

05 Oct


Originally posted by darkspine509

I wonder what their threshold is for rather they should focus on something or not

I know OldSchool runs a threshold of 75% to pass, but only one meets that requirement here. I wonder what they'll focus on first, because I presume they can't just focus on that one

We only showed the % of 4s and 5s. You could argue a lot of player who voted 3 would have said yes to the update


Originally posted by ImRubic

I personally really enjoyed this segment. Fun little premise, short and sweet, and then a discussion about the topic, why it's a question, and the details surrounding it.

I would love to see more of it in the future.

That’s great to hear! As long as we don’t overdo it, I think it could definitely come back again

26 Sep


Originally posted by Bentoki

I don't think that it's a question of people not wanting a new skill, but rather that historically reworks from the Runescape team have been known to take years and at the same time developing a new skill on top of that would seemingly delay any kind of rework even longer.

It is not clear that you can do both, and do both well. When the mining and smithing rework took... 3 years? Add on to that the stone spirits problem that is still not addressed. The completionists cape rework was seemingly a failure and detrimental to the capes themselves and even when invention was released you essentially had to flip the skill on its head to get people to train it a different way.

Not to mention the kneejerk reaction to the MTX complaints to just announce that you were releasing a new skill too

Reworks are more difficult, there is no doubt about that. You have to come up with something new while balancing people’s demands, all in existing code. It’s always more difficult, regardless of which game or studio you are in. Mining and Smithing was a rework of two core skills in one go. It was never going to be easy, but the team did a fantastic job. You can linger over stone spirits, but that’s a small portion of the changes and it’s being blogged soon.

I know there are caveats, but I honestly feel like there has been a strong quota of Rework content this year. Even if you are critical of our execution, I think we have shown a real desire to rework. We also haven’t talked about our new Core Game Experience Team publicly, who have only launched the new game changes so far.

25 Sep


Originally posted by Bentoki

It's nuts how they made an entire video about how they want to rework content and fix existing stuff before branching into future content, then went straight into how they are adding a new skill.

Like wtf

In the Diary, we said that remasters would be a big part of what we do, but there are still players who have an appetite for the new stuff. It’s going to be a balance and mix. We talked about doing new skills in that Diary too.

We’ve got some initial responses back from the survey, and positivity for a new skill is huge. I know there are a fair few here who don’t want one, but the vast majority of the player base is eager for a new skill


Originally posted by DestinyPotato

Shauny had to of known about the new skill, but it was clearly supposed to be announced at Runefest only and not on a random Q&A.

Shauny knows about the skill - I saw him playing it only a few days ago, as he’s giving feedback like a lot of us are (and squeeing occasionally).

By some bad luck and poor communication, he wasn’t aware of the announcement, while JD and I was. We will make sure Shauny is up to speed in the future


Originally posted by ImGonnaObamaYou

Yeah my hot take is jagex says lol jk

Nope, it’s going to have the usual embargo on lamps etc

24 Sep


Originally posted by Rune_Man

You did not give us a realistic response about the MTX concerns. Vague statements only fuel disdain and anger. Can you give us a rough timeframe estimate as to how long would it take for you to discuss and finalize your strategy for MTX? A week? A month? 3 months? an year? "More time" and "Soon™" doesn't cut it because those are over-used words with no results. Not saying anything at all is the worst thing that you could do at this point.

I wish I could give you a date for the response, but I can’t, sorry. It’s taking a bit of time.


Originally posted by umopapsidn

So updates stored on a shelf to sprinkle in last second if something fails to reach launch?

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the term ‘shelf’! It’s more that we need to get ahead of ourselves with updates, so we can cancel projects and not effect the release calendar like now


Originally posted by Feralcreator

Excited to see what it is, hoping that there's the "no lamp/bxp" amnesty period like there was for invention.

There will indeed be an embargo period, same as previous skill launches.


Originally posted by Not_a_jmod

I thought Osborne said he'd explain how come there was so little content these past 3 months? Did I miss it or did you skip that part as well?

It’s in there, reasonably briefly. I talked about the hole that Weapon Diversity and others blew in the schedule, and how I’m making changes to the Episodic Content team to make sure that we have a bit of contingency because an update hasn’t made it out.

22 Sep


Originally posted by Not_a_jmod

Could have sworn you were the person who introduced it to the community and thus were the one who communicated about it. I'm not talking about the retrospect here btw. Am I misremembering?

If you are not upper management, then what are you? You're too influential and/or competent to be middle management and have too many people below you to be lower management. Are you actually above upper management, on the Board of Directors then?

And while I have you here, many people here are under the impression that outside investors/owners have any say on the internal direction of Jagex Ltd. Could you unambiguously state that this it not at all the case and that you as a company have full autonomy on how to achieve whatever profits they require of you?

I was happy to be the one who presented it to the community. I knew enough about it and liked the project. Only a small number of mods are happy appearing on livestreams, as it can be a very daunting experience, and for some reason I am one of them!

I am technically middle-management, but my role is a little complicated. I am ‘product owner’ for the Episodic Content team, so am directly responsible for the regular game content (and therefore directly culpable for the lack of updates, which I will talk about in the next livestream), I am responsible for the designers, and - in most instances - am responsible for the game’s design. In terms of management, there are two layers above me within RuneScape, and there are other levels of management above me in Jagex. That’s probably a lot more detail than you need! It may not be hugely high up in the company, but I have enough oversight (I hope) to give you a good idea of what we are making and why.

I can unambiguously stat...

Read more

21 Sep


Originally posted by Not_a_jmod

You guys, the J-mods, are the ones behind Runescape’s true success.

Uh, the current Jmods only inherited a succesful game. I don't think any of them worked there back in 2004 when RS started becoming popular and succesful

And you know Jmods like Osbourne are upper management, right? He's the one who wanted to add RunePass, for example. Investors had nothing to do with that

Edit: Most of the currect J-mods*, large majority though

I’m definitely not upper management, and was not behind Runepass, but I was a fan of what it was trying to do (if not how it was communicated and some of the details).

11 Sep


Originally posted by AzureAlliance

While I have deep concerns about the future direction of the game, the communication by yourself and the other JMods who post regularly here is appreciated. Thank you.

Oh, that's good to hear. Thank you!


Originally posted by AssassinAragorn

Sorry to keep bugging you with replies, but it certainly doesn't feel like there's milestones or value from 99-120 except the resource dungeon and maw at 115. And the store has no new unlocks from 99 onwards (except cosmetic pets). Do you mind elaborating your perspective?

I think you disregard the shop and its items, while I do include them. While they are not hard-gated behind levels, they still form satisfying objectives for the player and things to unlock up to 120. If you compare Dung to other skills in terms of rewards to chase, it does pretty well IMO. We could have hard-gated them, but it was intended as a test and was semi-successful.

I appreciate that you don't consider floors to be unlocks, but I was when writing the reply.


Originally posted by AssassinAragorn

To jump in, I think they mean that statement is simply untrue about OSRS. As someone who plays both games, OSRS certainly grows and adds new challenges (both raids, inferno), and expands and enriches skills (Zeah runecraft, aerial fishing, hardwood tree farming, farming guild, location locked slayer tasks, motherlode mine, blast mine, volcanic mine, rooftop agility, etc). When I read it, it felt like an unnecessary dig. Maybe it came across differently on stream?

It definitely wasn't a dig. IMO, the identity of RS3 is more boundless than OSRS. Most of the decisions made in OSRS are about preserving a form of status quo and the core of the original game, while RS3 is different from that. We have always looked a little further outwards at what new experiences we can bring.


Originally posted by shakikoko

I actually dont mind if 2h effect goes out right now.

5% of crit damage turn to healing was a nice niche

Cheers for that feedback. It’s good to know which effects people actually liked, as they could be released as rewards reasonably quickly and straight forwardly


Originally posted by Taylor7500

Remastered Content

Your heart is in the right place, but you picked a terrible example. GWD1 is fine as it is. Not every dungeon needs a gateway to tier 92 stuff.

There's so much out in the world which is old and broken. It is possible to step outside the PvM comfort zone you've built and fix a different part of the game for once. There's still plenty of reason to go to GWD1, unlike plenty of other places in the game.

When we did things like M&S/Big Game Hunter/Bank Rework, people pop in to see it, play for a bit, and leave.

It should he the players' choice whether to interact with an update. Writing updates designed for us to be dragged through unwillingly is a very quick way to breed resentment and will only result in everyone rushing the 120 as fast as they can and hating every step of the way.

Stop trying to decide for us how we should play the game.

We explained in the stream that we use combat as an example because it’s the easiest way to explain remasters. We then went on to give other examples. Please don’t think that we will be solely focusing on that


Originally posted by Matt258RS


^ No more Dead Content EVER AGAIN [Mod Timbo 9-10-2019]

I wish he hadn’t said that! Still, as an internal aim, it’s something to shoot for


Originally posted by Necromaner_101

I hope the POF nerf isn't the only update that week, I can already hear the rage.

Bank Placeholders Beta will be the same week. I don’t think there is ever a ‘good’ time to release an update like this, so we shouldn’t hold it back


Originally posted by wgd12

"One of the things that we like about Runescape unlike OSRS, is that we grow. There are new challenges We grow by extending, expanding, and enriching skills."


Would be happy to clarify. Not sure what you are unsure of