

26 Feb

    /u/JagexRyan on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Just posting to say that nothing is shelved here. The combat team want to address some of the issues at Vorkath, however it's not something we're currently able to look at due to other priorities and scheduling.

Unfortunately this is just the reality of it. In a lot of cases we try to avoid talking about things we can't action in the near future to avoid setting expectations. You can see examples where this has caused issues in the past (e.g. Tectonic set effect, Bleed rework).

When we do get the opportunity to address the issues, we will involve the community in the conversation around the design changes.

17 Feb

    /u/JagexRyan on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks! This is a known issue and we're looking to hotfix it shortly.

    /u/JagexRyan on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for letting us know. We are investigating this.

    /u/JagexRyan on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. I agree.

There are a number of Achievements interface QoL that we could benefit from.

I've noted this down as a point to raise further.

    /u/JagexRyan on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks. We've noted this as feedback and something to discuss.

11 Feb

    /u/JagexRyan on Reddit - Thread - Direct

A couple of others have already commented our thoughts.

The animation re-use here and the VFX being different for the incantations is very intentional by design.

The idea of an 'invocation' is that the entity/power in which you're invoking would change, therefore the VFX, but the actual animation of invoking something would stay the same.

The commanding is basic, because the focus is on the conjured spirit itself.

12 Nov


Originally posted by JagexRyan

Perfect thank you.

I can see what the issue is now. Thanks.

I have just sent a fix for this to QA. I'll see if we can get them both rolled out together.


Originally posted by Alsang

I have a ton of footage of AG, so here's some of the overlaps I have got. The third one is the most annoying, because I think its only showing 1 tick of the attack animation before replacing it with the summon animation.


Perfect thank you.

I can see what the issue is now. Thanks.


Originally posted by RSN___Brite_Fyre

What about when his summon minion animation overrides the animation for his next attack? Normally it’s nbd as you’ll be praying correctly anyway, but if it comes off the back of a flurry you have a 2/3 chance to just get one shot with no warning.

Do you have a video of this? I can take a look.


This may be caused by one of two issues.

  • Issue 1: Arch-Glacor is attempting to use the same animation back-to-back (e.g. right-hand ranged)
    • I've implemented a fix and it's now with QA
  • Issue 2: Desync issues (as seen with telegraphing in the 'Sanctum of Rebirth')
    • It is known and being investigated by our engine/client team.

18 Oct


Hey, this is a known issue that occurred in the most recent game update (ability override support for Necromancy was added).

I've submitted a fix for it and it's 'Awaiting QA'. Hoping to have it live with the next game update.

07 Aug


Awesome stuff. Congratulations! I look forward to hearing about your subsequent kills and drops!

05 Aug


The improvement made to the live game is suffering from some unintended issues.

See my tweet for what it's supposed to look like: https://x.com/jagexryan/status/1820468393730052343?s=46&t=TLgElra5QJouaMzFoPsgJA

31 Jul


Originally posted by NexexUmbraRs

You're going with the wrong friends then. Once you start an hour, you stay until the end.

I guess this is why I don't have any friends?


Hey all,

Firstly, we hope you've been enjoying the Sanctum of Rebirth!

The main incentive behind group scaling has always been to allow you to enjoy the content with your friends and receive loot. It is never our intention with scaling to make the content feel harder, and deter you from grouping.

With this said, we've been thinking about the Sanctum in particular and want to gather your thoughts on potential ideas of ours, as well as sharing your own with us.

The main change:

  • Consider having most* mechanics adapt for the number of players in the arena as opposed to the group size to avoid severely punishing the group when a player dies
    • Example: In a 4 player group, only one person is left alive. 2 scarabs will spawn for the player instead of 8.
    • Example: In a 4 player group, 2 Nefthys spawn for each player, and then player 1 dies. The Neftyhs remain, and must be cleared up by the other 3 players.
... Read more External link →

No, you are incorrect. It means a lot!

Congratulations! Awesome work.

29 Jul


Originally posted by MrS0L0M0N

Any word on the Scripture of Amascut Bleed being locked to Magic Damage only regardless of style used?

Mod Pigeon is addressing this. Hopefully fixed for next week.


Originally posted by 123zane321

So my Necromancy accuracy tanked by about 20% post-update, thanks Jagex

Also GE broke and F2P got megacucked on DXP, nice update

With the release of the Sanctum of Rebirth, the code work required to make the T95 -> T100 upgrade item caused an issue that meant players were being given a bonus amount of accuracy by default.

In this weeks updated we fixed that issue. This means your accuracy is no different to than what it was in the week prior to the Sanctum of Rebirth.

The only additional change that we've made is that the defence of Sanctum creatures has been decreased so that the hit chance against those is somewhat similar to what was being experienced last week. Overall though, it's a slight buff to hit chance for the creatures due to how the hit chance calculations work.


Originally posted by 5-x

Free Deaths event itself has been extended until 4th August




Originally posted by Lithuanian_

Fixed an issue that caused the rare drop spotanim in the Sanctum of Rebirth to disappear if a player used Surge at the same time as the spotanim triggers.

What does this mean?

There is a visual effect on your player character when the boss dies and the chest contains a rare drop.

Previously, if you used the Surge ability the visual effect would disappear. This has now been fixed.