

03 Nov


Originally posted by Arlitub

Glad to know they meant it when they said that 2018 had too few quests and they had learned from it, and from 2019 on wards it would be better. Thanks u/JagexOsborne.

I know I am one of the ones responsible for the lack of quest content, but I’ve written two of the last few in my own time and a couple that haven’t finished development, as well as making steps with the quest sub team. I hope this shows I am invested.

01 Nov


Originally posted by mayomayes

Fair enough farming and Herblore 120 is a big deal and a lot of content. But having another 3 weeks of nothing upsets me

We could have separated Ranch, Farming and Herblore into three different update weeks, but it makes more sense to me this way

29 Oct


Love you to 3000 little buddy

17 Oct


Putting this in as the working title now

13 Oct


Originally posted by The_Wkwied

I agree. But one of the biggest thing that polls do for OS is ensuring that the community is OK with major changes going forward.

I completely agree, and it is great for OSRS. I’d rather appreciate what we have rather than lament what we don’t, as we survey almost all of our updates and Beta a fair amount, among other things. It’s easy to look at OSRS as it has a very absolute polling system, and they are very much neighbours to RS, but I think it would be a mistake to go in a direction of referendums on all updates


Originally posted by The_Wkwied

Don't try to paint a horse pink. OSRS polls work. Copy it. Yeah it will be copying it, but trying to reinvent the wheel every year does you more harm than good.

Polls like in OSRS aren’t perfect and don’t work for every game, otherwise OSRS wouldn’t be the only game in the world that uses them. There are dozens of reasons it would be a problem for RS, and there are dozens of reasons it suits OSRS (including OSRS being a game that has been built on making sure it preserves what it has, rather than going too far in new directions)


We’ve come to the opinion that Betas, published designs, annual surveys, Player focus tests etc suit RS3 more. An osrs-style poll system has real drawbacks for a game that has more of a ‘new stories, new challenges’ approach and an expectation of regular content launches (even though they haven’t happened frequently in the past few months).

You are absolutely right that we shouldn’t give the polls so much prominence if that’s the case, though, so we will look into what to do there.

09 Oct


Originally posted by JagexJD

I believe it kicks off tomorrow (10th). /u/JagexOsborne may well know more though!

Sprint-end is today, so we will be downing tools today and kicking it off properly tomorrow!

08 Oct


Originally posted by RafaSheep

I think that’s because of age and becoming a dad.

It’s getting to be quite the tire! Will have to hit the celery soon


Originally posted by SudoRmRfRs

Hey Osborne, now I'm interested, what are your favourite other games beside Runescape?

And how well do you fare within the Jagex corporate highscores?

Fallout New Vegas, Civ II, Day of the Tentacle, Toejam and Earl and Lost Odyssey are my all time favourite games. Slay the Spire has been my favourite game so far this year.

I think I am 60th or so on the staff high scores. Will have to check!


Originally posted by t_Ylilauta

Lucasarts, BioWare, Blizzard, Epic

This doesn't exactly inspire confidence

Let’s agree to disagree!


Originally posted by 5-x

It’s last year’s Runefest bingo! I would have loved to wear this year’s version, but it came out a few days too late


07 Oct


Originally posted by umopapsidn

Lucasarts, BioWare, Blizzard, Epic

Hopefully more Mass Effect 2, SWTOR, Overwatch, and less Mass effect 3, SW BF2, Diablo 3 real money auction house, and Epic.

I think Mass Effect 3 gets unfair press, myself


Originally posted by teenageninjapirate

Hey /u/JagexOsborne just out of interest, when collating all the survey data do you know if the data guys do any weighting to account for the type of player? Eg. say 10% of playerbase are max but 50% of survey responders were max? Just curious as I work with survey data a lot and I feel like weighting could be pretty important for data like this. I'm sure you could do some pretty complex stuff too like ensuring players who predominantly boss/skill/clue hunt/etc. are appropriately represented.

We did a lot of anchoring questions at the start thy will allow us to split the data, including by level, favourite content, etc. We kept it simple for this talk


Originally posted by iHarryi

If he has never played runescape how does he know what to add into the game

That’s what we are for! An EP rarely contributes to the game at that level: he’ll be looking more at a strategic level than per update


I was shocked and awed


I can promise you that the vast majority of Mods play RuneScape, and plenty are max, including Mod Ryan, Mod Iago, Mod Shogun and more. Mod Warden is hugely, scarily experienced in the industry and that’s something that RS could definitely benefit from. He has made some of my favourite games at Lucasarts, BioWare, Blizzard, Epic and more. Plus, he’s eager to start playing RS, so let’s give him some time to get through Mourning’s End Part II


Originally posted by mitzi86

Thanks for the response. Do you think after the release of herb and farming 120 and after they have settled in for a bit, a poll regarding how people felt about this release of 120s went? I feel like this would really help you and the players know where everyone’s at with it once we have a real 120 increase

That’s a really strong idea. Will look into doing it


Originally posted by mitzi86

The survey results are hilarious. 25% of people are "not interested at all" in 120 skills. Osbornes response? "I'm sure that's because they dislike our current 120s, not that they don't want them"

Hello! I'm definitely not ignoring the results, promise. If you watch the stream a little earlier, we even went into depth about how we were surprised by the positive opinions surrounding going above 99 in increments: from 99 to 105, perhaps. That was an eye-opener and we're talking about that as a possible future approach to skill caps (the results came in on the 30th Sept, so not early enough to make any changes now).

When put in the context of the other skill updates we listed in that question (new skills, skill reworks, skill updates), a 120 is noticeably less appealing and 25% against 120s is significant. We will definitely keep that in mind when weighing up one kind of skill release over another. On the flip, appeal for 120s was still skewed to the positive, and we haven't really launched the ideal version of a 120 yet to show what they could be like. We're also keeping new and returning players in mind (who don't generally do these surveys), and progressing the game...

Read more

06 Oct


Originally posted by LostInPage51

Good find, thank you.

This year’s came out too late for me to get a T-shirt printed! Was gutted