

17 Apr

16 Apr

08 Apr


Don’t give them any ideas! Jagex will only go and do it!

28 Mar


Credit to the video team who achieved this from home, too. Game capture away from the office isn’t easy!

Glad you liked it! This is way up there with the NXT trailer for really making me want to login and play.

25 Mar


I love it! Gives me some Macho King Randy Savage vibes

11 Mar


Originally posted by yaksnax

Can Played Owned Nerds be named Player Owned....Researchers? Archaeologists? It doesn't jive with the other new npc names at all

Don't worry, that's not the official name. They are researchers. It was just me trying to be funny!

07 Mar


Originally posted by Belgiancat

Are we? Didn't they not too long ago mention having extra storages is too heavy on the backend? It was one of the reasons they weren't going to add a seed storage. I might be misremembering stuff though.

You sure are


Originally posted by Joerseven

I'm normally the last person to get mad. I hate this whole 'hating RuneScape and jagex and every new update' thing that the community always does. But on what planet does mod osborne think it's acceptable to drink TEA through a STRAW. He needs to explain himself.

It’s the original bubble tea!


Originally posted by wolfgang169


28 Feb


Originally posted by heidly_ees

Still gutted we’re not going back to Crandor with Archaeology.

What a quality idea! Love this

24 Feb


Originally posted by ImRubic

I mean, I disagree.

  • Trolls have their own naming scheme.
  • TzHaar have their own naming scheme.
  • Petes have their own naming scheme.
  • Numerous NPCs like Guards, Man, Women, etc are generic.
  • Knights have their own naming scheme.

I don't get why Ali was specifically targeted and why it was done in a forced manner.

None of the above are real-world corollaries. Pollnivneach absolutely is, and that’s where the issue lies for me. Mod Rowley has done a fantastic job of pulling the deep desert into more uniquely fantastical and mythological areas, but the early design of the desert is very real world


Originally posted by Elkenrod

It doesn't work at all, that should have been addressed before this change was pushed out. The entire point of the quest is that you were given no direction on who you had to talk to. Now that the confusion aspect isn't there, the entire joke is lost.

I’m at a disadvantage as I haven’t played the changes, but I know there were conversations about making the changes fit. I’m eager to play myself, as I’m not sure many people have managed to play the revised Feud here either. If the plot doesn’t work, it needs to change, and if the plot wasn’t considered then that is poor forethought


Originally posted by SwreeTak

Just want to chirp in and say that I believe this change was for the better. As you say, the Ali joke was lazy (or as I would rather put it: very cheap). It groups everyone together and isn't especially fun either in my opinion.

If it only took a small amount of resources to change then I can't see the problem with this.

I would however suggest updating the Feud quest to reflect and go with this change, if so hasn't been done already. The lore is, as we both definitely agree on, a very important part of RuneScape.

Agree with you completely.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I’m sure there is a way of making the quest correct without wholesale remaking it from the ground up! I do absolutely agree that the plot should make sense


Originally posted by Sailor_Lunatone

Do you plan to reconcile the change with the plot of the quest?

If the plot doesn’t work, then that’s a separate issue and should be addressed


Personally, I feel strongly that this was a needed change, and one we should have made some time ago. I’m thankful to the team who devved this.

I’m by no means perfectly placed to comment on this, but I still hold a belief that we, and so many other games, can do a much better job of representing different cultures in our games. We want to be better and are making steps to be better. Too often, cultures are demonised, stereotyped or made faceless, and it’s the latter category which Pollnivneach skirts too close to. The Ali joke denies the town members the rights to individual character, effectively making them walking jokes. There is little inclusivity in a joke that lumps together a culture and slaps on a single label, particularly when there is weak representation outside of that label. To me, it feels like a joke that a team of people would make about others who aren’t them, and they have little information about, and that is what it was.

On a creative level, I a...

Read more

18 Feb


Originally posted by RSDrebin

Hey JD,

Cheers for the response, and good to hear it’s coming very soon.

Is there going to be a read only version posted on the website alongside this?

Some general feedback to Jagex from a 15 year vet: f**k MTX for ruining an otherwise fantastic game, but big thanks to all the effort you guys put in on stuff that isn’t MTX related.

There will be a read-only version, but a little time after the livestream

11 Feb


Originally posted by TeeeZy

will this be a definitive arch release date or just more guessing games for the playerbase about when arch will be released?



Originally posted by Coltrainer1

I know you may not be able to answer this, but could you at least reassure us that Archaeology is still slated for the first quarter of 2020? If you can't say, understandable.

I can’t, sorry.


Originally posted by ImRubic

Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions on Reddit. I greatly appreciate it.

Thanks Rubic.