Oh jeez. How did you guys find out Elite Dungeon 8 had solo and trio mode removed?
We have a leak.
Oh jeez. How did you guys find out Elite Dungeon 8 had solo and trio mode removed?
We have a leak.
I can't say I know exactly what is causing this issue or how to solve it immediately. My first thought is that it's due to one of our several material system updates causing the spotlight to not render properly. Either that, or a rare issue with whatever graphics driver you may be using.
Have you tried different combinations of graphical settings on your client?
I'll pass this on to both a QA analyst and our platform team and we'll be in touch during the week. Please PM me your dxdiag.txt, as it may provide some useful information.
Thanks to everyone who upvoted so I could see this easily.
Sad there isn't a use for T3 meat, gonna make that meat pretty useless and with the T2 meat costing a lot of money to be able to even attempt a T3 kill seems like a poor balancing idea
There will be a use for it in coming months if we stick to our current plan.
Were a wear off these one its just slipped threw sorry
Love your artwork!
But the lore says you need 100 Kudos D:
Current events and impending apocalyptic probabilities assumedly trump the kudos requirement of yesteryear.
thank you! the frog was Mod camel's suggestion
of course it was
No, jump right in :)
This is so cool, especially the frog :D
Holy crap
I was confused by which part you meant but I noticed in the comments that it is likely the Guthix/Sliske part.
It's a bit odd as I believe the Empyrean Citadel part actually *does* have chatbox output, so I'll ensure we do the same thing.
We'll look to resolve this, thank you.
ED3 also had problems with not giving accurate chat box dialogue when needed.
Do you any more information about this? As far as I am aware, the NPC chat output specifically goes to your chatbox as well as voiceover.
Thanks for the feedback :)
Oh wow, chick that out!
That is cluckin' awesome!
I'm getting cactus patch flashbacks.
We have a tostring() and a tostring_localised() which includes the comma or period based on language. Guess which one was added later? :)
There was always a double loot chance even with the chest enabled if it was full, just lower (5% I think). The upgrade preserves the 20% at bosses at all times. It's also possible to double regular drops with the chest toggled on, so either the upgrade deliberately preserves the 5% with the chest on, or it always had a chance to double and we didnt see it with chat filtered.
This is correct.
The change just made it more visible.
Good luck on your drops :)