

04 Apr


My thoughts are that... the amulet of eternal glory doesn't give you a new teleport, so I don't think an eternal slayer ring should either. The benefit comes from not running out of charges.

02 Apr


Originally posted by maxsm

So I find this a bit strange that 'suddenly' this tournament insta-killed players teleported to 1v1s, what changed to make this happen as it didn't happen previously?!

Secondly, why did the game think in the semi-final that the area was smaller and the opponent won when it didn't happen in the rest of the 1v1 areas TO OUR KNOWLEDGE (who knows anymore - as we don't see all fights) or in previous tournaments? You would think these areas are duplicated and thus would be the same as the other areas?

Has there been a fundamental redesign of the 1v1 areas since last tournaments or has someone intentionally been rigging with it?

The arenas are redesigned with each tournament to fit the current seasonal theming - whilst fundamentally they're 1v1 arenas, they're brand new.

01 Apr

30 Mar



'Google Login on Android Devices'

Players on Android devices can now log into Old School with their Google account via a new button on the login screen. A new account will automatically be created if you haven't previously linked your account to play RuneScape (the other one


Originally posted by creepyzaptor

it could be added in the future, when there is an expansion for slepe. since there is a lot of lore there.

Also true. I'm not too familiar with what Ed or West have planned with Slepe or the Drakan continuation. If it fits that rather than treasure trails, sure!


The venue is being renovated, it's not that it's invite-only, there simply isn't the audience space. We love having an audience, but it's just not feasible this time.


Top 5 SCPs.

I like it. Won't make it in time for the TT expansion, but we'll save it as inspiration for future rewards.



Yep, the decision was made to allow it again, it's here in the changelog:


29 Mar


It's a legitimate email address but email addresses can be spoofed. You can see more here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115001257125

The other suggestions in this thread would be sensible too.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Technician47

What about a cosmetic reward, something like the capes for raids 1 & 2 or a toy with an emote action, for number of polls/questions you've participated in?

Let's be honest, the way to motivate the OSRS players is through a reward.

The downside is that you get people who just spam the answers and you get mass "yes" votes. Might be too risky to attempt.

We've considered an in-game incentive (like a cosmetic), but the spamming of answers is a very real concern. It's a good idea, but tricky to implement


Originally posted by sdf222234

Hey Jmods, just a quick heads up, the twitch event link at the bottom has a typo, it links to tiwtch rather than twitch
