Hello! I'm definitely not ignoring the results, promise. If you watch the stream a little earlier, we even went into depth about how we were surprised by the positive opinions surrounding going above 99 in increments: from 99 to 105, perhaps. That was an eye-opener and we're talking about that as a possible future approach to skill caps (the results came in on the 30th Sept, so not early enough to make any changes now).
When put in the context of the other skill updates we listed in that question (new skills, skill reworks, skill updates), a 120 is noticeably less appealing and 25% against 120s is significant. We will definitely keep that in mind when weighing up one kind of skill release over another. On the flip, appeal for 120s was still skewed to the positive, and we haven't really launched the ideal version of a 120 yet to show what they could be like. We're also keeping new and returning players in mind (who don't generally do these surveys), and progressing the game...
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