Originally posted by Not_a_jmod
Could have sworn you were the person who introduced it to the community and thus were the one who communicated about it. I'm not talking about the retrospect here btw. Am I misremembering?
If you are not upper management, then what are you? You're too influential and/or competent to be middle management and have too many people below you to be lower management. Are you actually above upper management, on the Board of Directors then?
And while I have you here, many people here are under the impression that outside investors/owners have any say on the internal direction of Jagex Ltd. Could you unambiguously state that this it not at all the case and that you as a company have full autonomy on how to achieve whatever profits they require of you?
I was happy to be the one who presented it to the community. I knew enough about it and liked the project. Only a small number of mods are happy appearing on livestreams, as it can be a very daunting experience, and for some reason I am one of them!
I am technically middle-management, but my role is a little complicated. I am ‘product owner’ for the Episodic Content team, so am directly responsible for the regular game content (and therefore directly culpable for the lack of updates, which I will talk about in the next livestream), I am responsible for the designers, and - in most instances - am responsible for the game’s design. In terms of management, there are two layers above me within RuneScape, and there are other levels of management above me in Jagex. That’s probably a lot more detail than you need! It may not be hugely high up in the company, but I have enough oversight (I hope) to give you a good idea of what we are making and why.
I can unambiguously stat...
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