

13 Nov


Originally posted by cookmeplox

You need to have done Heroes' Quest to use the scroll. I don't think they've said anything about lifting that requirement.

You are correct! We are not unlocking Heroes' Quest so that scroll will work as it does in the main-game.


Originally posted by lawldewow

Are the rewards released tomorrow or at the end of the league? Thanks

The rewards will be released at the end of the league!


Originally posted by ShrekDreck

I'm only worried that as an ironman I'll pick a "bad" relic at the start and that it'll lock me out from potentially achieving higher rewards than had I waited for a guide. While we don't know the rest of the relics, I still feel like the safer thing is to wait a few days before actually playing, which sort of sucks.

My advice would be to decide which activities you want to do and which relic you think will help what you do the most!

Ultimately no matter which Relic you pick you will feel powerful while it's effect is taking place and no relic will stop you getting enough points for the rewards you want


Originally posted by JackOscar

"Obtain a Skilling Pet" really needs to go from the masters tier, you can get that super early if you're lucky and it's going to inflate your points by a ridiculous amount, same thing with boss pets to a degree.

It's going to be like a "Yatzy" where at the end you'll either have gotten it or not, all based mostly on pure luck, and it will be huge decider in total points.

Haha! Someone will get that pet in the first hour and get the second relic straightaway but that's fine. That won't have a significant long-term impact given the fact the league runs for 2 months and we only reward someone for getting one skilling pet and one boss so that someone who gets lucky multiple times doesn't benefit a huge amount


Originally posted by Then000bster

So we don't know of any relics past the first 3? Not to mention how frequent or infrequent we get more relics?
iirc we spend our league points on more relics? but our "score" for the league is in league points? So the more relics we buy the lower our overall score is?

What u/clueless_otter said is correct. You don't spend your score, your score just determines when you unlock them. See it as Point Thresholds!


Originally posted by lempy101

Still have no clue what relic to choose. This is gonna be a ton of fun though. I personally don't mind some of the really easy/"lazy" tasks, like total level tasks, give you more dopamine rushes when not specifically going for those TLs :)

I've only just decided which one I want recently and even then I'm not super confident in my choice. This does tell me we've done a reasonable job balancing them to be a tough choice! Some people think some are trash and other advocate them, it really does depend on what you see yourself doing during the League and which activities you enjoy doing


Originally posted by Tabsies

Does the 4x Pray xp from Dark Altar Devotion stack with the base xp boost?

Yeah it stacks with the 5x boost, effectively 20x prayer xp from each bone. A normal bone is 4.5xp with that relic it's 90xp


Originally posted by Cats_and_Shit

Have the point milestones to unlock new relics been announced?

They'll be in the blog tomorrow!


Originally posted by Chemocamel

Is it even possible to 200m Farming XP in 2 months?

Definitely possible to get 200m farming!

200m smithing/herblore/crafting... I'm not so sure. But if we have one 200m task we should probably have all 23 because that makes sense right? Also these xp tasks will most probably be taken to the next League unless we see a good reason not to from reading feedback from this League.


Originally posted by e1744a525099d9a53c04

There are a lot of comments in this thread questioning the placement of each task, stuff like "X shouldn't be master" or "Y is impossible and not worth the effort". An idea that I think would be interesting for future leagues is to assign points based on how many people complete each task (fewer completions -> more difficult -> more points). That way it sort of self-balances.

I think you are overcomplicating which should be a simple design which is easier to understand. Also your design ultimately forces players to do unpopular pieces of content which doesn't sound like a good direction to take


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

This is an absolutely awful idea. So if you spend 2 months playing 6 hours a day but are up against a bunch of NEETs playing 12 hours a day they'll base the points on that?

Set it beforehand so people can set a goal to work towards. If someone plays for 100 hours and it turns out a new tier would be unlocked at 110 they'd probably grind it out.

/u/JagexHusky please reconsider this.

We are going to release how many points you need for each reward in the dev blog tomorrow! We may reduce them slightly if we need to but I don't see us increasing them at all.

If you want EVERY reward then yeah we probably expect you to play the league for a reasonable amount and achieve a higher rank. If you only want a couple of rewards then you'd have to spend substantially less time... If that helps


Originally posted by TheZazey

I look at it differently. Getting the farming level to enter the guild is a harder task than just doing X contracts. So you get a big boost just for getting there and then you can continuously earn small amounts of points from continuing to visit.

This is exactly right!

The time to do one farming contract is only the time to check health or harvest > clear it > replant it > claim reward.

In some cases this will be like 30 seconds game time only so we have to make them less points otherwise farming contracts become insane points per hour


Originally posted by Alwaysahawk

Does anyone have a discord where they are planning to do some of this as a group? I'm a bit of a noob, but still want to do this!


Here's a discord of people theory crafting and helping find information and strategies for leagues!


Originally posted by sloth-says-what

Do we know if any of the starting relics are toggle-able? And does the accumulator affect chins? And are you able to pick a second starting relic when you're picking your second relic?

You can never pick from the first relic selection again. You'll have a different set of 3 choices next time and have to pick from one of them.

Starting relics are not toggleable. Abyssal Accumulator relic does not affect chins!


Originally posted by Salvator-Mundi-

I am hyped for the league however all the "get x level" sound very boring. Having tasks that require using these skills would be much better.

I hope this league will be successful and jagex will put more development into next one.

It just makes sense to have tasks that reward people for skilling, it's a big part of the game. There are plenty of tasks related to specific activities in-game such as aerial fishing, wintertodt, tithe farm, raids, achievement diarys etc. which are using the skills like you said.

As well as other simpler diary-esque tasks


Originally posted by Zhengyi_

Asked this on twitter but looking at the twisted league tasks list "Obtain the Temple Key" is a task. How is this completable if I take the Dark Altar Devotion relic? Is the relic toggaleable? /u/JagexHusky

It's not toggleable but there are ways to get noted dragon bones to do that one with.


Originally posted by Thermald

I don't know how powerful these relic buffs are... but 34m solo CM? With zeah only gear? The biggest issue is that so many strats need to be completely redone and you cant even really practice them in outside of leagues atm

See my response to another comment in here. Hopefully it makes sense then!


Originally posted by GodHandFemto

There has to be a buff to our DPS in the relics

Complete the Chambers of Xeric in 12 minutes or less, alone.

Is straight up not possible without some kind of buff

That's kind of the point. There ARE powerful buffs that could impact CoX. I just don't know how much they will affect CoX because it's not as simple as plugging it in to damage calculators.

Some of those tasks are there to reward people who do the insane/impossible tasks. Such as the 200m skill tasks and the CoX time trials. Why shouldn't we have that task in just incase some one does it?


Originally posted by Zaino600

lmao some of them are really unbalanced for their respective tier

For some of them we also have to consider how easy it is to do the actual task regardless of how big the pre-requisite is. We have to balance the activities so that they aren't ridiculous points per hour.

For example, if Alchemical Hydra kills were only elite tasks it would be the best way to get points in the game. It makes sense for the first few kills to be medium in that sense

11 Nov


Originally posted by Zamutax

Twisted league question: Will u reveal all relics and how to achieve them before the the release on Thursday?

No. We have revealed the first 3 relics in the twisted leagues blog: https://osrs.game/twisted-league

We want this to be part of the hype/surprise when someone unlocks a new tier and we don't want people figuring out metas before the release!