What are they putting into the coffee at Jagex?!
We’re doing our best to get rid of the spaghetti from our coffee
What are they putting into the coffee at Jagex?!
We’re doing our best to get rid of the spaghetti from our coffee
@Mod Osborne what shampoo do you use?
It's Christmas, so eggnog
u/JagexOsborne I believe you said you were into card games, should see this one.
This thread has already been shared around the office in our Slack channels and we love it to absolute bits. As a big Chronicle player at the time, I would love to have had this in my stocking! Well done on the finish, detail and love in putting it together
For 4 months? And like everything is fine?
I covered why it wasn’t fine on the most recent livestream. It’s worth looking there
While I agree that we shouldn't be promoting patches as game updates (I hope we're not, as we shouldn't), I disagree that we should be taking patch notes off of the front page. Patches can be game-changing for players, particularly if they produce a small benefit to something you do every day. I've lost count of the number of threads in the past that have called out a patch note as being 'the real MVP update'.
For me, I think the bigger issue behind all of this is the lack of game updates over the past few months (we're getting three biggies next week, at least), not that patch notes are over-promoted. In my view, I would love to be shouting about killer patch notes more than we do now.
I feel that most of the above are far too prone to common "silent majority" feedback going unheard. This is why polls are so valuable; it takes little effort and everyone's vote counts the same.
Not saying that dev blogs/betas/showcases aren't valuable. They're amazing when appropriate. But I think you should definitely consider running more polls. It works fantastically for Oldschool, after all.
I agree a little. Polls are still hugely problematic and we shouldn’t ignore the problems they cause too. They marginalise groups, they have to be sound bites and don’t suit complex issues, players will always choose what benefits them (and rightly so) rather than new players, etc etc. I do agree that we should use them more than we have in the past year, though.
’d like to be using betas, blogs, showcases, player tests etc more, and there’s been a strong move that way.
Yes, waste time betaing crap designs like the weapon diversity project instead of polling the idea outright so we can go another 4 months without content. Great decision. Really regaining trust.
The initial idea and designs were showcased in the game jam and it’s resulting live-streams, so we didn’t hide them. But they weren’t the best format and published blogs etc are far more successful
Read moreGonna hijack this to mention, my main concern with generic animations, is that while they make it easier to give older pets overrides, they'll just be used in the future instead of proper animations for new pets? Like a new boss pet might come out and instead of taking the time to animate it properly, it will just have generic animations instead?
I think it needs to be carefully done on a case by case basis, some pets like penny, eddy, effy, the phoenix egglings, slayer co-op store pets etc would be fine with generic animations, but then a pet like the jad pet or cresbot would look really cool slamming the ground like the actual NPC's do.
As for the whole pet poll, I was pretty strongly against it for the reasons you mentioned, redoing the same content, rng, too many pets already. My favourite pet at the moment is perdita, because it's hard to get but also is guaranteed. The moment something is RNG based, people will get it quickly which devalues it for those who ar...
My take is that we would look to do bespoke animation overrides for headline pets in the future. I wouldn’t rule out generic overrides for more niche pets in the future. Still, I think we should be wary of overdoing pets anyway
the reason i suggest polls is at least you know what players want I'm loving the betas but i feel the poll system is underutilised and it doesnt have to be about if we want a massive update but it could be to see say if you wanted to choose a design for something like you did for combat pets as one example we could give our feedback from what players like more.
Yep, that’s definitely a good example of good poll use to me.
It’s because you lied when you were 17
I would personally like to focus on more than just polls. They are valuable for certain things but not all. I’d like to be using betas, blogs, showcases, player tests etc more, and there’s been a strong move that way. I guess I’m saying that I’d encourage you not to equate polling being directly equal to having the best game at the end
Will you be looking into adding item pets (chamaeleon, tooth creature, birds) to the interface? Would be lovely since otherwise they might languish for another long while. Thanks for the responses.
That a very good point, I neglected to mention making more pets into interface pets. Will note it as well
I'm sure you know this but it's important to remember, for the sanity of you and your team, that when the community gets outraged and upset with you it's from a sense of passion towards the game that you're all creating.
Of course. And a lot of the time the criticism is valid. Some of us are better at absorbing it than others (I’m rubbish at it), but we all know it’s not (always) personal and is (most of the time) from a place of care and passion
u/jagexosborne in the livestream you asked for ways to make pets more valuable to solve the diminishing returns of adding more to an already long list. Let us use all of the overridable pets we own at the same time, so that when we summon a familiar its overriden by a random boss/skilling pet. This will give a nice reason for people to collect more pets, to naturally increase the variety and surprise factor of which override it will spawn. This function was very popular with people in last years game jam, but what we got was a random cycle for when we simply summon a pet, not a familiar, which is next to useless as no one ever does that. Might require some work but would probably be worth it to expand the potential pet reward space and stop them from getting drab... What do you think?
If it’s okay, I’ve noted this one for the dev who would work on it
Osborne, just give us pokescape please.
Haha, I’m going to assume this is /s
Will fps drops be looked at with the pet updates? As some pets caused fps drops when they were released if you used them as your familiar override. Although im very excited for pet overrides, i dont want to see bugs come out with them.
That’s interesting. It’s the first I have personally heard of it, but the team likely will have. I’ll make a note of it for now or the update.
I assume that majority of jmods don't browse the subreddit. I hope not at least lol there should just be a few dedicated to community concerns.
It’s the opposite! We probably look here a little too often, but we do our best not to take everything to heart. Threads like this make it worthwhile, though
I'm very happy with this outcome. Instead of releasing a dozen pets nobody wants they scaled their plans back to still give us something new (runescore pet hype) but also incorporate the feedback at the same time. And the feedback was clear that we want summoning overrides on some of the notable existing pets. I'm sort of surprised how quickly they managed to change direction. Thank you for listening /u/jagexosborne.
I’m glad it’s more along the lines of what you are after!
Once Farming and Herblore wrap up, we are going to jump on this and get it out there. No dates yet, but it will happen