

19 Mar


Originally posted by Thinkmovement

To summarize a few of the comments in this thread and add my own thoughts:

  • I understand and appreciate the efforts put in by you and other Jagex Mods to tackle the issue. I saw you mentioned banning thousands of accounts in just the past month. That being said, it's clear these attempts have, unfortunately, clearly been largely ineffective in reducing the number of bots.
  • The community is interested in helping. What can be implemented to empower users to help? Can accounts created in the past 2 weeks that are reported for player-run games of chance 3x/5x be automatically muted for 24hrs? Simple actions like this could reduce the weight from Jmods and would likely not be easily abused by bad-actors.
  • Can players under a certain total level/QP be restricted from entering the same text more than X times in an hour? (reducing the ease of suicide bots) There are certain behaviors and restrictions that are distinctly non-human and can be put into place that...
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There is infinitely more done to combat botting in-game than players believe, but an anti-cheating team (in any company) will not provide clarity on the matter as it opens up the door to navigating around being banned.

One example of this is that for the most part, the game of chance hosts are indeed automatically muted. The ones that aren't are banned fairly quickly as they are generally player-run and not actually bots. I believe this was also brought to light a video by Sir Pugger.

Whilst I won't provide more of an insight than that, I can give you some numbers that should at least somewhat reinforce that we are indeed effective in reducing the numbers of bots.

Strictly limiting the numbers to the two newest members of the anti-cheating team.

I have 4'034'126 bans attributed to me, 2'320'396'787'257 gold removed and in my case 115,534 bans labelled as games of chance (as it's one of my primary focuses)

Mod Trident has 5'381'706 bans attri...

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Two you linked were already banned, but I've banned some more of them.

10 Mar


Originally posted by Throwaway47321

No, don’t you understand the random guy on Reddit definitely knows more about the inner workings of a company than the guy who is literally employed to deal with it

God damn. I should have known I'd have my credentials questioned one day. I was not adequately prepared.


Originally posted by Key_Pizza9281

I'm sorry, but this is a super disingenuous bordering on intentionally misleading reply. I believe you ban a handful, but the vast vast majority are just ignored despite being regularly reported.

Since November 2022, a group of us spend 10-15 minutes a day reporting Frost gambling bots and bots spamming cape services and GP selling. We report them in game when we encounter them, we send off chunks of 5-10 RSNs at a time to the tipoffs email, and we track them on our side in a spreadsheet to see what happens.

Of 240+ bots currently reported over the last 4 months (most of them multiple times by different people), only 14 of the accounts have been banned. It was so egregious we assumed that our method of ban detection was flawed or outdated, so we sent a batch of 50 over to the bot detection plugin team and they confirmed that none of the accounts sent over had been banned as well.

Please stop giving us this form letter reply. Ignoring the problem is what it ...

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I have 7,623 banned gambling hosts attributed to me in the last 30 days.

Please do not put faith into the bot detection plugin.


Originally posted by According_Plum66

Hey Twisted,

I reported these 2 accounts around a month and a half ago at ferox

checka ofc

gchecka haha

They were ran by the same owner. Could you check them out. I haven't seen them since but they're still on highscores.

checka ofc

They've had bans recently applied, that'd be why


Originally posted by gilalu



Iree Gril


imran khan7


Jin the Kin

raw1982 (spindel bot may aswell throw in)



Iree Gril


imran khan7


Jin the Kin


Banned, cheers.


Originally posted by gilalu

another batch just now from the Aus world lms

abid 08


ka oye3


please jajaj


shaze nu01

bhi ky yrr

ka oye1


alii king


abid 08


ka oye3


please jajaj


shaze nu01

bhi ky yrr

ka oye1


alii king


Yep yep. All banned.


They're banned daily. People use them so they come back. As someone in the comments mentioned, as long as they continue to make a profit they will always attempt to evade bans and carry on what they're doing.

09 Mar


Originally posted by According_Plum66

Hey Twisted,

Take a look at these.

cs xd, cs lolz, gchecka haha, g checkaa, checka ofc, g checkaaa, lennyyyy, click u, lame 301, sikest, set pace309, wuu2 lmfao, opp bully, checka. For goldfarming/scripting

Most of these were already banned. I banned the others that I could see were breaking rules.


The launcher has nothing to do with the anti-cheating team my guy.


Originally posted by S7EFEN

might not be bots then? could be gold farmers?

basically every game about 25-50% of the lobby just stands there and dies. its like this pretty much 24/7, did my swift blade grind recently and never not had free kills all the time.

which imo is fine compared to the old gigachad cheater bots that just shit on you- it makes LMS a lot more accessible for rewards because any idiot can get kills.

perhaps they just totally segregate the bots and the players? like you run 10 feeder bots and have a few real gold farmers playing and they just sync up with feeder bots? so you ban the bots but you don't ban the real players running them and benefitting? or they arent bots at all, just gold farmers on 10 accounts afking dying to each other?

either way there's either a major boosting problem or a major botting problem thats really evident to anyone who plays lms.

Shouldn't be. I just banned a tonne of gold farmers there.


I took a look at Last Man Standing a second ago, seems fine. Feel free to provide an in-game name for me to look at though if I missed something.

08 Mar


Originally posted by AnonBeta

Hi /u/JagexTwisted, it has been two weeks where I’ve tried to come in contact with a J Mod for my permanent false ban on my account of 15 years. As a first time offense, it was permanent, so I was hoping you can please look into my account SummonMyYak, greatly appreciate it!



Originally posted by AzizWaing

Hey /u/JagexTwisted, can you please check my friend’s account. I believe she was wrongfully banned.

Her RSN: Turn Awry

Turn Awry

The ban is correct although the account was hijacked at the time, so I have gone ahead and quashed it.


I can take a look if you provide the in-game name


Originally posted by Ok-Assistance-2723

Check out "Cookdut" I've reported him but he's been there minnow fishing for ever now. Dudes probably pumped like 1m sharks into the game at this point. Rank 411 fishing and hasn't trained any other skills to speak of.


Banned, including the other accounts he's gold farming on. Cheers.


Originally posted by OhWowItsJello

Hello! Sorry for the delay - I'm guessing we're on opposite ends of the world. The impacted character name is HCCandleJacc .

Thank you for offering to take a look!




Originally posted by [deleted]



For automating prayers. Ban correct.