

30 Oct


Originally posted by AjmLink

Due to hit range variance for melee, landing a critical strike feels bad. It sometimes feels like theres 2 independent crit systems because sometimes you crit a 6k and other times it hits 22k.

I noticed this testing dds. Its clunky to lowball crit and high roll non crit creating a weird dynamic where the non crit hits higher than the crit.

Additionally, ezk bleeding 3ks from a 25k initial hit doesnt feel correctly scaled.

We'll be squishing damage ranges in a later build of the beta which will resolve this weirdness. I'm working on it currently. - Sponge.


Originally posted by maboudonfu

Why OG tank armour don't have HP bonus like necro?

it's on the list, don't worry; it's just very labor intensive with less to show for the work additionally we want to make sure the beta is used to it's full potential, arguably something like the HP bonus wouldnt make the most out of the beta time period so it's 'less' important to trial on there.

20 Oct


Originally posted by Ssamy30

Quick question please,

Will the Lengs spec be turned into a passive in this beta please? Or is that still being looked at?

If the community likes the hitcap changes then effects that already raise hitcaps (Dlong, Lengs) would likely get reworked, or just removed in some cases (IE grimoire: the old effect could probably just get removed making it just a crit book)


Originally posted by RegiSilver

/u/JagexSponge, on a more serious note, how likely would it be to rename the Zombie to "Plaguespreading Zombie", or just "Plague Zombie", which I think reflects its effect a bit better than Putrid, which tells me he's rotting away and of low quality.

Given one of my favourite Yugioh cards is plaguespreader zombie i could 100% get behind this (if i can sneak it past Ryan)


Originally posted by BrilliantFinding

they're roughly every month quote me on that

Ok, thanks!

Ruh Roh


Originally posted by legolasvin

Thank you for the response! Not to ask for a specific date, but how frequent are engine updates? Can we expect something in the next month? Or the next 6 months?

I think they're roughly every month (but don't quote me on that)


Originally posted by legolasvin

Are the conjure pathing fixes in this? All 3 conjures get frequently stuck behind obstacles

Not to pull the 'classic' waiting for engine support but...
this is genuinely an engine issue where conjures in combat would occasionally fall back to 'dumb pathing' when they shouldn't. It has been fixed however and is awaiting an engine release to go live.

TLDR needs engine support. (got engine support) ((coming soon'TM'))

02 Oct


Thanks for the post!

Yeah we're well aware and there are jobs in to handle these, unfortunately its more complex than just increasing the XP values for these, but nonetheless something we want to fix (albeit it's not super high priority)

The 'fix' is to have things like QBD have a full HP bar showing her full health rather than continually resetting each time you phase them, but that requires a non-trivial amount of rewriting phases etc

Of note for your list IIRC vorago and twin furies should also be there.

Rasial is the outlier, and I think with current kill times, could have his modifier removed without any real issue.

26 Sep


Originally posted by Eusono


Now it tells me that I have the buff, but I'm not actually getting the effects of the prayer renewal.

the renewal effect should be hotfixed now - it was an ancient bug left undisturbed for millennia

25 Sep


Hey just submitted fixes for both the two issues: (the 6minute duration and the requirement to have 'overload salves' unlocked (post fix, it'll require any salve not specifically the base one))

If QA are happy with them we'll get them hotfixed as soon as we're able.


Originally posted by Jchaplin2

Seems to be affecting me, RSN is Jchaplin2, also the prayer renewal and antifire buffs only last 6 mins rather than the full hour

the 6mins issue; i'm fixing as we speak, will look to hotfix when tested


Could you dm me your in-game names, so we can pull your saves and take a look at whats up, as it appears to only be specific characters

22 Aug


Originally posted by Tyoccial

bad memories - Plz no don't kill my lands.


This is sick! great job.

21 Aug


Hey have chucked a bug in to resolve this. Thanks for the post!

18 Aug


It's been upped to 5k to match grenwall spikes - not sure it'll be live monday, might be the week after


Originally posted by Any-sao

Quick question: is there a reason why the Ice Nihil is now the Necromancy familiar? I’m glad one of the four became Necro-focused, but I’m surprised the one that was an Icyene is now a Necromancer.

I would have expected the Shadow Nihil. But I’m not complaining, at least one Nihil is now awesome again.

Partly to stop us having to reshuffle, partly because it matches the tendrils too. (we could shuffle everything around in the future, (so mage becomes ice tendrils, ranged becomes smoke but its a bit of a chunk of work, then deciding what to do with ice asylum etc, so everything lines up nicely. But right now this seemed like the best option so I can work on other necro fixes/improvements)


Originally posted by Geoffk123

Updated Ice Nihil to a Necromancy familiar

No random aggro fix that only Ice Nihil has for some reason? :(

I believe this was related to a bit of code the ice nihil specifically had that the others didn't

I've removed all the ice nihil specific stuff so it'll just work as a necro version of the other ones. If you notice this still happening after monday give me a shout/put in a bug and i'll take a look (but hoping this fixed it)

16 Aug


It does work yes (all crit buffs your used to will work for necro) . A few players have stated it doesn't because of the crit chance UI element not updating - that currently only displays your base crit chance - modifiers will be added at a later date when we can further clean up the crit system :)


Fastest is too slow. Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed...