

09 Feb


Originally posted by Colossus823

Will the same thing happen with thrower trolls on the road to GWD? My elder rune looks like paper.

they have been given lighter, less accurate rocks to throw


Originally posted by aaron_the_pun_king

Does the ring work for all types of runes, not just necrotic ones? That's an insane one to have.

All runes, yep


Originally posted by RegiSilver


Would it be prudent to ask, how many Moonstone Items we can expect once the quest drops?

I'm trying to organize my bank in advance but I'm not sure if I'll need 2 Spaces (For Bracelet + Amulet) or 4 Spaces (for the former + Ring + Necklace).

There should be info on that going out today (i think)
but dont hold me to that i've been wrong before :)


Theyre currently experiencing a xau-tak based power surge. (theyre being nerfed monday)


Originally posted by Jay_Derkin

I was fully prepared to resubscribe to RS3 after over a year of being done with it until this post. These changes looked so exciting and actually fun to play. This is no longer the case. These most recent changes look painfully un-fun and has reminded me why I quit to begin with.

It is worth reiterating that the beta is just a test environment and the nerfs in this environment have been on purpose, so you can tell us exactly what still feels good/bad.


Originally posted by W22_Joe

Hey Sponge, I understand/appreciate that you’re in a super difficult position. I really do. Been there. And it feels shitty.

But are you (or your team leader(s)?) trying to get players that haven’t submitted to necroscape to quit? PVM milestones haven’t felt meaningful since necromancy, and this (basically all the changes) adds insult to injury BIG TIME. I kept getting more and more disheartened and frankly worried the more I read.

Anyways, stay up. Don’t let all the extreme emotional backlash weigh on your personal mental health too much. But damn I really hope you find a way to nullify basically everything posted today. Lol. Good luck sir.

Appreciate it.
Absolutely not trying to get players to quit, we're just trying to ramp up the beta by testing a bunch of things at once, the idea being to see what players do/don't like so we can know where the best places are to manage power.

Players seem to have taken this build to heart which isn't ideal of course, but like the previous iterations if there's change players don't like we just won't go ahead with them.

08 Feb


Originally posted by Imaskilla097

We've shown through the previous iterations we're not going to just implement things without player feedback, its our primary concern.
I'm don't understand, because the example of the FSOA and AD changes do not reflect player feedback. It was over 60% saying no to both changes iirc and no mention prior or during the beta was it stated, "Hey we're still making these changes, we just want you all to play with it." At that point, I'd give you credit for that, but it was entirely misleading, especially with a poll to see % wise player input their thoughts on the change. So that response is not accurate.

As a result magic (which was in a good place powerwise on the beta fell behind so we wanted to give some of that back).
If that's the case, why are we adding something to new to the weapon? That change forces you to use the staff consistently if you want any remote ounce of damage increase, compared to using dual wield... or honestly where it was pre ...

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 So that response is not accurate.
I was referring to this suite of betas we've been running with regard to previous iterations not FSOA/AD, as that has/had different issues contained with how it was ran/the results.

If that's the case, why are we adding something to new to the weapon?
The staff was a logical place to add the power back, to mitigate loss from crit adren which synergised with the staff, and helped reduce the feeling of the staff only be a spec weapon/essentially being eof fodder. But we can iterate on it, as we have with other stuff in the beta.

As far as I've read and the knowledge I have of players in game I have not seen anything saying
My comment was directly referencing players which have spoken about the beta and the beta increasing the power of the bow, I feel like youre points seem to be implying the beta is going to be a straight up nerf to the live game, which is...

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Originally posted by Chrismite

Would the potential of raising the level cap from 99 to 120 be a good start. necro does have that over the other styles which can also correlate to his higher DPM. would also open the door to make harder content and gear. now that hit chance is being changed to hit potential i think older gear will start being more relevant. before it was just what has the most accuracy. but now we can have more weapon diversity.

I think there's core elements of styles (a lot of abilities feeling pointless/not having niches, not having identites properly built in) that should be addressed prior to 120ing them, especially if we want the 120 to mean more than just more damage.


Originally posted by Imaskilla097

I can't begin to fathom understanding the lack of knowledge and realization it shows these mods have with these kinds of changes... I honestly try to not mean any disrespect, but with updates like this that you plan to implement into the game it honestly doesn't make any sense. I say "plan to implement," because after the last BETA, where we were polled and asked what we thought of the FSOA and AD (with the changes all receiving a majority negative response), they still get implemented.

Why are you changing FSOA again? To attempt to make up for the nerf you gave it months ago or maybe it was the sonic wave change? If anything now you're diminishing dual wield at this point and making both sides of the style not worth using.

Now we've moved onto the BOLG and adrenaline gaining abilities?? Is the goal to just absolutely plummet all of these styles so NECRO just remains at the top? These are genuine questions I feel most people have and are already asking, especially ...

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We've shown through the previous iterations we're not going to just implement things without player feedback, its our primary concern.

Why are you changing FSOA again?
We pulled down crit adrenaline values because power being introduced with the beta players had commented on being too high, so it was a lever for us to pull and see what happens. As a result magic (which was in a good place powerwise on the beta fell behind so we wanted to give some of that back)

Now we've moved onto the BOLG and adrenaline gaining abilities?
Yes, they were levers we wanted to try and see what players do and dont like. Botlg generally speaking had gained alot of power from crit chance, damage and hitcap, so we wanted to try pulling those down, as it wasn't in need of extra power, and players had commented on it.

We need to be able to have adult conversations about these things as community, so we can kee...

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Originally posted by Chrismite

I get what the beta is for, but these changes will have to an impact on the equivalent of necromancy with being a jack of all trades combat and now that ive had months to use it. I don't see me going back to the other traditional styles unless theres a big enough change where i can feel i can put in the same effort and get the same result like necro.

Why would i do 4taa mage when i just can do necro semi revo.

It's worth stating that the beta's purpose is porting parts of whats good from necro over (hitcap/crit etc) It's not intended to solely pull you over to the other styles, doing so would require more changes/complexity than this beta would allow.

We want players to come away from this with the new systems in, and combat feeling nicer, but it doesn't have to do everything at once.


Hey all! Appreciate some of the changes here can feel like 'nerf,nerf,nerf'
That is the case for somethings, absolutely compared to the previous beta iteration, but it is worth iterating that the beta is just a test environment and this has been on purpose, so you can tell us exactly what still feels good/bad.

(e.g. "my kill times at kerapac have gone up, compared to live, but i'm having less fun due to lack of adrenaline" - great we could bump back up crit adrenaline, and bring down some damage values etc.)

It's important that you try them out and compare to the live game so the feedback is useable as some comments of "X number has gone down, don't do it" might not be taking into account the whole picture of damage gained in the beta through increased crit chance/damage/hitcap etc.

If the general consensus is leaning in one direction after you've tried them out we could hotfix in different beta values to try out different combinations (e.g. ...

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05 Feb


The varrock guard has been dispatched for undisclosed taxes on gifted items.

No one hides from the varrock treasury.


Originally posted by HighElbowGuillotine

What parts of Necro do you feel are overturned and what changes would you propose? It feels very powerful currently; really interested to hear what aspects of the kit you feel have a bit too much oomph

Hey so worth stating purely my opinion (not necessarily the opinions of the rest of the team), but I feel that necro is overtuned mostly in numbers and would only need some slight tweaks to be better in line.

IMO burst is slightly too high for a style that has a large continual damage source and if you want that big burst you should be sacrificing the continual damage in some form.

To be specific I think death skulls and living death would be where i'd look to bring damage down. (potentially reducing Dskull damage slightly, LD's finger multiplier and maybe dskulls cooldown up slightly to stop you triple skulling)
Worth noting I only think these need very slight changes to bring the style fully in line.

There's other minor number tweaks i think would be positive for opening reward space for the style, e.g. conjure damage down slightly so you're reliant on choosing conjure positive gear if you want to play around them etc.


Thanks Rubic - worth me clarifying, I thought the mob stat rerebalance (turoths and co) was going out today (5th feb) but I was mistaken and it's set for the next update.

As always somethings don't quite come across as I necessarily intend when read, so happy to answer anyones questions if they want stuff clarifying from the stream.


Originally posted by AnastasiousRS

Did I read delete resonance lol

Worth clarifying because I can see it getting people confused. It's a little out of context reading it instead of watching and wasn't fully a serious suggestion nor was it fully jesting.

I genuinely think there are problems with resonance that affect combat and the wider game, but that doesn't mean it's going anywhere. I think the only time it'd be changed realistically is if we got to do a full defence book / shield rework of some form.

02 Feb


Originally posted by SuperSpeedyCrazyCow

I have one other question if you are not too busy, sorry.

Do you know if the firemaking cape works for the shilo village quest as a light source? Like the one you have to sacrifice to light up the cave

looks like it should work, yeah.

29 Jan


Hey, from what i can see the following mobs have access to it:

Burthorpe intro trolls (if the farming path is done)
'Farmers' (not on F2P worlds)
Cave crawlers
General malpractitioner
Rum Pumped Crabs
Tenacious toucan
Giant ant worker
Reborn warriors (all varieties from the Phoenix cave)
Exiled kalphite soldier/paragon

25 Jan


Originally posted by The_Jimes

Equilibrium Aura has been redesigned

  • Aura Effect: Now increases the player's ability damage stat by 12%, but prevents the player from critically striking.

Is caps farming dead?

I could be wrong (i often am) but i think you might have a better time farming them, like another user stated. Because of the damage range squish your min hit is going to be up so you can probably one shot them with a higher variety of builds


Originally posted by googIeit_osrs

Okay guys, I am a noob with about 60s range/melee, 70 mage. I don't really have a reference point for low level combat pre-necro but coming back and doing some slayer recently before i trained necro, getting absolutely destroyed by low level mobs from a Mazchna task lmao.

How can i best do some testing / provide feedback for the beta? Any recommendations besides trying to run some slayer without necro? Or maybe a low level mob that you guys think is balanced around my levels to compare the others too? thanks :)

Anything you 'can' do would be helpful really.

Of note in a seperate update (coming soon-ish) i've toned down most of the low level slayer mobs that were giving players troubles so you shouldn't get slain yourself so much.


Originally posted by Alexexy

I feel the core issue of the old combat styles is still the uselessness of the abilities and the ridiculous bloat that comes from basic ability rotations.

Abilities should have a function aside from just doing damage and I would say only a fifth of the current basic abilities fit that criteria.

FWIW I agree, it's a multi stage process though and we wanna check players are happy each step of the way rather than doing everything at once.