Hi! This item is practically identical to the one that upgraded a legendary from 910 to 940. It is definitely consumed on use.
Hi! This item is practically identical to the one that upgraded a legendary from 910 to 940. It is definitely consumed on use.
their CM's read the subreddit...
This is true.
May I suggest our New and Returning Players forum?
Tons of good information there.
Did Blizzard approve that post? Kappa
Blizzard isn't not the boss of me!
It was kind of sad to see a guy who used to be so free and able to communicate so well turned into a Blizzard drone who just repeated the same shit over and over. Same thing happened to Randy Jordan.
Oh hai!
I really want a blue reaction to this. There's no way this isn't being shared around the Blizzard offices today.
Yes. The very first thing I did with it was e-mail it to over 200 people here.
The Bejeweled addon still works. I just tried it.
WARNING: Bots may explode.
Loot distribution used to be more dodgy.
But that may actually be a reason it was good. Weird things went down regarding drops, and everyone seems to remember them fondly.
40 people is 15 more than 25. So that's 15 more people that have to be yelled at to loot the dog.
I'm all out of jackal codes. Instead I went with, as Edward would indeed say, "the gift that keeps on givin' the whole year!"
A subscription to the Jackal of the Month Club?