

22 Jun


Genuine question, what more could we do to help with this? On mobile's beta release it was very easy to lose stuff in this manner, so we made the icon more prominent and changed the inventory to glow red. That, coupled with drop warnings, seemed like it should be enough.

Real sorry for your loss of progress - have you any other ideas we could implement, stopping shy of us asking for any confirmation with any drop?

20 Jun


You wouldn't have lost the name and progress, I'd say it's very, very likely that you're logging into the wrong account.

You can get help here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/206811825-Forgotten-login


If your account was banned whilst hijacked then we'll unban it, nice and quickly. You can appeal the ban here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Account-Bans

Membership subscriptions are automatically canceled on banned accounts, so I think it's likely that you've got an active subscription left on another account.

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The Summer Finals run from 22nd June until 29th June. After that there'll be no Deadman event in the immediate future. We want to take time to assess its state and improve upon the content.

14 Jun


Originally posted by Rasonic

If I have a recurring 6 month membership that I got before the price increase of membership, can I buy this and keep my other recurring subscription? Or will it update my subscription to a 3 month cycle with the newer membership prices?

Yep, you'd keep the recurring sub. You will keep your current price as long as your membership doesn't lapse for a certain period (I think it's 14 days).

13 Jun


Originally posted by Wildmuffin

If I’m on the 3 month auto renew does the summer special automatically apply to my account?

Nope, it's separate entirely. Like in my earlier comment you could buy the Summer Special and request a refund for the 'normal' 3 months of membership you have (assuming you haven't used most of it).


You don't have to wait - membership always stacks. You could buy the Summer Special and then you'll have four months of membership, meaning that it won't automatically renew for another four months.

If cash is tight then here's what I'd do. I'd buy the Summer Special, and then ask for a refund for the month that just automatically renewed.

12 Jun


This support page will allow you to submit a forgotten login ticket: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001552065-Can-t-log-in-

Hit 'no' both times when asked.

11 Jun


Originally posted by BeginningEye6

Thanks for the fast reply the email is from https://i.imgur.com/kDwna7R.png. I thought that was an official runescape email? I didn't click any links on the email yet.

That's an official RuneScape email, but email spoofing is a thing, unfortunately.


Chances are that the email you received is a phishing email.

In terms of finding out what accounts you have linked to an email, you can receive an email which will list the logins for accounts linked to an email through this channel.


You can submit a ticket here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000937037-Transfer-Bonds

It asks where your bonds are, hit RuneScape (RS3) if that's where you think you bought them. Then follow the instructions (open them in your bonds pouch in RS3, and then submit a ticket by hitting 'Transfer My Bonds').

29 May


Some bans are appealable (you can see the list on the support article) via https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Account-Bans.


There's a refunds page here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/205981571-Refunds.

Five days sounds unusual, typically it's three days (72 hours) before the membership is due to expire.

Submit a ticket via the link I gave you, it's easily resolved.

24 May


There's no harm in asking the Support team, I'm unsure whether they'd accommodate it since you technically used the bond (but not the membership).

Try this route: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000982997. It's for refunds, which is pretty accurate since you want the bond refunded.

Be as clear and concise as possible (you want the membership removed and the bond replaced).

23 May


Originally posted by Beratho

Is there a general idea for how long exactly it will take to make the dungeon? I was really looking forward to some of the content in there.

No public ETA just yet. It'll be blogged and polled before release, though!

16 May


Availability is also a factor to consider - we even toyed with producing a Mat K montage video. There's no sweeping under the rug. The first thing a player sees when they log in on a Thursday is a link to the newspost, we chose to include Mat's message in the game update newspost to ensure it'll get more eyes. A game update newspost (linked to in-game) typically sees 4/5x the amount of views as another newspost.

07 May


Join us on the sofas where the Old School RuneScape team answer your questions each week. Our Q&As are a perfect introduction to our JMod team for new OSRS players and old RuneScape experts alike.

Ask your questions and pitch your proposals, watch us tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5pm GMT!


Questions that provoke discussion are valued over yes/no questions.

Cheers all!


External link →

26 Apr


Originally posted by pdgb

Is the ping issue for aussie worlds fixed?

Ping is currently looking good. We're working hard to ensure better consistency.


Originally posted by Samshelleys

No sweat, didn’t think you were :)

Here is the bit where they touched on finding new ways to gather feedback:

“We will continually survey all players, rather than just those on Reddit or Twitter, to understand what you think is important from a Customer Support perspective. We’ll use this to inform our priorities and measure our progress.”

AKA: “We don’t just want the opinions of nerds”

That’s how I saw it anyway. It’s funny and correct - good on them!

Although that is way more “customer support” specific then I remember it being...

That section was directly related to Customer Support activities, but surveying players (rather than relying on social media) is something we're actively doing as a development team, you're quite right!