Does the first relic you pick affect your future relic choices?
It won't affect the choices you get offered but it may affect what you end up picking if you see a synergy :)
Does the first relic you pick affect your future relic choices?
It won't affect the choices you get offered but it may affect what you end up picking if you see a synergy :)
Regarding the reward points in leagues:
Is it possible to get every reward minus the trophy in a single league?
Is it possible to get multiple?
Do points from the league carry over to the next so you could get the 2nd leagues rewards instantly?
Yes, it's possible to get one of every reward but we expect that to only be done by those who invest a respectable amount of time in the league. For someone who wants to pick and choose a specific item they want it will be considerably less time.
Yes, you can get multiple of each reward if you want.
Points will carry over but we are unsure of how they carry over. I'd like for you to be able to save points for a future league but I don't know if that's a 1:1 conversion because each League will have it's own set of tasks it may be hard to keep the points/hr between each league exactly the same. You'll always be able to buy rewards from a previous league though so that is always an option.
So it's ok to attack other people's monsters so they can't get drops? Knowing the issues that have happened with previous tournaments (people making accounts to pk others just to let their main have spots in wildy in King of the Skill, clans locking down areas to prevent people from necessary progress such as locking down shilo village quest I'm DMM) I wouldn't be surprised if people made accounts just to tag and grief others.
We've already seen players hopping at bosses and popular training spots just to crash ironman players, it only takes one damage to invalidate all the damage the other person made, not a huge time commitment to get a free world.
As I've said, I dont believe this is an issue because then both players miss out and there aren't huge IRL prizes on the line like DMM. Especially because a most damage system makes boosting accounts so much easier which I'd say is a bigger problem.
We'll keep an eye on the problem and try to control it as best as we can with more worlds if need be or banning those intentionally grieving or harassing where video evidence is given.
I can imagine every multicombat zone becoming a giant griefing fest
I really dont see that it will be. You forget that everyone is an Ironman so if they "crash" they're also ruining it for themselves. Also as I said, no cannons and no ancients makes it less of an issue. Perhaps for streamers but that's a special case which doesn't affect the majority and even then its caught on video.
We are aware of the potential though and we hope to control it by the number of worlds we make available. However, part of the strategy for leagues is identifying which tasks will be heavily populated and considering I'd that affects the points per hour for those activities.
Hey, I've seen this come up a few times and tried my best to answer where I can.
I don't believe this is actually going to be an issue because there are no aoe methods in Zeah outside of Grey chins which are far less sustainable than if Ancients were available which just requires runes.
For shamans in particular, there are 3 places to kill them and only one is multi-combat AND there are no cannons so it won't be an issue.
We are not making any changes to the way that players will receive drops. If someone damages it you won't get the loot. Although, we are aware of the worlds problem and will do our best to make sure that there are enough worlds that you can hop to another one if someone is crashing you.
Will the items be discontinued? especially for ironmen or will there be a way to obtain them in the main game?
For leagues? None of the tradeable rewards will be discontinued
Rather than cosmetic/useless capes for CM completions, could you offer reskins/cosmetic for useful items that players could show off while doing the content?
If we did that would you rather they were tradeable or untradeable?
The Ancestral Robes were by far the best rewards. Hopefully Jagex reworks and re-polls the robes.
I'd be curious to know what would need to be reworked? It's hard to repoll it without knowing what was wrong. My gut feeling is that its because it's a BiS recolour and that turned people away but is the problem the colour? The fact it was tradeable? Hard to know for sure
Regarding the account used for a League not mattering, would the rewards from Leagues be visible in the Collection Log?
No they won't be added to the collection log
Read moreBasilisk Knights
1) Could you release the task weightings for Basilisks for the slayer masters that are currently unknown (Nieve, Duradel, Konar)?
2) Could you release the droprate of the Basilisk Jaw?
3) Are there any plans to further change Basilisk Knights? As it stands they are a horrible task (and even worse to kill offtask) for every combat/gear bracket. Maybe it would be wise to adjust their droptable now that they take a lot longer to kill.
4) Could you filter the messages you get when you are struck by their special attack? Even with filtered chat you get 5+ messages everytime you get hit by the special attack.
5) The Fremennik Exiles seemed very quick and easy to do, even without a guide. What are the parameters you consider when ranking quests as master, grandmaster, etc.? In my opinion TFE felt more like an intermediate quest and I was wondering if the difficulty of quests is getting lower overall.
1) R...
I can answer the leagues questions at least.
Yeah the idea is that the currency (league points) from future leagues will be able to used to buy rewards from previous leagues.
We're currently undecided if the opposite is also true, i.e. can you buy future rewards? That depends on whether we keep the currency the same or separate them into "Twisted League Points" and "Some Other League Points" or if they stay as "League Points"
In Kourend it's possible to get dragon daggers, dragon longswords, dragon battleaxes, and others I may be forgetting. Will these just be alchables, or is there a chance that additional quests will be unlocked so that we can use all equipment obtainable within the region?
We will not be unlocking Monkey Madness, Heroes Quest or Lost City for leagues so you won't be able to use those weapons :)
How many servers are you planning to dedicate to this mode? I was assuming there wouldn't be that many, so "jumping to a random world", would mean like choosing one out of 5 servers available.
And regarding the D-warhammer: I have nothing against certain tasks being out of my reach, for example I know I won't be able to do CoX tasks and that's okay. But the issue with D-warhammer is the extreme RNG. You said:
"Pick which ones you want, some people will want to get a dragon warhammer and will be rewarded for it."
Will they? If the server has a limited duration time and a task like this is heavily luck based, it really doesn't seem balanced, but rather unfair. It barely measures skill or dedication to the game.
Have you considered having some kind of counter to this? Something like Vorkath, maybe, where you get the piece needed for accumulator for sure after a set amount of kills?
Cheers for the awesome mode anyways, let's hope it doe...
I think if we have only 5 league worlds that may be a problem. I'd be surprised if less than 10,000 players were playing at any point in time.
Read moreWell it certainly won't be me since the time investment is absurd.
Let's look at the Hard, Elite, and Master Tasks.
Hard: Equip a Dragon Warhammer
- RNG variable, but I think 50-100+ hours on average, especially without a blowpipe, is a safe bet.
Elite: Complete 250 Chambers of Xeric Runs
- Efficient Raids with max stats are around 20 minutes. Trident and Blowpipe won't be available here either, nor will barrows. So realistically, if being generous, a maxed player would be able to complete maybe 2 raids per hour. And that's with lucky scouts (alt scouting will be meta, btw). So that's 125 hours of raids at max efficiency, and the real number is far higher.
Master: Metamorphose Olmlet
- So not only do you have to OBTAIN Olmlet (assuming the average raid is about 100,000 points (~11% of drop) in a trio, and you have 33...
Here's a reply I made to someone complaining that maxing was a ridioulous task. The same applies to the tasks you've pointed out, hopefully this clears it up. It's worth noting we have around 500 tasks so far in design/development. Don't focus on the ones on the blog too much
No. You cannot max if you only play 1-2 hours a day... AND THAT's FINE! These are not a bucket list of tasks where you have to complete everything, instead these are a list of tasks which you can choose which ones to complete!
We want a huge range of tasks which are impossible for one person to complete all of them so that you always have another goal to work towards. Someone will surely max but that person may not have some of the other tasks complete. The goal with Master tasks is to award players for the absolutely insane long-term achievements.
Yeah I overlooked the endurance one a bit, but I still stand by my point. Copy/pasting from another comment: The accumulator one will save you millions of gp if you get to 99 range/mage. The infinite run one is very useful no doubt, but the 1/2 prayer drain is basically useless, and the 3rd relic with auto-burying bones and double ensouled heads is also next to useless since the highest tier prayer is mystic might, so getting above that isn't too helpful other than more prayer points, which again, don't really matter if you can flick properly.(obviously not counting raids prayers since they don't seem too obtainable for almost all players)
This leads us to a point where only 2 out of 3 of the starting relics will be "viable" and the worst thing that can happen will be a "meta" with the relics and everyone going the same build. Hope that makes sense, I just want this mode to succeed :)
Once we're done we're all going to need to play for it a bit to see what it feels like.
if the prayer one was 100x experience it would probably be the best one by far. Naturally that means there is a balancing point where all 3 are relative in power, we'll find that balancing point
Not sure if there are extremely powerful relics you unlock later but that 2277 task is pointless if 3x XP is the highest you can go...completely impossible to max a zeah-only ironman in 6 months of main-game time.
Completely possible. Remember that the relics exist
Hey Husky, for the relic that automatically buries bones and grants 4× XP is that 4× the Leagues 3× rate or 4× the rate of the regular game?
It would be (standard bone xp * 4 * league boost) so 12x boost with our assumption of running at 3x xp multiplier (this might change in internal balancing)
You've told us very little about the xp relics. All we know about is pray (which will just make it compete with alters, with no bone running).
I'm using 3x as my reference because that's what you listed.
My opinion is based on what we know. I think it will be difficult to max. Sorry to offend your relics.
Sorry that I was a little sassy haha but I did say above.
Not everyone will max but some people will, pick the tasks YOU want to complete and will find fun, customise your own journey and pick the relics that fit your playstyle. That's the point of this game mode.
There's no reason not to have a task to max because it's a task which rewards those who want to go and do it
My body is beyond the point of ready.
Here's a little constructive feedback, however:
-Is it wise to add different "tier" worlds for future leagues? Having an almost empty world for yourself will be a gigantic advantage for the whole duration of the next league. How is someone supposed to get into that 1% margin from servers that are filled with other people?
-Is it fair to have an ironman mode, and at the same time add a task that doesn't measure skill or dedication, but sheer luck? (Equip Dragon Warhammer). Luck is always somewhat present in RNG based stuff, but that Dragon Warhammer was listed as "hard", not even elite or master.
They aren't as prestigious as you may think. Even in the main game I quite often can't find a spot on a total level world but hop to a random other world and the spots free, people gravitate to the higher requirement worlds and the reward will feel good to those who obtain it.
Remember that there are slayer only caves for Shamans and the point is that there are a huge variety of tasks. Pick which ones you want, some people will want to get a dragon warhammer and will be rewarded for it. Some people would rather do other things.
The goal is not to complete all of the tasks but to provide an endless bucket of potential goals for people to choose from.
By the way, the starting relics are INSANELY imbalanced. The only one worth going is the accumulator one. The other ones aren't nearly as good.
Endless Endurance Your run energy drain-rate is reduced to 0 and your prayer drains at half the speed.
Unlimited run is nice, prayer draining at half the speed is basically irrelevant if you can one tick prayer flick.
Dark Altar Devotion Bones dropped by creatures are automatically buried and award 4 times the experience. Ensouled heads now drop two at a time.
This seems useful on paper, but you can't even get piety so literally going over 45 prayer is basically pointless if you can one tick prayer flick. I guess it could be useful for rigour+augury but those seem like they'll be unobtainable for 99.9% of players.
Ironically you made a comment about 30 minutes later saying oh nevermind going for endless endurance.
This discussion is what I love about the relics, the choices aren't as obvious as you may think and it depends on your playstyle. Also numbers are still very subject to balancing