This has been on my mind since it came up in stream and you... swept the question aside. I'm glad to finally know!
Swept it aside for a good reason ;)
This has been on my mind since it came up in stream and you... swept the question aside. I'm glad to finally know!
Swept it aside for a good reason ;)
Good spot :D
This is genuinely the reason, I picked the name before I came up with the cluster idea.
We had the new frogs as a lower level slayer task, but couldn't get the animations done in time so I removed the attack ops from the frogs themselves. Must have forgotten to remove the example NPC prompt from the slayer masters.
Upon pouring the viscous and volatile potion the fragile crystal shatters.
Echoing another comment, Ironmen seem to have specific issues relating to Elite Dungeons when it comes to Slayer. If, according to Monster Examine, Irons get the bonuses from the Slayer Helmet then I'm assuming it's also a bug that they don't get Slayer experience or tick down the task number? Because as it is they can essentially get permanent ED2 damage buffs (Edited from "tasks", hardly makes sense to call it a task if there's no experience gain) with a dragon cluster task if the above is true.
RemindMe! 35 hours
Well thats what I thought too but its kind of strange how you dont get your killcount reduced for each dragon you kill. I have a 148kc dragon task at the moment which means I could technically do 148 solos the way it is right now.
Was kind of hopeing someone has done some testing to see if we get the damage boost, especially because tuska's wrath doesnt even work on these dragons.
If you're running with a team then chances are they're doing either more damage or you're not getting last hit.
I'll take a gander on Monday in regards to the slayer helm thing.
Fix incoming Monday :(
LOVE Dagna's art. We really do have some talented artists in this community!
Are you telling me that Hans is not Husbando material?
Well, the heat globe is already placed once Azzanadra is talked to about the RotM quest. However, I tried to talk to Azzanadra about the quest and it seemed I've already done his bit w/o the heat globe. Only after talking to him about 'something else' does he give the heat globe. Which is not mentioned in the wiki or the video guides; got confused.
Well. now I can go ahead with the quest. Thanks.
Glad you got it sorted!
RoTM is a fantastic quest, would love to know what you thought of it.
Can you show me where you're attempting to squeeze through? If you've not succeeded already.
Talk to a Zygomite you've found.
I've been playing it just like a main honestly. I'm all over Laniakea like some hideously infectious rash, hopping over these temples in my pursuit of dino-murder.
Christ... what a way to describe it
Are you saying that Timbo is the only person who knows the weights or that you need some type of thumbs up from him to share them w/ player base?
I need the thumbs up.
This is one for /u/JagexTimbo i'm afraid and he's not in for a little while.
When he's back I can ask him as he was the one to help with the weightings :)
HSR only doubles rares at Solak currently. I have a job to allow HSR to work on all boss chests so i'll make a comment to this at the same time.
damn no Thanos :(
Oh snap! He is now fertiliser.
I've got a fix done for this today.
Monday they will count towards dragon tasks AND creatures of Deamonheim tasks.
Oversight on my part, apologies.