

30 Jun


Originally posted by 5-x

Any comment on what's happening with Kerapac's wristwraps effect in relation to the magic t95 duals?

I was considering doing something with them pre-launch if i get time, if not asking the community what they want; they seem perfect to tie in in someway. (e.g. the overcharge counts for the reset, or change the effect maybe so it 'auto' walks combust ,something like that)


Hey, happy to chat around this.

Im still trying to understand the devs decision to pick the bleed/DOT effect.

  • It wasn't really our decision; we reached out to CM to gather / relay to us overall sentiments towards the 3 offered: essentially they just told us which the favored was
    • (obviously the initial design was our doing*) and the initial design was an exploration of can magic be something that isn't just crit / how can we offer different play patterns within styles. I can chat on the reaosns why this can be a good thing if needed.

Obviously bleeds/dots have alot of issues like youve stated, the primary being group pvm (IMO).
Stuff like sunshine etc are alot easier to fix (if we think they're 'issues') We could for arguments sake have every ability apply all buffs the same since the combat rebalance project -> but this leads into some balancing questions (IS EZK+Roar+Zerk fair?) and playsty...

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05 Jun


I like to think when you disassemble salamanders you're just like pulling off the tail, he'll grow it back right? RIGHT?That seems reasonable!?

03 Jun


Damn, these are some London pint prices.

31 May


This is professional level referencing.

30 May


Originally posted by RsBugsAndGlitches

Really like the addition of an npc that supplies necessary items in the beta, however, I've noticed that the supplier is missing the Magma Tempest ability codex in his shop. Would be good if it was in there so that players can test the feel of it not being 2h locked anymore.

Out of relevancy, any chance that the potion bug be fixed with melee? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Faa68WK8BY This bug happened years ago and was fixed by updating the code to check "current level" instead of base level by Mod Pi. https://imgur.com/a/9eZEfwa It also currently bugs out a player who uses revo if they have boosted stats as shown in a second video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXf32ZdrVno

Really love when Jagex does betas so hopefully they do these more often. Kinda surprised that this one is so short with only a week.


Yeah I fudged that, the magma tempest shop item exists (i just overwrote it) MB! not sure it'll be hotfixable, but I can distribute out tempests when im on.

The melee potion bug has a job in, hoping one of us combat devs will be able to take a look when we get a chance.


Originally posted by 5-x

If you plan to do betas more often, any chance access to beta worlds could be easier in the future? Add a beta setting to the launcher/client somewhere?

Maybe you could prevent the client from redownloading entire 6GB cache a second time just for the beta?

Its something we're trying to get movement on yeah.


Originally posted by tremors51000

Can we talk about instead of switching gcb and mt to one style make them multipurpose and usable on both dw/2h?

That's how they currently work on the beta, you can use any with any mage weapon. Let us know what you think, what you like & dislike.


Hey! Tis a pretty good point, strictly speaking the armoured phantoms / bound skeletons / fetid zombies are intended purely to be 'the npcs north of fort'
In dev they were called Zemouregals Phantom, Skeleton etc but it was weird to have them named that before you saw Zemouregal, though that name is probably more appropriate.

When we made those however we did add clusters for 'phantoms' similar to tasks that are just 'ghosts' / 'zombies' / 'skeletons' but there simply wasn't enough phantoms in game to justify enabling the task.

If/when we get some more in-game we can absolutely enable it which I would assume would encompass hermod too.

TLDR: Hermod is a phantom (i think). Armored phantoms is a bad name, but refers to Zemouregals ones. 'Phantom' slayer tasks may very well get added in the future.

24 May


Originally posted by CL_Silent

I see so make the CD refresh dependent on the DoT stack, making kerapacs wristwraps a sure way to proc it. That makes sense. In that same line of thinking, could we give "DoT insta stacking" a name then? Perhaps instead of making the player "empowered," we call this mechanic an "ability empowerment?"

For example, kerapacs wristwraps could read: "For six seconds after casting dragon's breath, the Combust ability (or DoT abilities) is/are empowered." And for the T95s: "empowered abilities refresh their CDs on use." Possibly opening up other items to the empower mechanic too. Where empowerment means: "This ability deals 25% more damage, and DoT abilities deal their damage instantly."

I love thinking through these things, what do you think?

yeah, sounds like a nice way of distinguishing it, empowered may be too generic (good or bad thing im unsure, but e.g. you could argue wrack & ruin is just 'empowered' wrack but that sort of wording seems good


It's a good point and something I've been thinking about, but something that's absolutely resolveable, we could, as an example split that effect in half to be:

x% chance to insta stack dot + whenever you insta stack a dot refresh CD (this would mean you always have the RNG chance, but you can essentially force it with kerapacs & still get the CD refresh)


Originally posted by Underworldox

This is made with 2d assets with some simple layering. It's not actually 3d like old HD version had.

I asked mod Giragast about this, it's not actually 2D, it is using the real map data/world areas to generate, he just didn't have time to add in the camera pan this gamejam

29 Apr


Originally posted by MinimumMarch1806

Is the zorgoths soul ring now able to proc on volley of souls if used with max souls?

That fix is in QA currently, hopefully with you monday

12 Apr

22 Mar


Looks like the Culinaromancer is back in training

14 Mar


Hey, I have the next section of mine designed but I've not really worked on a piece of content I felt was appropriate or had the time to insert it into since Garden

(It tends to be if you have a day or so free towards the end of a project, and everyone is happy with the extra work going in (QA/Producers etc). It's kinda like adding polish++

Maybe my current project will be fitting though.

11 Mar


Originally posted by Degrandz

/u/JagexSponge this so much.

The legendary STAFF OF ARMADYL. Used for a spec and then hidden away. Worthless.

I think 'worthless' is a bit exaggerated for one of (if not the) strongest specs in the game.

I agree it could do with a passive, but I think some core issues to mage could do with being sorted first (like staves being mediocre, crit having a mixed identity between DW and 2H etc) so it fits in properly

07 Mar


Right now, no... however IIRC back when I was QAing EOF during development it'd try to blow up your mainhand weapon and drop you out the game because it couldn't find a hand cannon

(shouldve kept it as a feature - train your firemaking!)

05 Mar


Originally posted by MemojiFun

If I remembered correctly, u/JagexSponge worked on the minibosses from Zammy release since I recall him making animate Fred and such. Would appreciate this caveat being fixed to be viable again instead of completely guttered. D: It was a seamless and fun method to do with others all aiming for important Dungeoneering unlocks like charming imp for summoning or ring of vigour or even chaotics for players trying to get a good starting wep. Forgot to mention, but please add a damage soaking hitsplat to Cerberus instead of the invisible soaking it does. It also soaks even at melee distance which is odd because the only way to not get any soaking if you damage it on the literal square tile it is on which is odd because a player would think melee distance is 0 soaking but nope, have to be attacking under/on top of Cerberus's tile.

Hey, do you have an example loadout/stats that was previously doing this method to a decent degree, I've got an old test world I can use to compare/make tweaks to cerbs damage reduction.


04 Mar


Hey, i'm not aware of us changing the passive version - but we'll take a look and resolve any issues caused - cheers!