

25 Feb


Originally posted by selfsteam

Now my account got disabled for macroing, and it's unappealable. I had no offences until a hour ago. I would really appreciate some input here, as I have spent a ridiculous amount of time on this account and I suddenly got locked out of it after getting everything stolen.

17 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Why is ahk bannable if it's 1:1 just like hotkeys. Yet youre allowed to use F keys lol

Because it's an automation program


Originally posted by Leebleh

Thanks Tyran, can I ask if OSbuddy and Runelite or whatever the other one is called is bannable by the way?

OSBuddy and Runelite are fine.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm not sure your suggestion would take out the 40,000+ other accounts currently being banned on a daily basis that you're not seeing.

15 Feb


Originally posted by Stellar__Fox

I updated it this morning still doesnt work

It could be something to do with parental controls being active on your mobile network - get in touch via this page for help (contact at the bottom): https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207344375-Common-Connection-Solutions-

18 Dec

10 Dec


I've flagged this up, your recent appeal will be looked into shortly - apologies for this.

09 Dec



Originally posted by Hopio

The fact that the official support twitter isn’t capable of using the “@“ feature properly ? Rather than tweeting AT (@) that person they’re just tweeting it out everyone with her handle name in there.

This is what Zendesk does when replying to a user who has deleted their Twitter account. I've flagged it to them.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Lag wouldn't lead to a false macroing ban, neither would the use of Runelite.

03 Dec


Have you appealed it via the Account Bans section on the website? https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Account-Bans

28 Nov


Originally posted by hutchpuppy1

My password was never changed and I did send in an appeal and have herd nothing back

Your appeal has been received, and judging by its position in the queue, it should be seen to rather soon. You'll get an outcome sent to the email you provided when submitting the appeal.

26 Nov


Originally posted by GreenyRed

You can't report them either. Great for botting.

They can be reported, that system will look at the username assigned to the account, not the temporary name.

21 Nov


Originally posted by Wolk_

Any update?

I just saw someone I know of who bought silver warden running around and it reminded me of this post :p

Apologies. We've had to push this back a week due to other priorities within the business (the data isn't ready at the moment), I'll look to pick it up then. I've not forgotten!

19 Nov


The account was banned for selling gold, and a member of staff erroneously unbanned it when we first rolled out our macro ban appeal flow. Following this, it was then found to be sold so the account came to view again and was re-banned for that.

15 Nov


Originally posted by Speck_A

/u/JagexTyran any update? 2000% Telos is as much of an issue as 4k is.

Ah, this fell off my radar. I've scheduled some time to look into this on Tuesday next week.


Apologies, these should be much clearer now.

07 Nov


Originally posted by TwilightBl1tz

How is this even possible if you don't mind me asking? There is not someone in Jagex that can actually remove those false bans? I know, they don't hold any weight. But it just doesn't look right if you look up your personal account and you see ban, even though you never did anything to deserve that ban.

If we could fully remove them, we would. The problem is we rely on a legacy back-end system (talked about in the Player Support Blogs) to interface with accounts, and the functionality to delete an offence doesn't exist.


Originally posted by RosseZot

Are you sure about that? I've read that some people got theirs manually removed.

I'm also sure that you guys can make an exception since this is 100% your own fault?

Are you sure about that?


I'm also sure that you guys can make an exception since this is 100% your own fault?

I repeat - Offences cannot be fully deleted, unfortunately.