct dialogue options, but I had to offer 200 bones regardless. Any idea what could have gone wrong here? My in-game name is 'HiscoresOnly'.

I'll investigate and see if I can reproduce this. I've already had people confirm that they had to offer less bones to get the key so I know it should be working as intended.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you if it is a bug


Originally posted by kourilol

What made the decision to disallow cannons in the dungeon? I can understand the druids and spiders. I was more looking forward to red dragons

Copy and pasted from another comment:

I feared that allowing cannons in the dungeon would make the prayer training possible from red dragons to be too powerful.

Also a lot of the areas within the dungeon are very small so a cannon would take up a lot of space.

And lastly, I wasn't comfortable with players setting up cannons in Sarachnis' room and letting them solo her as the player avoids all of the mechanics of the fight.


Originally posted by Yeshua-Hamashiach

This type of content is exactly what I would have expected from Runescape back in 2007 and earlier. Absolutely amazing job with the update.

Don't let players talk you into making things easier/removing consequence such as instanced bossing and the Olbertus decisions. That kind of design makes OSRS feel alive and immersive. If everyone fights a boss in their own instance then the openess of the world dies just a little bit. And the meaning of choice with Olbertus is fantastic and feels like an RPG.

I hope to see more content designed by you in the future. You and Mod West clearly have the talent for it.

Thanks for the kind words!

I was definitely inspired by the choice with Olbertus from my own experience playing D&D. If you kill that NPC you can't go back on it and the DM usually introduces a consequence for it :)


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

as I was on holiday, Maz re-worked the mechanics to scale up to handle a group.

Re-reading your post before submitting this comment answered my questions but im gonna post it anyway incase it sparks anything else to touch on.

How do you feel the boss is doing scale wise for the players its designed for?

Seems to have a ton hp (400 hp, in comparison to godwars bosses at 255 hp for instance but they have way more def/hit harder and are group content) and a longer fight for players in the 70-80 combat stat range to solo.

I guess that leads to a 2nd question, was the fight/stats changed from when it was instance and definite solo only to accommodate noninstance/potential group fighting? Is it meant to be soloed by lv 100s anymore?

As you mentioned, god wars bosses have significantly more defense than Sarachnis does, her 400hp doesn't feel too severe from what i've seen.

I personally feel like a lower defence higher hp boss is more fun for players to fight because nothing is more frustrating than hitting nothing but 0s. Also she's a spider, spiders aren't known for having a high defense


Originally posted by wikings2

/u/JagexHusky can you give some insight on why cannons are not allowed in the dungeon? I was genuinely looking forward to beat the boss with my 10hp cannon only ironman, or just do other contents in there like red dragons which i can already do in brimhaven dungeon and now i could do it in zeah too.

I feared that allowing cannons in the dungeon would make the prayer training possible from red dragons to be too powerful.

Also a lot of the areas within the dungeon are very small so a cannon would take up a lot of space.

And lastly, I wasn't comfortable with players setting up cannons in Sarachnis' room and letting them solo her as the player avoids all of the mechanics of the fight.


Originally posted by Corpsecaravan

Why does the Grubby Chest give me so many items? It makes it annoying to use

• However, after playing with the content myself over the weekend I have made a change so that the red dragonhide/dragon bones will come un-noted as this drop is annoying to receive unless the player is currently training crafting/prayer at red dragons.

Did you mean "will come noted"? Otherwise the wording is a bit confusing. It sounds like they currently come un-noted which makes it annoying because it fills up your inventory.

Yes, that is correct. Currently every drop is noted from the Grubby Chest except red dragonhides/dragon bones.

I've updated it so that as of thursday, red dragonhides/dragon bones will be noted when receiving them from the chest.


Originally posted by qSolar

Will the theme behind the dungeon expand in the future? The undead druids must've been alive at some point and what powers does the mask they're wearing have? The moon god seems to have a lot going and I wonder what we'll uncover next.

I would certainly like to explore this story more in the future although I can't make any promises to what is being worked on next!


Originally posted by jesse1412

Is there any reason the boss doesn't inflict poison? I was very surpised when I did my first task and didn't get poisoned.

I felt like the poisonous spider trope had already been done by Venenatis. I wanted to focus on a spider boss which had a "swarming the player" kind of feel


So over the weekend I've been hopping around a number of streams and reddit threads and have seen a lot of the same question coming up regarding the design of the Forthos Dungeon. As such, I thought it would be interesting if I made a reddit post to address some of these questions.

What is the droprate of the Cudgel/Pet/Jar/Mask of Ranul?

  • I'll make that public within the next couple of weeks, keep an eye on my twitter!

Why did you change Sarachnis to be a non-instanced boss, it said that it was going to be instanced in the poll blog?

  • The poll blog was amended before the poll went live that we will make Sarachnis non-instanced and I apologise if anyone voted for it without seeing that. The reason it was changed is that of all the feedback we received from the initial poll blog, the fact that we had another instanced boss was the biggest one.

  • When I reviewed this feedback, the more...

Read more External link →

06 Jul


I'm glad you liked it! :)

04 Jul


Originally posted by DoctorLard7

Are they sneaking in a pet for the new boss?

If Mole gets one this surely should!

No sneaking required! There is a pet with this boss :)

14 Jun


Originally posted by rknightly191

For context, the cudgel is (basically) the same accuracy and strength of a rune 2h using slash, but 3 ticks faster. I dig it. No mention of 1h or 2h, though?

Sorry, it's planned to be a 1h weapon!


Originally posted by Yarcanine

I like the proposed darkbow reward, but can it also uncap the damage of the spec? Currently it's the only weapon I can think of that has a damage cap outside of ruby bolts(e) and you can already hit harder with Gmaul

I'd rather not touch the special attack of the weapon because of the potential implications in pvp


Originally posted by theatlantis_rs

Since it's a "middle" level boss, maybe add the robes from the Undead Mage as a very rare drop too? (for zerkers). They could have the same offensive stats as infinity robes but have the defensive stats of Lunar robes (lunar robes req 40 def). Require 45 defence and 65 Magic to wear, and let it have a set effect of like 20-30% more dmg and accuracy on undead monster?

Those Undead Druids in the blog are just placeholder images!

The actual ones look different and don't have any robes (Although they are clothed)


Originally posted by nonpk

tired of everything being made for irons.

With the changes we're making, it will no longer be an instanced boss!